Riffling Hitch | Fishmadman.com https://www.fishmadman.com Dry fly fishing for salmon and steelhead with Bomber dry flies - Riffling Hitch and wake fly techniques Tue, 28 Nov 2023 19:02:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 34674374 Nyhedsbrev November 2022 https://www.fishmadman.com/newsletter/newsletter-november-2022/nyhedsbrev-november-2022 Sat, 05 Nov 2022 13:54:17 +0000 http://www.fishmadman.com/?page_id=23308

Read the letter in Scandinavian (This time Danish)

Fishmadman nyhedsbrev
Fishmadman Jesper

Kære overfladefiskere …Lakse- og ørredsæsonen er ved at være slut, og atter vil livets cyklus begynde i de elve og åer, vi elsker at besøge.

Jeg får altid den klump i halsen den allersidste dag, hvor jeg skal rejse hjem, så plejer jeg at minde mig selv om Pippi Langstrømpes ord:

Du skal tage afsted for at kunne vende tilbage

Med disse berømte ord byder vi dig velkommen til et nyhedsbrev om, hvad du kan se frem til i 2023

Fiske hilsen fra os på Fishmadman Las, Per & Jesper

Nyhedsbrev denne gang

  • En micro flue bag en riffling hitch flue
  • Fluorocarbon versus nylon tippet
  • Fantastiske hanenakker..værd at nævne  – Og en tidlig jule gave
  • Nogle fotos fra sæson 2022

Micro stinger og hitch

i Skotland

The North Esk kinnaber beat
Ron Gray Micro salmon flies

Skotsk know-how

Når jeg tager til Skotland og fisker Kinnaber-beat ved elven North Esk i Aberdeenshire, er jeg heldig at kunne tilbringe tid med min fiskeven Ron Gray, som er ghillie på Kinnaber-beatet. Ron er riffling hitch specialist, og som ghillie er han ved elven 24/7 hele fiske sæsonen.

Lokal indsigt

Når du er ved elven hver dag i løbet af sæsonen, oplever du de forskellige små forandringer ved de stedlige laks og ørred bedre, end de fleste lystfiskere nogensinde ville kunne gøre, og råd fra den slags lokale lystfisker eller ghillier kan være uvurderlig information for den besøgende dagskort fisker.

Micro fluer …En essentiel nødvendighed.

Hvis elven er lav og varm, eller de fisk, du er kommet for at fiske, er blevet vanskelige, så vil du nok opleve, at de fluer, der skal til for at narre sådanne fisk til at bide, vil være nogle af de mindste fluer, du kan finde i din boks.

Langsomt vand kan diktere en sparsomt dresset flue, der kan lave den helt rigtige præsentation i den bagerste del af den langsomme pool, eller måske har de sidste dages klækning af insekter, såsom slørvinger (stenfluer), caddisfluer eller døgnfluer (majfluer), hjernevasket de stedlige fisk til kun at reagere på fluemønstre der efterligner noget, de ser fra dag til dag.

Ron Gray

Et smugkig ind i Ron´s æske med mikrofluer – De små micro trekrogsfluer # 16 – 20 ses i den øverste del af æsken.

Se små outpoint trekroge til at binde mikrofluer på her

Hitch fluen som et fartøj

At fiske med riffling hitch teknik kan være et godt valg, når man fisker Kinnaber beat ved North Esk, hvor kanter af strømmen og hurtige lavvande stryg, i flere pools fungerer til fordel for en flue præsenteret på eller i overfladen, men en riffling hitch flue kan også virke som et fartøj for en anden flue såsom en mikroflue i # 16 – 20, og dette er en teknik, Ron Gray råder lystfiskere til at bruge, når de besøger Kinnaber beat i sommermånederne, hvor laks kan være meget meget kræsen.

micro flies for salmon

How To

Når du binder krogen på rørfluen, skal du lade overskydende tippet fra knuden, blive tilbage i den mængde du ønsker til den efterhængende flue (typisk 70 – 100cm.)

Riffling hitch and micro fly

Fluer bundet på micro outoint trekroge

Ron´s hitch rør flue og en lille flue bundet på en outpoint trekrog – Ron bruger også microfluer bundet på enkeltkrog til efterhængende flue.

Micro flies for salmon


Hold det simpelt

At bruge en efterhængende flue kan være en fantastisk teknik, men det er også en form for fluefiskeri, der kan ende i en hel masse linerod.

Ron bruger en lille hitch rørflue som hovedflue og fartøj til mikrofluen (# 16 – 20), der hænger omkring 70 – 100 cm bag den forreste flue.

For at holde den efterhængende flue under overfladen foretrækker Ron at bruge 0.25 mm. fluorcarbon som tippet materiale. * Fluorocarbon synker en smule hurtigere end nylon, og det er også en smule stivere end normalt nylon tippet materiale, noget der sansynligvis kan forhindre en del af det uundgåelige linefilter (på fotoet ovenfor  har vi brugt et stykke almindelig Maxima Chameleon nylon – for bedre at kunne illustrere opsætningen)

Den efterhængende flue… hvorfor er den så effektiv?

Vi ved ikke, hvad det præcist er med den efterhængende flue, der gør den så speciel, endnu engang er det en af ​​de ting i fluefiskeri efter ørred og laks, som ikke er særligt godt beskrevet i den store manual for laksefiskeri (:

Cocktailen: hitch flue + efterhængende mikroflue er blot endnu et værdifuldt værktøj i flueboksen for fluefiskeren, der prøver at fange de besværlige laks og ørreder, der gemmer sig i  poolen sommeren igennem.

Personligt tror jeg, at laksen eller ørreden ser udstyret med flere fluer som en række af klækkende insekter… og den bliver så måske, animeret til at fange den sidste flue …den, der endnu ikke er klækket… bare et gæt.


Besværlige laks - se mere

Er du nysgerrig efter at lære mere om de forskellige cyklus for den atlantisk laks … se vores Fishmadman-side om dette emne her

Fluorocarbon versus nylon

fluorocarbon versus nylon
fluorocarbon as tippet material

Hvad er fluorcarbon?

Fluorcarboner er kemiske forbindelser med kulstof-fluorbindinger Fluorcarboner og deres derivater er kommercielle polymerer, kølemidler, lægemidler og anæstetika. (kilde Wikipedia)


Seaguar tippet material

Den første fluorcarbon-line blev produceret i 1972

Det er den japanske produktionsvirksomhed Kureha i byen Iwaki, der udviklede og lancerede Seaguar, verdens første fiskeline lavet af fluorcarbon (PVDF), i 1971.

Materialet blev hurtigt uhyre populært blandt biggame og kommercielle fiskere, hovedsageligt på grund af lysbrydningsindekset for fluorcarbon, der ligger tæt på vandets brydningsindeks, hvilket gør det mindre synligt under vand, noget ganske væsentligt, f.eks. ved fiskeri efter blåfinnet tun med 200 lb mono.

Fluorcarbon-linen har også andre bemærkelsesværdige egenskaber, bl.a. manglende vandabsorbering, slidstyrke og knudestyrke, sidst men ikke mindst,  synkehastighed for fluorocarbon. Fluorocarbon synker gennem vandet  hurtigere end nylon) * noget Ron Gray har gavn af i sit fiskeri med efterhængende mikrofluer.

Fluorcarbon bliver mere og mere populær blandt fluefiskere

Fluorocarbon er blevet tydeligt populært i løbet af de sidste par årtier, og mange lystfiskere, jeg kender, tænker ikke to gange, når de køber en spole af fluorocarbon tippet materiale 6 – 7 gange dyrere end en spole af kvalitets nylon tippet materiale.

Er fluorcarbon forfangsmateriale nødvendigt?

Hvis du spørger mig som havfisker, der fisker efter tun, makrel og grå multe, vil jeg sige ja! … fluorcarbon vil give dig flere fisk på krogen. Tunarterne og multerne er fisk, der ser og undgår ting som nylon og på denne måde kan de også afskrække fra at tage din agn, når du bruger nylon.

Fluorcarbon til ørred og atlantisk laks

Som en ivrig ørred og laksefisker vil jeg sige nej… spar dine penge og køb nylon til dit flueforfang – når jeg skriver dette, vil jeg nok få andre fluefiskere til at løfte på øjenbrynene – men min erfaring med fluorcarbon har vist mig, at materialet har få egenskaber det ville hjælpe mig med at få flere fisk på krogen, jeg anerkender, at fluorocarbon har så mange evner, som potientielt kan hjælpe lystfiskere på specifikke og specielle måder, som jeg ikke kender, hvilket gør mit råd en smule skævt.

do salmon see the fishing line

Laks og ørred lader til at være ligeglade med lysets brydningsindeks!

Siden 1980’erne har jeg jævnligt brugt fluorcarbon i mit fiskeri efter havørred og laks. I begyndelsen var jeg sikker på, at det lave lysreflektionsindeks for fluorcarbon ville gøre mig i stand til at narre nogle af de forsigtige ørreder og laks, jeg så ofte mødte på kysten og i elven – jeg lærte efterhånden, at disse fisk var nøjagtig lige så uinteresserede og forsigtige, som de plejede at være med mine fluer fisket på nylon – og generelt tror jeg ikke, jeg har fanget en ørreder eller laks mere, på grund af brugen af ​​fluorcarbonforfang eller ditto tippet-materiale.

Fluorcarbon er stivere end konventionel nylon

Generelt set er fluorcarbon tippet stivere end konventionelt tippet materiale og det er også et mindre elastisk materiale end nylon, hvilket ikke er egenskaber jeg ville have stor gavn af i mit fiskeri efter ørred og laks, tværtimod forsøger jeg at undgå stift tippet materiale da jeg mener, at stive forfang fjerner noget af det liv, som små og mellemstore fluemønstre har brug for.

Jeg foretrækker også en blød og elastisk nylon tippet frem for et stift og mindre elastisk tippet materiale – da jeg ofte fisker efter større fisk med små kroge og let grej i en sport, hvor elastisk tippet materiale er praktisk ….Læs mere om dette emne på vores Fishmadman blog (Du skal tabe laks og steelhead på små fluer) (dog på engelsk)

Per Fischer

Bruger du skydehoved på kysten? Fluorcarbon kan være noget for dig

Per Fischer bruger længder af fluorcarbon (Berkley Trilene 100% Fluorocarbon) til at binde sine forfang, når han fisker med skyde-hoved efter havørreder og gedder fra den åbne kyst. Per binder, sit forfang op fra 0,60 millimeter fluorcarbon til 0,45 derefter 0,40 osv., der ender med 0,25 millimeter)

Ved brug af to fluer på forfanget bruger Per også fluorcarbonmateriale, da dette filtrer sig mindre ved kast.

Lad os diskutere emnet fluorcarbon

Jeg tror, ​​at nogle af jer har haft gode erfaringer med fluorcarbon, og hvis det nu er tilfældet, vil jeg gerne modtage alle relevante input og tanker om emnet fluorcarbon til ørred og laks, jeg vil tilføje din tekst til denne side, som også vil blive vist på Fishmadman. com for lystfiskere at se.

Hvis du har lyst til at bidrage, så tag dig tid til at skrive til mig om dine tanker på jesper(A)fishmadman.com


Nogle fra 2022

The North Esk kinnaber beat
Fishmadman Snaelda Willy Gunn

Snaelda Willie Gunn Conehead Copper Tube ¾

Vores nye Snaelda Willie Gunn Conehead Copper Tube ¾ var på vores tippet fra begyndelsen til slutningen af ​​sæsonen – Her fiskede vi dybt efter oktober havørred.

Salmon on snaelda Fishmadman

Den store version af Snaelda Willie Gunn Conehead Copper Tube 1 1/4

Den store version af Snaelda Willie Gunn var fantastisk at bruge i begyndelsen af ​​sæsonen … fiske på toppen af ​​hurtigt hvidt vand – en spektakulær måde at fange laks på.

Salmon on riffling hitch

HITCHMAN – Black and Gold # 10 – 14

August bragte nogle spektakulære bid på HITCHMAN – Black and Gold # 10 – 14 Jeg så ikke engang denne fisk, selvom den kun var en stanglængde væk, da den hægtede sig fast til fluen.

Jesper Fohrmann salmon

HITCHMAN – Black and Gold # 10 – 14

Endnu en august laks på HITCHMAN – Black and Gold – denne fiskede med brækket hånd (bogstaveligt talt)… En ny oplevelse for mig og nok ikke hvad min læge ville anbefale.

Alan Vang Fishmadman


Riffling Hitch aficionado hr. Alan Vang fangede denne smukke 88 centimeter juli-laks på en Silver HITCHMAN

Alæan Vang Fishmadman

Alans video kanal på Youtube

Du finder Alans spændende videokanal på Youtube her

Fluebindings vinter

Fly tying Fishmadman

Tag plads ved stikket…

Du ser måske frem til julegåsen, venners skønsang og gløgg – jeg glæder mig til at binde fluer … Jeg har et par nye ideer og nogle fluer, jeg skal binde til min kystflueboks, her til vinterstid. Jeg har købt krogene, og jeg har også den perfekte hanenakke til jobbet.

Længe undervejs

En af de mest ventede sæsonbestemte ordrer i vores butik er vores ordre på Metz hanenakker og sadler … De ankom lige i tide, da vores dygtige Frances fluebinder snart skal i gang med et nyt parti fluer. Nakkerne tog sig tid til at dukke op her i Danmark… og jeg ved, at nogle af jer, der læser dette, vil sikre udvalgte nakker, mens vi har materialet på lager… desværre fik vi ikke så mange – så det er først til mølle princip – igen i år.

Hvorfor sælger i nakker i 2 og 3 kvalitetsklasse?

Vi tror, ​​at disse # 2 og # 3 kapper flyver lige under radaren, ude i den store fluefiske verden. De er billige, og de er af super kvalitet og sidst men ikke mindst, så har de et større udvalg af fjer, der hælder mere til lidt større fluemønstre, så som laksefluer.

 Super overkommelig amerikansk kvalitet ★★★★★

Metz capes salmon flies

Metz #2 brun hane nakke

Metz #2 brun hane nakke

Perfekt til små og store krops-hackler på Frances fluer – Perfekt til at lave lange levende følehorn af. Super fine små taperede fjer til kyst-tanglopper – Fantastisk materiale.

Metz # 3 Grizzly Neck

Metz #3 Grizzly Hane nakke

Metz #3 Grizzly Hane nakke  

Overlegne naturlige farver – Fantastisk kvalitet til en fantastisk pris. Perfekt til et utal af kystflue mønstre – Følehorn til de mest fantastiske rejefluer.

Metz # 2 Natural Brown Saddle

Metz #2 naturlig brun sadel

Metz #2 naturlig brun sadel 

Materialet til store tørfluer – Bugs og orme, kystfluer samt store og små laksefluer (en del CochyBonddu fjer)

Metz # 2 Natural Brown Saddle

Metz #2 Ginger Sadel

Metz #2 Ginger Sadel 

Lige materialet til store tørfluer – Bugs og orme samt store og små laksefluer  i en smuk ginger farve.

Lidt inspiration (:

Få et nyt perspektiv på livet - hjælp nogen til at komme på fisketur

Tag nogen med på fisketur

Til alle nye og gamle kunder hos Fishmadman… tak for jeres støtte, spændende-mails og telefonopkald denne sommer – Vi forsøger at holde priserne på vores ting i butikken så lave som muligt og forhåbentlig vil vi være i stand til at opretholde vores fluebindingsforretning gennem en besværlig tid.

I håbet om, at nogen venligst ville tage hr. Putin med på fisketur, så han kan få et positivt syn på fremtiden og ideer til, hvordan han kunne tilbringe resten af ​​sit liv i fred… og fiske… et sted dybt inde i Rusland.

Fiskehilsen fra Las, Per & Jesper

Fishmadman Newsletter
The post Nyhedsbrev November 2022 first appeared on Fishmadman.com.]]>
Newsletter winter 2021 https://www.fishmadman.com/newsletter/newsletter-winter-2021 Thu, 16 Dec 2021 11:58:38 +0000 http://www.fishmadman.com/newsletter/newsletter-early-spring-2021-2/

Read the letter in Scandinavian (This time Danish)

Fishmadman newsletter 2021

Jesper Fohrmann 2021

Hello fellow anglers and welcome to another newsletter from us at Fishmadman – the holiday season is close and we as many other anglers will spend time with family and friends and then go to our fly tying room and try our hands on some new flies for the upcoming season …This newsletter will be focusing on some of the things we have made for fly tying in 2021… hopefully, it will be of inspiration to you


This time in the newsletter

  • The Pink´s are coming
  • NEW tube fly tying needles from us
  • A NEW form of tube from us
  • Natural black squirrel tails in stock again
  • Introducing our new associate
  • Holliday discount 🥳

Jesper Fohrmann

Fly Designer

Pacific salmon in Scandinavia

pacific salmon on dry fly

Season 2021 was not a particularly good year for the Atlantic salmon in Scandinavia, but runs of pink salmon were completely off the charts and I for one did not miss out on the opportunity to fish for this aggressive and hard fighting fish both in rivers and in the salt – Here is a male pink salmon in spawning colures caught on sea trout costal gear – Compared to its size,  pink salmon can be one of the hardest fighting fish you may encounter at the end of your fly rod.

The pinks are coming!

The Pacific salmonid (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) or pink salmon as it also is known as in North America was introduced to the Russian Barents region by mad scientists in the late 1950´s – ever since then, these species have appeared in salmon rivers all over Scandinavia and in the UK. Some years runs have been weak but other years like the recent, runs of this irregular critter have gained momentum and 100000´s pink salmon have entered our river systems… especially in the very north of Norway.

Fish non grata 

The ecological impact of pink salmon entering our Atlantic salmon river systems has as of yet not been fully determined and the Norwegian government have finally instigated extensive research into the matter. To read more about the timeline of this major example of how humans may ruin native biodiversity – Go to this link 

Arriving at the river pink salmon are silver and the meat is red and tasty a bit like our native trout,  after some weeks in freshwater the meat loses some of its taste and firmness and pink salmon become less interesting as food.


A brace of fresh pink salmon caught on a Ban´s Special. The top fish is a female, the bottom fish is a male.

Pukkellaks på flue
Pukkellaks som suchi

I did my bit my fair bit to diminish the runs of pink´s this summer and I highly recommend these fish for your sushi and sashimi.

Pinks on a Bomber

Pacific salmon on dry fly
Pukkellaks på tørflue

When pink salmon have been in fresh water for some time they can become quite difficult to catch and very easy to spook – but the sheer amount of them makes things interesting and this summer I spend countless hours trying to catch them on a dry fly.

Some notes and observations on pink salmon in Scandinavian waters.

  • None of the + 80 Pacific salmon I caught this summer had sea lice on them… an interesting fact considering the number of sea lice native salmon has to cope with
  • When observing the 4 species together in the rivers I visited (arctic char, Atlantic salmon, sea-run brown trout and pink salmon) I did not once observe any fight among the native fish and the Pacific salmon this does not mean that Pacific salmon would avoid and take up space that the other fish normally would occupy … It looked like all fish did there own thing without bothering each other.


Tube fly tying needles from Fishmadman


Smart design!

Over the years we have happily used normal sowing needles for our tube fly tying – we have also promoted this inexpensive solution through our shop but we have had problems getting the right sowing needles for the tubing we sell so we decided to produce our design of tube fly tying needles – and are proud to present you with some of the smartest needles on the market.

4 different needles to choose from. We make needles that will fit the tubing we sell – from the thinnest 1.4 – millimetre tubings to the biggest 3.2 mm. tubing we use for big Sunray Shadow flies – A small plate at the rear end of the needle serves as a clamping point to put in your fly tying vise.

Fishmadman tube fly needle

A new type of tubing for your cone head flies

Cone-Head-Tube ™ from Fishmadman

A simple solution to a major headache

If you design tiny flies on tube you will often come across the problem where your tubing doesn’t fit the tiny coneheads you want to use in your fishing, and you probably already have a whole draw full of coneheads that won’t fit the tubes you can buy (except for those extra expensive tubes manufactures make to fit their special coneheads) – Well… we have the solution for you…and we know you’re going to like it.


Heat and pull the Cone-Head-Tube ™ and change the diameter of the tubing

Here is a revolutionizing concept in the world of tube flies that we have been working on for some years. Simply heat the tubing slightly – pull – and let the tube cool down, now you have a new tube dimension that could fit your desired conehead. A really smart tube to have if you design tube flies with coneheads

Conehead tube

The best tube material on the market

Absolutely “low-memory” properties within the plastic compound ensure that the tube will fall back into place after the hook has been removed The non-toxic special plastic formula used for the tubes also prevent the tube from cracking up in challenging temperatures.


Use the Cone-Head-Tube ™ as an inner tube on your metal tubes – then add a conehead

The Cone-Head-tube ™   1.6/ 0.8mm. fits perfectly into most met™al tubes found in shops.

Heat and pull the Cone-head-tube ™ and you can shape it to accommodate a small tungsten conehead making it possible for you to design tiny heavy flies.

We have made a video showing you how it all works

1.6/0.8 cone-head-tube

NB! Fits our Fine tube tying needle

Our thinnest Cone-Head-Tube ™

Size and Product specification

Outer diameter: 1.6 millimeters. Inner diameter: 0.8 millimeters – This is the smallest version of our Cone-Head-Tube™… suited for tiny riffling hitch flies – tiny sub-patterns

1 – meter of material       3.45 $

See it in the shop

Our thicker Cone-Head-Tube ™

Size and Product specification

Outer diameter: 2.0 millimeters. Inner diameter: 1.0 millimeters – This is the biggest version of our Cone-Head-Tube™ … suited for tiny riffling hitch flies – tiny sub-patterns

1 – meter of material     3.45 $

See it in the shop

Natural black squirrel tails from Russia

New stock

Natural black squirrel
Natural black squirrel
Natural black squirrel

We initially had 100 of these tails …but they were sold out in a matter of weeks…so we decided to see if we could order more… now a few days before publishing this letter we were promised additional tails so now we should be able to supply you.

Natural black squirrel (Scientific Name: Sciurus vulgaris) hair has that super alluring effect on trout and salmon and 1000´s salmon fly patterns are based on the properties of squirrel hair – Not all squirrel tails are alike and some squirrel hair will work best if used on small flies and other hairs work better on bigger flies – if you are curious to learn more about squirrel hair in fly tying – take a look at our page on the subject squirrel tails. We will be listing the tails in shades of black and brown as long as stock lasts.

The prize is 6.95 $

Buy natural Black Squirrel

New Fischer on the block

Las Fischer

Las Fischer is the new guy on the block at Fishmadman

In fact, Las isn’t that new as he has been part of Fishmadman for some years. Las is a cornerstone in our small enterprise where angling doesn’t have to be part of your CV…but it helps (:

Here Las is pictured on one of those classic looking vintage photos showing off his first-ever sea trout back in 1993

Merry Christmas and a happy new fishing season

Thank you for supporting our highly specialized fly shop – We hope that our flies will bring fish to your leader and a smile on your lips in 2022

To make things a bit merrier we would like to give you our newsletter readers a 11 % discount on all goods in our shop.

To take advantage of the discount please use the promotion code FISHALOT at checkout and the discount will automatically be deducted from any purchase you make in our shop. 

The offer will be valid for the rest of 2021

Thank you from us

North Esk Kinnaber

Thank you for supporting our highly specialized fly shop – We hope that our flies will bring fish to your leader and a smile on your lips in 2021… I think we all could need that (:

Remember to bring your kids and grandkids fishing it is only by sharing the dreamy and glorious moments at the river and ponds that new generations of people would want to conserve the fragile world of the salmon and trout that run our waters.

Yours Per & Jesper

The post Newsletter winter 2021 first appeared on Fishmadman.com.]]>
Nyhedsbrev vinter 2021 https://www.fishmadman.com/newsletter/newsletter-winter-2021/nyhedsbrev-vinter-2021 Thu, 16 Dec 2021 11:58:38 +0000 http://www.fishmadman.com/newsletter/newsletter-winter-2021-2/

Read the letter in English

Fishmadman newsletter 2021

Jesper Fohrmann 2021

Hej fluefisker og velkommen til endnu et nyhedsbrev fra os på Fishmadman – juleferien er rundt om hjørnet,  og vi vil som mange andre fluefiskere vil bruge tid sammen med familie og venner og derefter gå til vores fluebindingsrum og prøve at binde nogle nye fluer til den kommende sæson… Dette nyhedsbrev vil fokusere på nogle af de ting, vi har lavet til fluebinding i 2021…forhåbentlig vil det være til inspiration for dig


Denne gang i nyhedsbrever

  • Puklerne kommer
  • NYE rørfluebindenåle fra os
  • EN NY form for rør fra os
  • Naturlige sorte egernhaler på lager igen
Må vi præsenterer vores nye medarbejder
  • Julerabat til nyhedsbrev læsere 🥳 Brug Promotion code, du finder den længere nede i vores nyhedsbrev

Jesper Fohrmann

Fly Designer

Stillehavslaks i Skandinavien

pacific salmon on dry fly

Pukklerne kommer

Pukkellaks (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) eller pink salmon, som den også er kendt som i det nordvestlige USA, blev introduceret til den russiske Barents-region af gale videnskabsmænd i slutningen af ​​1950’erne – siden er denne art dukket op i lakseelve over hele Skandinavien samt i Storbritannien. Nogle år har bestanden været lille, men andre år som det seneste, har opgangen af disse irregulære væsen taget fart og + 100000 pukkellaks er vandret ind i vores elvsystemer… især i det nordlige Norge.

Fisk non grata 

Den økologiske indvirkning fra pukkellaks, der kommer ind i atlanterhavslaksens elve, er endnu ikke fuldt ud klarlagt, og den norske regering har endelig sat gang i omfattende forskning i sagen. For at læse mere om tidslinjen for dette perfekte eksempel på, hvorledes mennesker kan ødelægge lokal biodiversitet – Gå til dette link

Ved ankomst til elven er pukkellaksen sølvfarvet og kødet er rødt og velsmagende, lidt som vores hjemmehørende ørred. Efter nogle uger i ferskvand mister kødet noget af sin fine smag og fasthed og snart bliver pukkellaksen meget mindre interesant som menneske føde.

Et par nystegne pukkellaks, fanget på en Ban´s Special. Den øverste fisk er en hun, den nederste fisk en han.

Pukkellaks på flue
Pukkellaks som suchi

Jeg gjorde mit bedste for at mindske mængden af pukkellaks denne sommer, og jeg anbefaler bestemt disse fisk til din sushi og sashimi.

Pukkellaks på Bomber

Pacific salmon on dry fly
Pukkellaks på tørflue

Når pukkellaksen har været i ferskvand i nogen tid, kan den blive ret svær at fange og meget nem at skræmme – men de store mængde af dem gør tingene interessante, og denne sommer brugte jeg utallige timer på at prøve at fange dem på tørflue.

Rørfluenåle fra Fishmadman


Smart design!

I årenes løb har vi med glæde brugt normale sy og stoppenåle til vores rørfluebinding – vi har også promoveret denne billige løsning gennem vores butik, men vi har haft problemer med at få fat i de rigtige nåle til de rør vi sælger, så vi besluttede at få vores eget design af nåle produceret, og vi er nu stolte af at, kunne præsentere dig for nogle af de smarteste fluebindingsnåle på markedet.

4 forskellige nåle at vælge imellem. Vi laver nåle der passer til de rør vi sælger – fra de tyndeste 1,4 millimeter rør til de største 3,2 mm. rør, som vi bruger til store Sunray Shadow fluer – Den lille metalplade for enden af nålen fungere til fastholdelse af nålen, du skal blot klemme om den med dit almindelige fluestik, så er du klar til at binde dine rørfluer.

Fishmadman tube fly needle

En ny type rør til dine conehead fluer 


Cone-Head-Tube™  fra Fishmadman

En simpel løsning på en større hovedpine…

Hvis du som vi, designer små fluer på rør, vil du ofte støde på problemet, hvor dit rør ikke passer til de små coneheads du vil bruge i dit fiskeri, og du har sandsynligvis allerede en hel skuffe fuld af coneheads, som ikke passer til de rør du kan købe (bortset fra de ekstra dyre rør, som producenterne laver, så de passer til, nettop deres specielle coneheads) – Nå… vi har løsningen til dig… og vi ved, at du vil kunne lide den.


Varm og stræk Cone-Head-Tube™ for at forandre rørets diameter.

Her er et revolutionerende koncept i rørflueverdenen, som vi har arbejdet på i nogle år. Du skal blot varme røret lidt op – træk – og lad røret køle af, nu har du en ny rørdimension, der kan passe til dit ønskede conehead. Et rigtig smart rør at have, hvis du designer rørfluer med conehead.

Conehead tube

Det bedste rør-materiale på markedet

Absolut, såkaldt “lav hukommelses egenskaber” i disse giftfri plastrør,  sikrer at røret falder på plads igen, efter at krogen er blevet fjernet. Den specielle plastikformel, der bruges til rørene, forhindrer også røret i at revne i udfordrende temperaturer.


Brug Cone-Head-Tube™ som et inderrør på dine metalrør – tilføj derefter et conehead.

Cone-Head-tube™ 1.6/ 0.8 mm passer perfekt ind i de fleste metalrør, du finder i grejbutikkerne. Opvarm og træk Cone-Head-Tube™ røret, og du kan forme det, så det kan passe et lille Tungsten conehead eller tungstenskugle, hvilket gør det muligt for dig at designe små tunge fluer.

Vi har lavet en video der viser hvordan det hele fungere

1.6/0.8 cone-head-tube

NB! Passer med vores tynde fluebindingsnål

Vores tyndeste rør

Størrelse og produktspecifikation

Udvendig diameter: 1,6 millimeter. Indvendig diameter: 0,8 millimeter – Dette er den mindste udgave af vores Cone-Head-Tube™… egnet til små riffling hitch fluer – bittesmå vådfluer

1 meter materiale. i posen 3.45 $

Se den i butikken
2.0/1.0 conehead tube

NB! Passer med vores tynde fluebindingsnål

Vores tykkere rør

Størrelse og produktspecifikation

Udvendig diameter: 2,0 millimeter. Indvendig diameter: 1,0 millimeter – Dette er den største version af vores Cone-Head-Tube™… egnet til små riffling hitch fluer –  bittesmå vådfluer

1 meter materiale. i posen 3.45 $

Se den i butikken

Natursort egernhale fra Russland

Ny sending

Natural black squirrel
Natural black squirrel
Natural black squirrel

Vi havde oprindeligt 100 af disse haler … men de blev udsolgt i løbet af få uger … så vi besluttede at se, om vi kunne bestille flere … nu her et par dage før offentliggørelsen af dette brev blev vi lovet yderligere haler, så nu skulle vi være i stand til at forsyne dig.

Naturligt sort egern (videnskabeligt navn: Sciurus vulgaris) hår, har en super lokkende effekt på ørred og laks, og 1000-tals laksefluemønstre er baseret på egenskaberne fra egernhår – Ikke alle egernhaler er ens, og nogle egernhår vil fungere bedst, hvis brugt på små fluer og andre hår fungerer bedre på større fluer – hvis du er nysgerrig efter at lære mere om egernhår i fluebinding – så tag et kig på vores side om emnet egernhaler. Vi har halerne i nuancer af sort og brun, så længe lager haves.

Pris er 6,95 $

Køb natur sort egern

Ny Fischer på blokken

Las Fischer

Las Fischer er den nye fyr på blokken hos Fishmadman

Faktisk er Las ikke så ny, da han har været en del af Fishmadman i nogle år. Las er en hjørnesten i vores lille virksomhed, hvor lystfiskeri ikke behøver at være en del af dit CV…men det hjælper (:

Her er Las afbilledet på et af disse klassiske vintage papirbilleder, visende sin første havørred tilbage i 1993

Glædelig jul og et godt nyt fiskeår

Tak fordi du støtter vores specialiserede fluebutik – Vi håber, at vores fluer vil bringe fisk til din stang og et smil på dine læben i 2022

For at gøre tingene lidt sjovere vil vi gerne give dig som læser vores nyhedsbrev 11 % rabat på alle varer i vores butik. For at bruge rabatten skal du bruge ★ kampagnekoden FISHALOT ved kassen, og rabatten vil automatisk blive trukket fra ethvert køb, du foretager i vores butik. Tilbuddet gælder resten af 2021

Tak fra os

North Esk Kinnaber

Husk at invitere dine børn og børnebørn på fisketur, det er kun ved at dele de herlige og spændende øjeblikke ved elv og sø, at nye generationer af mennesker vil ønsker at bevare den skrøbelige verden ​​laks og ørred svømmer i.

Med venlig hilsen Las, Per & Jesper

The post Nyhedsbrev vinter 2021 first appeared on Fishmadman.com.]]>
Newsletter summer 2022 https://www.fishmadman.com/newsletter/newsletter-summer-2022 Thu, 16 Dec 2021 11:58:38 +0000 http://www.fishmadman.com/newsletter/newsletter-winter-2021-2/

Read the letter in Scandinavian (This time Danish)

Fishmadman Newsletter

Jesper FohrmannHello, fellow anglers and welcome to another newsletter from us at Fishmadman.

So to keep things in balance and get ready for the summer fly fishing season I will be doing a short newsletter with a few highlights

  • Hitching for sea trout
  • NEW flies from us
  • A NEW Owner hook
  • Shop on holiday
  • ★ Holiday discount (Promotion code further down in this newsletter

Hitching for sea trout

Jerry Rothman North Esk

I had the fortunate opportunity to go to Scotland and fish the North Esk river in June this summer and conditions was shallow water as we have seen over the last decade…only very few fish entered the river and other than an 11 lb fresh salmon we were left with the occasional sea trout that had settled in the pools. I have fished this beat in similar conditions and aimed for sea trout.

Daytime sea trout is a tall order

Sea trout or sea-run brown trout are notoriously tricky to catch during the day, mainly because they are so easy to scare. Most sea trout river guides recommend that anglers stay well away from the river until late evening when sea trout change attitude and become bold and aggressive.

Daytime sea trout caught on a Green Hitchman I use a relatively thin leader (0.20 mm Maxima) to get more movement out of the tiny flies. Ripping small hitch flies or bigger Sunray Shadow flies across the river on a square angler can also be a great technique  during summertime low water conditions

Day time sea trout
Christian Balle Fishmadman

Per Fischer and friend Christian Balle who are in Southern Norway on low water conditions (as I write)  also used hitch flies and Speed Sunrays to catch day time sea trout 

Stealth fishing and riffling hitch flies is the technique 

When fishing for salmon, most anglers will be fishing daytime, and very few will ever experience the local sea trout until late at night except if you fish with tiny hitch flies and have a stealthy approach to the tail end of the pools or shadow runs where sea trout may hide out during day time. Try this form of fly fishing next time you visit your salmon river in low water conditions

Sea trout during day time

Snaeldas n the shop

Islandic salmon candy

The Snaelda, or Snælda as it is called in Old Norse, is also the name of a hand spindle made from wood used for spinning and twisting fibres, such as wool, into yarn. The Snaelda fly is Made in so many versions in various colours – you usually find the Snaelda flies with a black wool body made to be fished deep.

We have two versions in 3 sizes for 2022

If you are pursuing salmon in Norway, Scotland or Russia (not so much the latter for political reasons)  …these are flies to bring.

Snaelda Willie Gunn Conehead Copper Tube ½ a version of the Willie Gunn Snaelda. The Willie Gunn pattern is a hair wing pattern after the head keeper on the Sutherland Estates (river Brora) Scotland

German Snaelda Conehead Copper Tube # 1

We made a small selection of this great fly pattern (a version of the German Snaelda) originally designed by Icelandic angler Mr Grímur Jónsson.  

Shop holiday in week 28

Fishmadman Jesper

Shop holiday 

The calendar week 28 in the year 2022 from Monday, 11.07.2022 to Sunday, 17.07.2022

This is the week when we can’t ship your orders …so we hope that you will order flies and fly-tying material before this period or after – or wish you are patient and can wait for us to ship to you.


Thank you from us

North Esk Kinnaber

Thank you for supporting our highly specialized fly shop – We hope that our flies will bring fish to your leader and a smile on your lips in 2022… I think we all could need that (:

Remember to bring your kids and grandkids fishing it is only by sharing the dreamy and glorious moments at the river and ponds that new generations of people would want to conserve the fragile world of the salmon and trout that run our waters.

Yours Per & Jesper

The post Newsletter summer 2022 first appeared on Fishmadman.com.]]>
Newsletter November 2022 https://www.fishmadman.com/newsletter/newsletter-november-2022 Thu, 16 Dec 2021 11:58:38 +0000 http://www.fishmadman.com/newsletter/newsletter-summer-2022-2/

Read the letter in Scandinavian (This time Danish)

Fishmadman Newsletter November 2022
Fishmadman Jesper

Dear topwater anglers…Salmon & trout season is ending, and yet again, the cycle of life will begin in the rivers we love to fish.

I always get that lump in my throat on that very last day when I have to travel home, so I tend to remind myself of the words of Pippi Longstocking:

You have to leave to be able to return

With those famous words, we welcome you to a short newsletter on what to look forward to in 2023

Tight lines from us at Fishmadman Las,  Per & jesper

Newsletter this time

    • A micro fly behind the hitch fly
    • Fluorocarbon versus nylon
    • Some great capes worth mentioning – and an early Christmas discount
    • A few images from this year

Micro stinger and hitch

In Scotland

The North Esk kinnaber beat
Ron Gray Micro salmon flies

Scottish know-how

When I go to Scotland and fish the Kinnaber beat on the river North Esk in Aberdeenshire I am fortunate to spend time with my fishing friend Ron Gray who is the head ghillie on the Kinnaber beat. Ron is a riffling hitch specialist, and as a ghillie, he is lucky to be at the river every day during the season.

Ron with a big local critter caught on a micro # 16

Local insight

When being at a river every day during the season, you learn the different moods and small changes of Atlantic salmon and trout better than most anglers ever will do. Advice from the local angler or ghillie may be invaluable information to the visiting day ticket angler.

Micro flies … the  essential requirement

If the river is low and warm or the fish you have come to fish have gone stale, you will ever so often find that the flies needed to trick such fish into bitting will be some of the smallest flies you may find in your box. Slow water could dictate a sparsely dressed fly to enable you to make the right presentation at the back part of a pool, or the daily rise of local insects such as stoneflies, caddisflies or mayflies may have brainwashed the stale inhabitants only to react to fly patterns that mimic something they see from day to day.

Ron Gray

A sneak peek into Ron´s box of micro flies – The tiny Micro treble hook flies # 16 – 20 are seen in the top part of the box.

See small outpoint silver trebles # 16 for your micro fly tying here 

The Hitch flies as a vessel

Fishing riffling hitch flies can be a great choice when fishing the Kinnaber beat on the North Esk where pockets and runs in several pools work in favour of a fly presented on or in the surface, but a riffling hitch fly can also be a vessel for other flies such as micro flies in # 16 – 20 and this is a technique Ron Gray advise anglers to use when they visit the Kinnaber beat during summer months where salmon can be very very picky.

micro flies for salmon

How To

When you tie on the tube-hitch fly hook, leave the amount of tippet from the knot that you want for the trailing fly

Riffling hitch and micro fly

Micro outpoint treble hook flies

Ron´s hitch tube fly and on a small fly tied on a outpoint treble – Ron also use micro flies tied on single hooks.

Micro flies for salmon

The set-up

Keep it simple

Using a trailing fly can be a great technique, but it is also a form of fly fishing that could end up in a lot of line tangle.

Ron uses a small tube hitch fly as the main fly and carrier for the micro fly (# 16 – 20), trailing some 70 – 100 cm behind the front-end fly.

To keep the trailing fly below the surface, Ron prefers to use 8 Lb. fluorocarbon as a tippet material. * Fluorocarbon sinks a bit better than nylon, and it is also a bit stiffer than standard nylon tippet material, something that may prevent some of the tangles (for illustration, we have used a piece of regular Maxima Chameleon nylon in the photo above )

Trailing flies – what is it all about?

We don’t know what it exactly is with the trailing fly that makes it so unique, yet again it is one of those things in fly fishing for trout and salmon that isn’t well described in the grand manual of salmon fishing (:

The cocktail: of hitch fly + trailing micro fly is another valuable tool in the fly box for the angler seeking to catch those elusive Atlantic salmon and trouts hiding out in river pools during summertime.

I think that the salmon or trout sees the setup as a line of hitching insects… and it is then animated to seise the last one ..the one that hasn’t hatched yet…just a guess.


Stale salmon - learn more

Curious to learn more about the cycles of Atlantic salmon …see our Fishmadman page on this subject here

Fluorocarbon versus nylon

fluorocarbon versus nylon
fluorocarbon as tippet material

Fluorocarbon versus nylon

What is Fluorocarbon? Fluorocarbons are chemical compounds with carbon-fluorine bonds Fluorocarbons, and their derivatives are commercial polymers, refrigerants, drugs, and anaesthetics. (source Wikipedia)

Seaguar tippet material

The first fluorocarbon line was produced in 1972

It is the Japanese manufacturing company Kureha in Iwaki city that developed and launched Seaguar, the world’s first fishing line made from fluorocarbon (PVDF), in 1971.

The material quickly became immensely popular among big-game and commercial fishermen largely because of the light refractive index of fluorocarbon line so close to that of water, making it less visible underwater, something quite significant, e.g. fishing for giant bluefin tuna with 200 lb mono – Fluorocarbon line also has other noteworthy features a.o lack of water absorbency, abrasion resistance and knot strength last but not least the speed fluorocarbon sinks through the water (it sinks faster than nylon) * something Ron Gray benefits from in his fishing with trailing micro flies.

Fluorocarbon is becoming more and more popular among fly fishermen.

Fluorocarbon has become distinctly popular over the last couple of decades, and many anglers I know do not think twice when buying a spool of fluorocarbon tippet material  6 – 7 times more expensive than a spool of quality nylon tippet material.

Is fluorocarbon line material necessary?

If you ask me as a sea angler fishing for tuna, mackerel and grey mullet I would say yes! … fluorocarbon will get you more fish on the bank.

The tuna species and mullets are fish that see and avoid things like nylon, and in this way, they may also deter from taking your bait when you use nylon.

Fluorocarbon for trout and Atlantic salmon

As an avid trout and salmon angler, I would say no… save your money and buy nylon for your fly attachment – doing so, I will probably have fellow anglers raising their eyebrows – but my experience with fluorocarbon has shown me that the material has few properties that would help me get more bites, saying so I acknowledge that fluorocarbon has so many abilities that could aid anglers in specific and unique ways not known to me, making my advise a bit bias.

do salmon see the fishing line

Salmon and trout don't seem to care about the light refractive index!

Since the 1980´s I have regularly used fluorocarbon in my fishing for sea trout (sea run brown trout) and Atlantic salmon. In the early days, I was sure that the low light reflective index of fluorocarbon would enable me to trick some of the wary trout and salmon I so often would encounter at the coast and in rivers – I gradually learned that these fish was just as uninterested and cautious as they used to be with my flies fished on nylon – and overall I don’t think I have caught any more trout and salmon because of the use of fluorocarbon leaders or tippet material.

Illustration Jesper Fohrmann

Fluorocarbon is stiffer than conventional nylon.

Generally speaking, fluorocarbon is stiffer than conventional tippet material, and it is also a lesser elastic material than nylon, which is not something I would benefit greatly from in my fishing for trout and salmon; on the contrary, I try to avoid stiff tippet material as I find that inflexible leaders take away some of the life that small and medium fly patterns need to perform well.

I do also prefer a cushy and elastic nylon tippet to a stiff and less so flexible tippet material. Since I often fish for bigger fish with small hooks and light tackle in a sport where elastic tippet material comes in handy ….Read more on this hard fighting topic on our blog at Fishmadman (You have to lose salmon and steelhead on small flies)

Per Fischer

Using Shooting head on the coast? Fluorocarbon might be something for you

Per Fischer uses measures of fluorocarbon (Berkley Trilene 100% Fluorocarbon) to tie up his leaders when fishing with shooting head fly lines for sea trout and pike from the open coast. Per ties, his leader from 0.60-millimetre Fluorocarbon to 0.45, then 0.40 etc. ending in 6 or 8 lb (0.25 millimetre)

When using two flies on the leader Per also uses fluorocarbon material as this tangles less when casting.

Let's debate the subject of fluorocarbon

I believe that some of you may have had great experiences with fluorocarbon and if so I would welcome any relevant input and thoughts on the subject of fluorocarbon for trout and salmon, I will add your text to this page – write me about your thoughts at jesper(the A)fishmadman.com

Some from 2022

The North Esk kinnaber beat
Fishmadman Snaelda Willy Gunn

Snaelda Willie Gunn Conehead Copper Tube ¾

Our new Snaelda Willie Gunn Conehead Copper Tube ¾ was on our tippet from beginning to the end of the season – Here fished deep for October sea trout.

Salmon on snaelda Fishmadman

Big Snaelda Willie Gunn Conehead Copper Tube 1 1/4

The big version was great to use in the beginning of the season…right on the top of fast white water – a spectacular way to catch salmon.

Salmon on riffling hitch

HITCHMAN – Black and Gold # 10 – 14

August brought some spectacular takes to the HITCHMAN – Black and Gold # 10 – 14 I didn’t even see this fish even though it was only a rod length away when it sipped up the fly.

Jesper Fohrmann salmon

HITCHMAN – Black and Gold # 10 – 14

Another August salmon to the HITCHMAN – Black and Gold – this one fished on a broken hand… A new experience for me and probably not what my doctor would recommend.

Alan Vang Fishmadman


Riffling Hitch aficionado Mr Alan Vang caught this beautiful 88 centimeters 35 inch July salmon on a Silver HITCHMAN

Alæan Vang Fishmadman

Alans video channel on Youtube

You will find Alans video channel on Youtube here

Fly tying winther

Fly tying Fishmadman

Get in there…

You might look forward to Christmas turkey, friends, and eggnog – I am looking forward to fly-tying … I got a few new ideas and some flies I need to tie up for my coastal fly box. I have bought the hooks, and I also have the perfect cock cape for the job.

A long time coming

One of the most awaited seasonal orders in our shop is our order for Metz cock and saddle capes… They arrived just in time, as our skilled Frances fly tier is about to start the new batch of flies. The capes took their time to turn up here in Denmark… and I know that a few of you reading this now will be securing necks while we have the material in stock… unfortunately, we weren’t granted that many.

Why do you sell # 2 and # 3 capes?

These # 2 and # 3 capes fly right under the radar. They are inexpensive, and they are super quality; last but not least, they have a wider variety of feathers leaning more toward the bigger fly patterns.

Super affordable US quality      ★★★★★

Metz capes salmon flies

Metz # 2 Brown Neck

Metz # 2 Brown Neck 

Perfect for small and big body hackles on Frances flies – Perfect to make long, vibrant feels from – Great.

Metz # 3 Grizzly Neck

Metz # 3 Grizzly Neck

Metz # 3 Grizzly Neck

Superior natural colures – Awesome quality at a great price.

Metz # 2 Natural Brown Saddle

Metz # 2 Natural Brown Saddle

Metz # 2 Natural Brown Saddle

Just the material for big dry flies – Bugs and worms.

Metz # 2 Natural Brown Saddle

Metz # 2 Ginger Saddle

Metz # 2 Ginger Saddle

Just the material for big dry flies – Bugs and worms in a beautiful ginger colure.

A bit of inspiration (:

Give someone a new perspective on life - take them fishing

Please...Take someone fishing

To all new and old costumes at Fishmadman… thank you for your support and great letters and phone calls this summer – We try to keep prices on our things as low as possible and hopefully we will be able to maintain our fly-tying business through a troublesome time.

In the hope that someone would please take Mr Putin fishing so that he may gain a positive outlook on the future and idea’s on how he could spend the rest of his life in peace… fishing… somewhere back in Russia.

Tight lines from Per & Jesper

Fishmadman Newsletter
The post Newsletter November 2022 first appeared on Fishmadman.com.]]>
Newsletter Early Spring 2021 https://www.fishmadman.com/newsletter/newsletter-early-spring-2021 Fri, 17 Apr 2020 11:58:38 +0000 http://www.fishmadman.com/newsletter/newsletter-june-2020-knot-for-up-eye-hook-flies-2/

Read the letter in Scandinavian (This time Danish)

Fishmadman Newsletter
Early spring of 2021

riffling hitch tube fly

Jesper Fohrmann

Hello, fellow angler and welcome to yet another letter from us at Fishmadman – We hope that we can make your day a bit more interesting by talking fish & flies and showing you a few things that might make you look back on your days at the river this summer and hopefully plan for the fly fishing season up ahead.

This time in the newsletter

  • Special riffling hitch flies by Lee Wulff
  • Natural black squirrel tails
  • New flies for 2021
  • Redesigning a pattern – get a new fly 
  • The knot from the last newsletter
  • An early and unorthodox salmon dry fly 
  • Arizona Diamond Dub

Jesper Fohrmann

Fly Designer

Lee Wulff´s Hitch Specials

Lee Wulff´s Hitch Specials

Throughout his life as an outdoor writer and salmon angler, Lee Wulff served as a promoter for the riffling hitch technique that he initially had seen in action on the Portland Creek River in Newfoundland back in the 1940s.

This box-set of 4 single hook flies that we bought off eBay is a true example of Lee´s ingenuity and keen interest in the riffling hitch technique.

This box-set was initially one of two available sets of experimental hitch flies that Lee Wulff would have designed with a moulded body of nylon – a type of body-design he also incorporated in his famed Surface Stonefly patterns.

Lee Wulff Hitch Specials



This box-set was initially one of two available sets of experimental hitch flies that Lee Wulff would have designed with a moulded body of nylon – a type of body-design he also incorporated in his famed Surface Stonefly patterns.

Lee Wulff Surface Stonefly


If you should know about the production period or other details regarding these special riffling hitch flies we would be thankful to hear about it – You can write us through this link Lee Wulff´s Hitch Specials .

Go to our history page on the riffling hitch technique

Natural black squirrel tails from Russia

Natural black squirrel

Natural black squirrel hair has that super alluring effect on trout and salmon and 1000´s of salmon fly patterns is based on the properties of squirrel hair – Not all squirrel tails are alike and some squirrel hair will work best if used on small flies and other hairs work better on bigger flies – if you are curious to learn more about squirrel hair in fly tying – take a look at our page on the subject squirrel tails.

natural black squirrel tail

natural black squirrelNatural black squirrel from Russia or Eurasian red squirrel as they formally is known as (Scientific Name: Sciurus vulgaris) are a squirrel species widespread across the vast forest land of Russia where some squirrels are caught in traps and their pelt is used for various garments. We were lucky to buy a small selection of tails and are happy to share them with those of you who appreciate this truly awesome fly tying material. This squirrel species comes in various shades of brown and black.

We will be listing the tails in shades of black and brown as long as stock lasts.

Prize is 5.95 $

Some new flies for 2021

fishmadman hitch flies

Fly tying is our profession on Fishmadman and it is our flies and their ability to catch fish that makes it all worth your while –  Based on our experience with the see-through tubing/shimmering body material (read about this in a previous newsletter) we have chosen to make some of our patterns better by implementing our new style of fly tying. 

We will better some of the popular surface flies we sell through our shop and also add a few new ones for season 2021 – When they are ready for fishing we will send you more information.

pearl hitchman

A new riffling hitch pattern for 2021 will be this tiny Pearl Hitchman that we found absolutely fantastic during summer days in 2020 – Fly seen with a Partridge Salmon Stinger # 16 

Collie Dog Tube fly

All our Collie Dog and Sunray Shadow tube flies will be fitted with 3-D eyes and a holographic silver body.  Fly seen with a Partridge Patriot Stinger Barbless Hook #6

Hitchman Black and Gold

Another Hitchman pattern this one with golden holographic body and hair from black squirrel – will complete the Hitchman series. Fly seen with a Owner Chinu # 4

Haugur hitch

A tiny Haugur pattern with silver iridescent foil to the sides also proved to be a great player last summer. Fly seen with a Owner Chinu # 4

Redesigning a pattern - get new flies from us

Green Hitchman

Some of the Hitchman flies we made during season 2020 did not stand up to the though life at the end of the leader and as a result, the shimmering strands of foil lost their grip on the tubing. We can only regret this and as a consequence, we redesigned the body material and the process of attaching these thin strands of shimmering material to the tubing…We think we have come out on top and would like to exchange any dysfunctional Hitchman flies you might have encountered during the last season – Just give us a note in your next order and we will live up to our no-nonsense policy of fly quality – and send you new once instead… NB the new Hitchman flies will not be available in the store until late spring 2021

The knot from the last newsletter - The Turl Knot

turl knot
turl knot

In our last newsletter, we showed you our favoured steering knot for up-turned salmon hooks and also asked you for a name and information about the knot in question and we would like to send out a 👍 to those who wrote us – to tell us that we were showing how to tie a Turl knot.

Thank you goes out to: David Ellis, Serge Léveillé, Mark and Brian Moran.

Serge also sends us a link to a video showing an interesting variant of the Turl Knot known in the Gaspesia part of Québec as Gaspesian knot or Twist knot.

Special thank you to you guys for participating and helping us get the facts straight.

See a Youtube video on the The Gaspé Twist

An early and quite unorthodox salmon dry fly

Allcock’s aquatic spider.
salmon dry fly

Here is one very unorthodox looking salmon dry fly from British Allcock (this one dating back to 1938) named The Allcock’s aquatic spider.

Special thanks for getting details on this fly goes out to Finish fly fishing historian and author: Mr Pertti Kanerva. Pertti told us that the Allcock’s Aquatic spider was available in Finnish fly fishing shops from the 1920s. It was sold in three sizes: 5, 10 and 12 – original the fly came in a tin-box, later in a plastic-box. Allcock ceased to sell the fly in the early 1970s.

Read more about the Allcock Aquatic Spider here

Arizona Diamond Dub

John Rohmer Arizona Diamond Dub

It takes an equal amount of – Master fly tier and a top fly angler to become a propper dubbing wizard and John Rohmer from Arizona have those abilities.

We know an actual dubbing wizard!

For some years we have been using and selling Johns formidable seal fur substitute called: Simi Seal Dubbing – a dubbing that fast has become the favourite dubbing material to many Scandinavian anglers.

pacific salmon in scandinaviaNow we have the pleasure of presenting another of Johns wizard-mixtures: Arizona Diamond Dub – A very bright organic dubbing with fine threads of sparkling material (Quite difficult to show correctly in a photo) – We have used the material during season 2019 – 20 and found it to be excellent for trout, arctic char and Atlantic salmon.

Arizona Diamond dubbing also lured some of the pacific salmon that occasionally run our rivers here in Scandinavia  …like this critter in the last image (:

Arizona Diamond Dub

We have chosen 18 catchy colures from Johns series of Arizona Diamond Dub – We will be doing a newsletter discount during spring 2021 where you get a free pack of dubbing every time you purchase 3 packs.

Arizona Diamond Dub

Per Fischer who spend lots of time fishing for sea-run brown trout or sea trout as we also call them have long used the Arizona Diamond dub in his sea trout patterns. Here the Olive Copper dubbing used in some great shrimp flies

Thank you from us

Thank you for supporting our highly specialized fly shop – We hope that our flies will bring fish to your leader and a smile on your lips in 2021… I think we all could need that (:

Remember to bring your kids and grandkids fishing it is only by sharing the dreamy and glorious moments at the river and ponds that new generations of people would want to conserve the fragile world of the salmon and trout that run our waters.

Yours Per & Jesper

The post Newsletter Early Spring 2021 first appeared on Fishmadman.com.]]>
Nyhedsbrev Tidligt forår 2021 https://www.fishmadman.com/newsletter/newsletter-early-spring-2021/nyhedsbrev-tidligt-forar-2021 Fri, 17 Apr 2020 11:58:38 +0000 http://www.fishmadman.com/newsletter/newsletter-winter-2021-2/

Fishmadman Nyhedsbrev Vinteren 2021

riffling hitch tube fly

Jesper FohrmannHej, fluefisker og velkommen til endnu et nyhedsbrev fra os på Fishmadman – Vi håber, at vi kan gøre din dag lidt mere interessant ved at snakke fisk & fluer og vise dig et par ting, der måske kunne få dig til at mindes dinner dage langs elven, denne sommer – og forhåbentlig lægge planer for fluefiskesæsonen 2021.

Denne gang i nyhedsbrevet

  • En særlige riffling hitch fluer fra Lee Wulff
  • Natursort egernhaler
  • Nye fluer i 2021
  • Redesign af et mønster – få nye fluer
  • Knuden fra det sidste nyhedsbrev
  • En ældre uortodoks lakstørflue
  • Ny…super dubbing Arizona Diamond Dub

Lee Wulff´s Hitch Specials

Lee Wulff´s Hitch Specials

Gennem sit liv som sports-skribent og laksefisker, fungerede Lee Wulff som promotor for riffling hitch teknikken, som han oprindeligt havde set i aktion ved Portland Creek elven i Newfoundland tilbage i 1940’erne.

Lee Wulff Hitch Specials



Dette boks-sæt med 4 enkeltkrogfluer,  er et godt eksempel på Lee`s opfindsomhed og interesse for hitch fiskeri. Dette boks-sæt var oprindeligt et af to tilgængelige sæt af eksperimentelle fluer, som Lee Wulff designede med en krop af støbt af nylon – et design han også brugte på sine berømte Surface Stonefly fluer.

Lee Wulff Surface Stonefly


Hvis du ved mere om disse særlige hitch fluer, ville vi være taknemmelige for at høre fra dig – Du kan skrive til os via dette link Lee Wulff´s Hitch Specials  

Natursort egern fra Rusland

Natural black squirrel

Naturligt sort egernhår har en super lokkende effekt på ørred og laks, og 1000`vis af fluemønstre er baseret på egernhårs særlige egenskaber – Ikke alle gernhaler er ens, og noget hår fungerer bedst, hvis det bruges på mindre fluer og hår fra andre haler egner sig til større fluer – hvis du er nysgerrig efter at lære mere om egernhår i fluebinding  så kig forbi på vores side om emnet.

Natursort egernhale

natural black squirrel

Naturlig sort egern fra Rusland eller eurasisk rødt egern, som de formelt er kendt som (Videnskabeligt navn: Sciurus vulgaris) er en egernart, der er udbredt over det store skovklædte Rusland, hvor nogle egern fanges i fælder, og deres skind bruges til forskellige beklædningsgenstande.

Vi var heldige at købe et lille udvalg af haler og deler dem med glæde med dem, der sætter pris på dette virkelig fantastiske fluebindingsmateriale.

Denne art egern findes i forskellige nuancer af brun og sort. Du finder halerne i vores butik beskrevet som:  sort og brun. Sælges så længe lager haves.  Prisen er 36.50.- (Danske Kr. 2021)


Nogle nye fluer til sæson 2021

fishmadman hitch flies

Fluebinding er vores profession her på Fishmadman, og det er vores fluer og deres evne til at fange fisk, der gør det hele værd for dig – Baseret på vores erfaring med gennemsigtige rør / changerende kropsmateriale (læs om dette i et tidligere nyhedsbrev) har vi valgt at gøre vores mønstre bedre ved at udbrede vores nye bindestil til flere fluer fra butikken.

pearl hitchman

Et nyt riffling hitch mønster til 2021 bliver denne lille Pearl Hitchman, som vi og laks fandt helt fantastisk i løbet af sommeren 2020. Fluen her er monteret med Partridge Salmon Stinger # 16 

Collie Dog Tube fly

I 2021 vil alle vores Collie Dog og Sunray Shadow fluer være udstyret med 3-D øjne og alle Collie Dogs med en særlig holografisk krop i sølv. Flue monteret med Partridge Patriot Stinger Barbless Hook #6.

Hitchman Black and Gold

Et andet Hitchman-mønster (Black & Gold Hitchman) med holografisk guld krop og hår fra sort egern – vil fuldende Hitchman-serien. Flue monteret med Owner Chinu # 4.

Haugur hitch

En micro udgave af det islandske Haugur-mønster med sølv-iriserende folie på siderne, viste sig også at være et super mønster den foregående sommer. Flue monteret med Owner Chinu # 4.

Redesign af et mønster - få nye fluer fra os

Green Hitchman

Nogle af de Hitchman-fluer, vi lavede til sæsonen 2020, klarede ikke det hårde liv i for enden af forfanget, og som et resultat mistede de holografiske strimler deres fæste på røret. Vi kan kun beklage dette, og som en konsekvens redesignede vi kropsmaterialet og processen hvorved vi fastgøre dette til røret … Vi synes​ at ​vi er lykkedes med dette projekt, og vil gerne benytte lejligheden til at bytte eventuelle ødelagte/dårlige Hitchman-fluer, du måske har fisket med i løbet af den sidste sæson – Giv os en besked i din næste ordre, så lover vi at lever op til vores no-nonsense kvalitets politik – og sender dig nye fluer i stedet … NB de nye Hitchman fluer vil desværre ikke være tilgængelige i butikken før sidst på foråret 2021.

Knuden fra sidste nyhedsbrev: Turl Knuden

turl knot
turl knot

I vores forrige nyhedsbrev viste vi dig vores foretrukne styreknude til fluer bundet på opadbøjet laksekroge, og spurgte dig også om et navn og information om den pågældende knude, og vi vil gerne sende en 👍 til David Ellis, Serge Léveillé, Mark, Brian Moran, der skrev til os for at fortælle at; vi havde vist, hvordan man binder en Turl knude.

Serge sender os også et link til en video, der viser en interessant variant af Turl Knuden kendt i Gaspesia-delen af ​​Québec som Gaspesian Knot eller Twist Knot

Se en Youtube video om Gaspé Twist knuden

En tidlig og uortodoks lakse tørflue

Allcock’s aquatic spider.
salmon dry fly

Her en ganske uortodoks laksetørreflue fra British Allcock, dateret tilbage til 1938, kaldet; Allcock’s aquatic spider

Særlig tak til finske fluefiskerihistoriker og forfatter Pertti Kanerva, for at skaffe detaljer om denne flue. Pertti fortæller os, at Allcock’s aquatic spider var tilgængelig i finske fluefiskebutikker fra 1920’erne. De blev solgt i tre størrelser # 5, 10 og 12 – De original fluen kom i en blikdåse, senere i en plastikæske. Allcock ophørte med at sælge fluen i begyndelsen af ​​1970’erne

Læs mere om Allcock Aquatic Spidere her

Arizona Diamond Dub

John Rohmer Arizona Diamond Dub

Det kræver lige dele mester-fluebinder og storfanger for at blive en ægte dubbing-troldmand og John Rohmer fra Arizona har disse evner.

I flere år har vi solgt og selv brugt Johns formidable sæluld-erstatning: Simi Seal Dubbing – en dubbing der hurtigt er blevet det foretrukne dubbingsmateriale for mange skandinaviske lystfiskere, nu har vi fornøjelsen at præsentere endnu en af Johns fortryllede-blandinger: Arizona Diamond Dub – En lys og organisk dubbing med fine tråde af shangerende materiale (noget der kan være ganske vanskeligt at vise korrekt på et foto) – Vi har stillehavslaks i Norgebrugt materialet i løbet af sæsonen 2019 – 20 og fandt det fremragende til ørred, rødding og atlanterhavslaks.

Arizona Diamond dubbing virkede også på nogle af de stillehavslaks, der lejlighedsvis besøger vores vande her i Skandinavien … som denne uheldige type i det sidste foto (:

Arizona Diamond Dub

Vi har valgt 18 fangende farver fra Johns serien af Arizona Diamond Dub – Vi laver en nyhedsbrev rabat for foråret 2021, hvor du får en gratis pakke med dubbing hver gang du køber 3 pakker.

Arizona Diamond Dub

Per Fischer har lavet disse delikate rejefluer af det nye Arizona Diamond Dub i farven Olive Copper

Tak til dig

Ja… tak for din støtte til vores højst specialiserede fluebutik – vi håber, at vores fluer vil bringe fisk til din line og et smil på dine læber i 2021- vi har alle brug for lidt mere smil (:

Husk at invitere dine børn og børnebørn på fisketur, det er kun ved at dele de herlige og spændende øjeblikke ved elv og sø, at nye generationer af mennesker vil ønsker at bevare den skrøbelige verden ​​laks og ørred svømmer i.

Med venlig hilsen Per & Jesper

The post Nyhedsbrev Tidligt forår 2021 first appeared on Fishmadman.com.]]>
Newsletter July 2017 – What´s in the fly box https://www.fishmadman.com/newsletter/newsltter-july-2017-whats-in-the-fly-box Sun, 02 Jul 2017 12:35:17 +0000 http://www.fishmadman.com/?page_id=18784
Salmon fishing
Dear Flyfisher! Welcome to yet another newsletter from us at Fishmadman.
Summers salmon season is on the go and luckily reports are better now than they were same time last year – it has been a cold spring in the very North and when I spoke to friends in Nothern Norway only a few days ago, the rivers was a mere 3 degrees Celsius or 37 degrees Fahrenheit – so my start of the season will surely be more than 10 inches below the surface… but soon the river will be ready for the hitch and dry flies 
This time I thought I would give you a look inside my fly boxès just at the start of summer salmon fishing – before everything gets tangled up and wet.
You might find inspiration and ideas for your next fishing trip
I also manage to get hold of some deep sea prawns with their long horns still intact. Over the winter I wrote forth and back with some of you about the significance of long strands of hair in salmon and steelhead flies. Sometimes a few single hairs can do magic on those fish that is reluctant to take a fly
Last but not least a couple of good deals from our shop
Very tight lines from Jesper & Per

What`s in my fly box?

I bring flies for every possible kind of fishing situation that I may participate in during my stay in Norway – Salmon, sea-run Arctic char, sea trout – I obviously also bring a larger amount of fly tying material so I can try and test new material, fly patterns and variations of the flies we all use.

salmon fly

The high clear water

Blue is a great color for fresh salmon in cold clear water, and the color combination in the Jock Scott fly pattern is favored by salmon in the north. I also use the Gary fly in the same conditions but it really comes into play those days the water gets slightly tinted from heavy rain

Salmon flies

Dens flies in fast water

1 ½ – 2 inch copper tubes are valuable in fast and high water

Salmon tube fly

Fast fish - imitations

Big long-winged flies like the Sunray Shadow is also an early season fly – but it serves well all through the season – Add speed and fish it straight across when water heats up See our lon g winged flies here 

Salmon heavy tube fly

Dens and small

When the river heats up tiny heavy tubes may be the perfect fly – Clear blue hair combined with strands of yellow and red is great for those fresh salmon – Flies with soft black wings catch fish in every river

Blue Charm salmon fly

The dull looking Blue Charm`s

Dull looking Blue Charm`s from # 2 – 12 is a must have box

Seat trout flies for the sea

Picky trout in the sea

Tiny insect imitations (tied with my 3X glasses on) for those picky sea trout and arctic char out in the sea

Small salmon dry flies

The small dry flies

Tiny versions of the Bomber pattern – Small bug`s – is a must have box when the water heats up. Salmon may come to the surface to inspect your big or medium Bomber – but it could be a tiny fly that actually catches the salmon See the tiny bugs here

salmon bomber fly

Medium and bigger dry flies

My trusted box of Bombers and Monster Tube Caddis flies – all prepared with Musceline See our dry flies here

Small salmon tube flies

Lightweight tube flies

Small lightweight tube flies in dull colors for fishing just below the surface,

riffling hitch tube fly

The Hitch box

A box for most of the season – Not every salmon is ready to take a hitched fly – but sometimes the hitched salmon fly will outfish all other flies even in icy cold water – The hitch fly is also one of the few flies that will catch salmon in those difficult days with cold Northerly wind.  See our hitch flies 

General Practitioner salmon fly

Late season shrimp´s

General Practitioner and various shrimp patterns can be perfect every day through the year – but in the late end of the season they become increasingly popular. Read more

Frances tube fly salmon

Small Frances tube flies

Small tube Frances flies – heavy and lightweight. Some of the great success of this fly pattern lies in presentation – I prefer them drifting (falling) towards the salmon See some in the shop

Small Frances flies on treble hook

Miniature Frances flies

Dwarf size Frances flies is must have flies for finicky salmon – Big and small salmon will rice to this fly during most of the season See them in the shop

rødding fluer

Finick arctic char

Artic Char and sea trout – Small and some quite heavy nymphs…Bits of UV reflecting material – golden bead heads makes thes fish bite.

Long hornes on flies

Salmon shrimp fly
Many crustaceans that salmon and steelhead feed on at high seas have long antennas or horns – They serve a purpose but we may also assume that they are part of the overall images of prey that salmon and steelhead search for in the sea – Long thin hair on our wet flies sometimes makes very difficult fish interested – It may be micro movements in the thin hair that triggers a bite – or it could be the see-through effect combined with the way that the light is reflected in the single strands of hair – But it could also be that small details sometimes is very important stuff – I for one have often placed my reliance on the slim built Ally`s shrimp seen in the photo – these are tied with long hair from bear.
We aim to have such long horn flies ready for you later this year.

N E W S L E T T E R summer sale

A selection of our riffling hitch tube flies + a pack of Owner Isema single hooks – at a good price –

See them in the shop

riffling hitch tube flies

A selection of our iridescent and gold Sunray tube flies – at a good price

See them in the shop

Sunray shadow iridescent fly

What are we currently working on?

Wer doing videos on various details from shooting head systems 

Morrish Mouse tube flyA series of the Morrish Mouse fly tied on the tube – The Morrish Mouse is a famous Canadian surface fly on rainbow trout rivers. The Morrish Mouse pattern was originally devised by master fly tier and manager with Fly Water Travel. Mr Ken Morrish

The post Newsletter July 2017 – What´s in the fly box first appeared on Fishmadman.com.]]>
Riffling hitch rørflue – en miniature model https://www.fishmadman.com/rifling_hitch/a-riffling-hitch-fly-is-a-miniature-model-2/riffling-hitch-rorflue-en-miniature-model Sat, 11 Mar 2017 19:10:40 +0000 http://www.fishmadman.com/?page_id=18072

På denne side vil vi gå lidt mere i dybden med detaljer om riffling hitch rørfluer, og de ting der kan påvirke små fluer

making a riffling hitch fly
think like a trout

Det er ikke bare at lave et hul i et plasticrør

Jeg bliver ofte spurgt om; hvordan man afsætter hullet på en riffling hitch rørflue? Skal hullet være lige på 90 ° eller i en vinkel? – Skal man blokere hullet i frontenden af fluen?

Disse ting er ikke noget man kan svarre entydigt på – Det kommer nemlig an på; hvordan din hitch flue er lavet, hvilket type rør den er bundet på, hvor lang fluen er – og ganske sikkert også andre faktore.

At binde en velfungerende riffling hitch flue er i virkeligheden som at; bygge en minuture flyver eller båd – Hvis du først har bygget en der virker helt perfekt…så skal der næsten ingen forandring til før – den ikke virker mere.

Følg med, imens vi fortæller om vores ider og tanker omkring den fantastiske riffling hitch rørflue

Ingeniører, der bygger både og fly er i høj grad afhængige af stærke computere, for at lave beregninger på de mange kompleksiteter der opstår, når et objekt er nedsænket i vand eller flyver gennem luften

Måske kan vi lave en computermodel, der kan vise os vejen til den perfekte riffling hitch flue?

At binde fluer – Det handler om detaljer og fisken afsiger den endelige dom over dit projekt

Som fluebinder, ved vi, at en detalje i vore fluer kan ændre den måde, hvorved den opføre sig i vandet, og en forkert bundet flue kan som følge heraf bliver ganske ubrugelig.

Den erfarende fluefisker vil trække sin flue gennem vandet, og observere, om den svømmer og ser livlig ud … men det er ikke alle detaljer, som er synlige for det menneskelige øje, og det vil faktisk være fisken, der udsiger den endelige dom over dit fluebindings projek

At klone de fluer der virker – kunne være vejen til en hurtig succes

Det ville være virkelig perfekt hvis man kunne skabe disse super-fluer, hver gang man satte sig til fluestikket, og gennem min karriere, som fluefisker, har jeg nettop forsøgt at finde og fremhæve nogle af de unikke detaljer, der gør disse super-fluer så gode – Jeg gør det ved at kopiere disse fluer igen og igen. Man skulle nettop tro, at denne fremgangsform, ville være den bedst tænkelige måde at skabe super-fluer hver gang – men jeg har lært, at dette ikke altid er tilfældet, og i igennem årene er blevet mere ydmyg overfor projektet – Den perfekt flue .

Det er en kombination af detaljer der skaber en flue der virker

Babine bomber steelhead flyFluefiskere tænker ofte på deres flue som; et objekt, der provokerer fiskene til at bide, eller som en efterligning af det føde fisken normalt spiser. Vi ved ikke helt præcist, hvilke detaljer i fluen der udløser hugget – men vi kan antage, at det er en kombination af detaljer, der får fisken til fluen.
Til højre: Bomber tørfluen med dens mærkelige design, er et meget godt eksempel på, hvordan en kombination afdetaljer i et flue design kan danne den perfekte flue

katten efter musen leg – baseret på detaljer

what do salmon eat in the seaVi er tilbøjelige til at tro, at dyr ser tingene, som vi ser dem, men sandheden er, at vi ved alt for lidt om, hvordan dyr opfatter verden omkring dem.

De ørreder og laks, vi fluefiskere kaster til har et fremragende syn og det er mest sandsynligt netop denne evne, der er det centrale element i deres succes som rovdyr, både i elven og i havet. Meget af det bytte de jager, er virkelig små ting, der derudover er camoufleret godt. Se billeder af de mikro dyr laks og steelhead spiser på havete

Rovfisk og byttedyr har perfektioneret denne gemmeleg i + 100 millioner år, og vi kan kun antage, at de er eksperter i det de gør

Rovfisk og byttedyr har perfektioneret denne gemmeleg i + 100 millioner år, og vi kan kun antage, at de er eksperter i det de gør, i en sådan grad, at der kun er en tynd linje mellem – at gemme sig og blive fundet… Vi kan også antage at det er mikro detaljer, der afslører byttet for rovdyret. Det kunne være en lille refleksion i ​​byttedyrets ydre, den måde lyset skinner gennem ​​byttedyrets krop, de små bevægelser byttet laver, eller det kunne blot være de bevægelsesmønstre byttedyrene har, når det udsættes for vand i bevægelse i havet og i elven.

salmon on riffling hitch tube fly

Laks, der blev narret af udseende og bevægelser i en lille riffling hitch V-FLY

En moderne riffling hitch rørfluer, kan relateres til sideplanere, planerboard eller en otter

Riffling hitch rørfluer et relativt nyt design i fluebinding – Så vidt jeg ved var det den engelske laks guide og forfatter Crawford Little, som i sin bog: Succes with salmon fra 1988, var den første til offentliggøre et eksempel på den særlige rørflue der trække til overfladen – Et rør, der har forfanget indsat gennem siden eller bugen på ​​røret.

Ottering - riffling hitchCrawford Little bruger analogien mellem teknikken til at ottere en robåd i en elv, og den måde hvorved man kan bygge en rørflue, der trækker op til overfladen. Ottere kan bedst beskrives som den måde, hvorved du kan tvinge et objekt til at skære væk fra dig ved at trække fra siden af ​​objektet. Her er det trolling lystfiskere der ved hjælp af en såkaldt: Sideplaner eller planerboard, kan trække deres agn væk fra båden.

Vi forsøgte at skabe et computerprogram, der kunne lave alle de rigtige beregninger – til den perfekte riffling hitch rørflue

Keith fred PucillPå vores vej til at forstå og skabe det bedst mulige computer design til vores riffling hitch rørflue søgte vi viden hos; Fred Pucill, som er pensioneret skibsarkitekt. Fred har i mange år arbejdet med, bådmodeller og computer programmer, der kan beregne design til både.

Venstre: Fred Pucill. Fred har arbejdet med arkitektonisk design, konstruktion, af skibe, både og andre marine fartøjer hos Force Technology

Ved at bruge planerboardet som et eksemple, havde vi håbet, at skibsarkitekten havde en smart løsning til et computerprogram, der kunne beregne det perfekte design til riffling hitch rørfluer – men vi fodstod snart at det er yders komplicert, at kunne forudsige dynamikken af ​​et legeme i bevægelse – nedsænket i et medium, såsom vand eller luft.

100 år´s modelbygning

model flue bindingSnart 100 år siden, i flyvemaskinens barndom, var det meget ønskeligt at vide, hvordan man kunne gøre vingerne på flyet, mere effektive; at øge løft, minimere træk – samt at få en bedre forståelse af de tekniske årsager der kunne skabe den katastrofal stall situation.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) og under alle omstændigheder den nødvendige computerkraft, fandtes ikke på den tid, og alt nødvendigt know-how måtte skaffes igennem modelforsøg. I første omgang blev det gjort enkel med 2D modeller men som tiden gik, og for at få tiltrængt information, blev yderlig komplikationer tilført forsøgende, såsom; effekten af ruhed på modellerne, finite aspect ratio, flow hastighed for en given model størrelse (Reynolds Number) og dannelse og afgivelse af hvirvler fra flow separation og løft. På denne måde opnåede datidens pionere flere meget succesrige designs.

riffling hitch teknikHitch rørfluen i vand – En yderst svær regneopgave

Vi springer frem til moderne tid – hvor vi med hjælp af CFD kan løse mange beregnings opgaver af designet på et legeme i en væske – men ikke alle ting kan lade sig gøre. Dette bringer os til nogle af de meget specielle krav til dynamikken for en riffling hitch rørflue. Krav og matematiske udfordringer som traditionelle CFD vil have store vanskeligheder med at løse tilfredsstillende – og i nogle tilfælde slet ikke kunne løse.

Riffling Hitch V-FLYRiffling Hitch rørfluen fungerer stort set i luft/vand-grænsefladen. Dette er et udgangspunkt med nogle meget komplekse kræfter i forhold til: løft, træk, opdrift, bølge skabende omgivelser – samt påvirkning fra tyngdekraften. Når dette kombineres med de ustabile kræfter fra vortex shedding (periodiske hvirvelstrømme), ville de fleste CFD-løsninger være nødt til at give op.
Denærst, starter riffling hitch fluen, sin færd over elven fuldt neddykket – for så at skulle “stige” hurtigt til overfladen på en kontrolleret måde, for så derefter straks, at indtage sit “hitch-mode” i den åbne vandoverflade, alt sammen i løbet af få sekunder.

Enhver uønsket bevægelse under denne kritiske periode og laksen mister hurtigt interessen

V-FLY: One original that accounted for 24 fishTilbage til: Trial and error

Disse virkelig komplekse krav kan derfor kun løses på een tilfredstillende måde ved: trial and error eksperimenter, så vi vil lade computeren model og beregningerne ligge for nu – og vender tilbage til den måde, hvorved vi har lavet vores riffling hitch fluer i de sidste 25 år, meget på den samme måde som de tidlige aerodynamik-pionere ved trial & error. Nødvendigvis lang tid, da der var mange variabler at arbejde med. Vi er overbeviste om, at vores nuværende design opfører sig præcis som vi ville ønske.

Af de mange vigtige variabler vi har arbejdet med, er disse de vigtigste

  • Indre og ydre diameter af røret, der danner fluens krop
  • Den langsgående position og diameteren af hullet, gennem hvilket forfanget indføres
  • Vi bruger hår fra egern haler. Dette materiale har vist sig at være perfekt til jobbet. For at gøre tingene endnu mere indviklet foretrækker vi hår fra unge egern. Dette hår er ikke for stift eller for blødt

Læs mere om håret materiale vi foretrækker at bruge

Det er vores måde at sigte efter de bedste mulige riffling hitch rør fluer.

Se hvordan... Den fantastiske riffling hitch Silver tippet V-FLY

Se trin for trin vejledning i at binde den sublime riffling hitch flue: Silver Tippet V-FLY

A very special thank you to Mr. Fred Pucill for helping us comprehend some of the mysteries of Computational fluid dynamics

The post Riffling hitch rørflue – en miniature model first appeared on Fishmadman.com.]]>
Nyhedsbrev Marts 2017 – Den nye Fishmadman butik https://www.fishmadman.com/nyhedsbrev-marts-2017-den-nye-fishmadman-butik Sat, 11 Mar 2017 18:47:20 +0000 http://www.fishmadman.com/?page_id=18064
Fishmadman newsletter

Hej fluefiskere – og velkommen til det første nyhedsbrev i 2017
I dette nummer af nyhedsbrevet

  • Den nye Fishmadman butik
  • Riffling hitch rørflue – lidt ligesom at bygge miniaturemodeller
  • Nye ting i butikken
  • Ny Fishmadman

Velkommen til endnu et nyhedsbrev fra os på Fishmadman – Vi har haft frygtelig travlt med at bygge vores nye webshop og har udskudt nyhedsbrevene, så vi kunne passe den store åbning af vores butik ind i den seneste udgave.

Alting tog meget længere tid end forventet (som det normalt gør) – Men vi er stolte af at kunne invitere dig og alle andre læsere ind i den nye og forbedret, fiskeagtige butik … En fisker butik ligesom vi ønsker fiske butikker skal være – fuld af fiskefotos… teknisk information, tips og tricks.

Vi håber du kan lide vores butik og måske drage fordel af vores store åbning udsalgsalg

Knæk & Bræk Jesper & Per

Den nye butik...endeligt

fishmadman web shop

Efter syv måneders kedeligt arbejd, er det endelig lykkedes os at få den nye Fishmadman-webshop klar – Vi er stolte af at, kunne invitere dig indenfor for at se de mange spændende sider med information om fluer og fiskeri – For at fejre denne Fishmadman-milepæl, har vi besluttet at tilbyde 10% rabat på alle varer i butikken – Dette skulle give alle nyhedsbrevet læseren en fair chance for at købe nogle af deres foretrukne fluer og måske prøve nogle nye.

Brug rabatkode 10today ved kassen og få 10% rabat på alle varer
Kode virker fra den 11. marts til den 31. marts 2017

think like a trout

Det er ikke bare at lave et hul i et plasticrør

Jeg bliver ofte spurgt om; hvordan man afsætter hullet på en riffling hitch rørflue? Skal hullet være lige på 90 ° eller i en vinkel? – Skal man blokere hullet i frontenden af fluen?

Disse ting er ikke noget man kan svarre entydigt på – Det kommer nemlig an på; hvordan din hitch flue er lavet, hvilket type rør den er bundet på, hvor lang fluen er – og ganske sikkert også andre faktore.

At binde en velfungerende riffling hitch flue er i virkeligheden som at; bygge en minuture flyver eller båd – Hvis du først har bygget en der virker helt perfekt…så skal der næsten ingen forandring til før – den ikke virker mere.

Følg med, imens vi fortæller om vores ider og tanker omkring den fantastiske riffling hitch rørflue

Vi prøver at finde en formel til riffling hitch rørfluer

De riffling-hitch fluer vi producere på Fishmadman er baseret på een model, der hele tiden har vist sig effektiv – Vi tog denne fluen til en skibsingeniør for at se, om han kunne se en videnskabelig forklaring på denne lille rørflue

Læs mere om avanceret modelbygning og kompleksiteten ved de forskellige dynamiske kræfter der er involveret i noget så simpelt som en riffling hitch flue.

Nye ting i butikken

Ska-Opper Flash:Black

Wake flue ændringer
Sammen med vores team af Steelhead fluefiskere, har vi lavet nogle overordnede ændringer til nogle af vores steelhead fluer.
Det handler om størrelse og farve.
Tag et kig på de fluer vi har ændret

Tube Ska-Opper og Dragon Gurgler

Eva foam for wake flies

Samling af 14 flotte farver EVA skumplader
Vi er en mindr fluebinding virksomhed – og vi har ikke råd til at købe alt det materiale, vi skal brug i store mængder – men vi har brug for en stabil forsyning af EVA skum (Skumplader) til vores wake fluer så vi købte store kasser med det mest perfekte materiale.
Ikke kedlige legetøjs-butik farver men alle de rigtige farver, som vi ønsker til vores fluer. Vi havde også brug for fluorescerende farver – klare lyse farver i 2 – 3 i millimeter tykkelse

Se dette fantastiske skum i vores butik

EVA close cell foam for mouse fly

Mere skumplade…
Til vores muse-fluer har vi købt 6 mm. skumplader i to farver Se dem her

Iridecent Sunray Shadow flies

Iridescent Sunray Shadow Series
Vi lovede jer at have de nye iridescent Sunray fluer klar til den nye sæson nu er de klar i alle farver. Benyt dig af muligheden imens de stadig er på lager Se her

Jim Jorgensen Fishmadman

Jim Jørgensen tager over efter vores gamle ven Kim Nyborg, som desvære døde denne vinter

Ny Fishmadman...

Jim er den nye fyr hos Fishmadman – Men en erfaren fluefisker, der foretrækker; tørfluefiskeri efter ørred og stalling, gedefluefiskeri og uger af saltvand fiskeri efter GT’s

Jim er nu en del af Fishmadman da vi har brug for hans store evner udi fluebinding, især de færdigheder der har været med til at skabe nogle af Skandinaviens bedste gedde fluer – Hvis du har behov for rådgivning om gedderfluebinding og geddefluefiskeri i Skandinavien … så er det Jim du skal snakke med

Jim er ansvarlig for produktudvikling på flere af vores fluetyper


Med et ønske om en god sæson fra Fishmadman

salmon on riffling hitch
The post Nyhedsbrev Marts 2017 – Den nye Fishmadman butik first appeared on Fishmadman.com.]]>
Riffling hitch tube fly – a bit like building miniature models https://www.fishmadman.com/archives/17930 https://www.fishmadman.com/archives/17930#_comments Wed, 08 Mar 2017 18:00:10 +0000 http://www.fishmadman.com/?p=17930
think like a trout

It’s not just about making a hole in a plastic tube

I am often asked; how to allocate the hole on a riffling hitch tube fly? Must the hole in the tube be equal to 90° or at an angle? – Do I need to block the hole in the front end of the fly?

These questions cannot be answered unequivocally – It all depends on how your hitch fly is made, which type of tubing it is tied on, how long the fly is — and probably other factors.

Tying a functional riffling hitch fly is like building a miniature fly or boat – If you’ve created one that works perfectly, minor changes may ruin the design.

Join us while we discuss our ideas and thoughts on the fantastic riffling hitch tube fly

A modern riffling hitch tube is related to side planers, outboard riggers and the ottering of boats.

Riffling hitch tube flies is a relatively new design in fly tying – English salmon guide and author Mr Crawford Little was one of the first to describe riffling hitch flies tied on a tube. In his book: Success with Salmon from 1988, Mr Little define how a tube that would have the leader inserted through the side or belly of the tube as opposed to the conventional way where the leader was inserted through the front of the tube – would pull to the surface much in the same way a boat pulled at an angle would cut out in the stream.

Are you curious to learn more about the early riffling hitch tube flies and the inventors behind them … Look to our general page on the matter

Go here

Ottering - riffling hitchMr. Crawford Little used the analogy between ottering a rowing boat in a river and how one could build a tube fly that would pull to the surface. Ottering is best described as how one can force an object to cut away from you by pulling from the side of the object. Here it is trolling anglers using a so-called: Sideplaner or plasterboard to pull plugs and bait away from the boat.

riffling hitch know howWe tried to make a computer program that could make all the correct calculations.

On our journey to understand and make the best possible computer design for our riffling hitch tube fly we sought information from a naval architect who had worked with Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and conventional 2-D modeling… We had hoped that we could design a computer program that could lead us to the perfect flies… we soon learned that things weren’t as simple as we had thought.

[cq_vc_imageoverlay2 image=”17861″ isresize=”no (we will use the original image)” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-share” overlaytitle=”Read the whole story” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fishmadman.com%2Frifling_hitch%2Fa-riffling-hitch-fly-is-a-miniature-model%2F|||”]
The post Riffling hitch tube fly – a bit like building miniature models first appeared on Fishmadman.com.]]>
https://www.fishmadman.com/archives/17930/feed 0 17930
A riffling hitch fly is a miniature model https://www.fishmadman.com/rifling_hitch/a-riffling-hitch-fly-is-a-miniature-model-2 Tue, 07 Mar 2017 09:13:56 +0000 http://www.fishmadman.com/?page_id=17826

On this page, we will go a bit more into depth with details that might influence the flies we make – particular small riffling hitch flies

making a riffling hitch fly
think like a trout

It’s not just about making a hole in a plastic tube

I am often asked; how to allocate the hole on a riffling hitch tube fly? Must the hole in the tube be equal to 90° or at an angle? – Do I need to block the hole in the front end of the fly?

These questions cannot be answered unequivocally – It all depends on how your hitch fly is made, which type of tubing it is tied on, how long the fly is — and probably other factors.

Tying a functional riffling hitch fly is like building a miniature toy aeroplane or boat – If you’ve made one that works perfectly … then small changes may ruin the design.

Join us while we discuss our ideas and thoughts on the fantastic riffling hitch tube fly.

Engineers that build boats and airplanes rely on great computing power to make calculations on the many complexities that occur when an object is immersed in water or move through the air – maybe we could make a computer model that could show us the way to the perfect riffling hitch fly

Tying flies – It’s about details, and the fish is the final judge of your project

As fly tiers, we know that details in our flies may change the way they perform in the water, and an incorrectly tied fly may, as a consequence,  leave you fishless.

The trained angler will pull his or her fly through the water and observe if it swims straight and looks lively… but not all details are visible to the human eye, and the fish will be the final judge of your fly-tying project.

Some flies prove to work great, and some may even end up being the most precious flies you have in the box; favourite flies you only bring out when the fish is reluctant to bite. I have some of those flies in my box, and honestly, I can’t put my finger on what makes those flies that special.

Replicating the flies that work – could be the fast way to success

It would be great to make those special fish-catching flies every time we sit down to tie flies. Throughout my career as a fly fisher, I have tried to single out some of the unique features that make those specific flies great – I do that by replicating these flies repeatedly. One would think that this could be the perfect formula to obtain a consistent result – but I have learned that this isn’t always the case, and over the years, I have become more humble about this whole project of making the – perfect fly.

A combination of components could bring the fish to the fly

Babine bomber steelhead flyWe as anglers tend to think about our flies as either an object that provokes the fish to bite or as an imitation of the food that they usually would feed on. We don’t exactly what it is within the fly design that makes the fish take the fly – but we may assume that it is a combination of things that could bring the fish to the fly.

Right: The Bomber dry fly with its odd design is an excellent illustration of how a combination of components in a fly design may form the perfect fly

A cat and mouse game – based on details

We tend to think that animals see things as we see them but the truth is that we know all too little about how animals perceive the world.

What do salmon eat in the seaThe fish that we fly fishermen targets, such as trout and salmon, have excellent eyesight, and it is most likely this particular ability that is the critical element of their overall success as predators both in the river and at sea. Much of the food they eat is tiny animals that are camouflaged well. See images of the microfood salmon and steelhead eat at sea.

Gamefish and prey have been perfecting this hide and seek game for 100 million years and we may only assume that they are experts at what they do

Gamefish and prey have been perfecting this hide-and-seek game for 100 million years, and we may only assume that they are experts at what they do to such a degree that there is only a thin line between – hiding and being detected… We may also assume that micro details reveal the prey to the predator. It could be a small reflection in the skin of the prey, the way the light shines through the prey’s body, small movements of the prey, or it could merely be the movement pattern of the prey when it is exposed to the currents in the sea and river.

salmon on riffling hitch tube fly

Atlantic salmon that was deceived by the looks and moves of a tiny riffling hitch V-FLY

A modern riffling hitch tube is related to side planers, outboard riggers and the ottering of boats.

Riffling hitch tube flies are a relatively new design in fly tying – To my knowledge, it was the English salmon guide and author Mr Crawford Little who, in his book: Success with Salmon from 1988, was one of the first people to publish an example of the particular tube that would pull to the surface – A tube that would have the leader inserted through the side or belly of the tube as opposed to the conventional way where the leader was inserted through the front of the tube.

Ottering - riffling hitchMr Crawford Little used the analogy between ottering a rowing boat in a river and how one could build a tube fly that would pull to the surface. Ottering is best described as how one can force an object to cut away from you by pulling from the side of the object. Here it is trolling anglers using a so-called: Sideplaner or planer board to pull plugs and bait away from the boat. Photo with courtesy of

We tried to make a computer program that could make all the right calculations

Keith fred PucillOn our journey to understand and make the best possible computer design for our riffling hitch tube, fly we sought information from Mr Fred Pucill, who is a retired naval architect. For many years, Fred has worked with boat models and computing programs that could calculate boat designs.

Left Mr Fred Pucill. Fred has worked with the architectural design and construction of ships, boats, and other marine vessels at Force Technology

Using the planerboards as an example we had hoped that the naval architect had a smart solution for a computer program that could calculate the perfect design of the riffling hitch tube fly – but we quickly came to understand that predicting the dynamics of a body moving and immersed in a medium, such as water or air, is extremely complex.

A century of model construction

model flue bindingNearly 100 years ago, in the infancy of the aeroplane, it was highly desirable to know a lot more about improving the efficiency of wings – increasing the lift, minimizing the drag – and to form a much better idea of the conditions of speed and flight angle which might induce a catastrophic stall.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and, in any case, the necessary computing power did not exist in those far-off days. Therefore, all the essential know-how had to be obtained from model testing. Initially, this was kept simple with 2D modelling. Still, as time went on and to gain much-needed information, complications were introduced, such as the effect of model roughness, a finite aspect ratio, flow speed for a given model size (Reynolds Number) and the formation and shedding of vortices from flow separation and lift. In this way, many very successful designs were obtained.

riffling hitch know howThe riffling hitch tube in water – A mighty complex calculation

Fast forward to the present day, and we can now solve many problems for the motion of a body in a fluid – but not all. This brings us to some very special requirements for the dynamics of a riffling hitch lure which traditional CFD would have great difficulties solving confidently and which may even be impossible.

Riffling Hitch V-FLYFor a start, the lure operates mainly in the air/water interface. This situation has a complex lift, drag, buoyancy, wave-making and gravitational forces. When combined with the irregular forces from the vortex shedding, most CFD solutions would have to give up.
Secondly, the lure starts fully submerged – it’s not buoyant – but must “rise” rapidly to the surface in a controlled and known manner and then immediately take up its “operating” mode in the free surface, all in a matter of seconds.

Any unwanted lure motion during this critical period, and the salmon will be uninterested. And who wants that!

Vortex shedding – Something very special – Curious? see this remarkable video

Vortex shedding - Maybe it could have an effect on important micro details in surface tube flies

V-FLY: One original that accounted for 24 fish

Back to trial and error

These complex requirements can, therefore, only satisfactorily be solved by trial and error experimentation, so we will leave the computer model and calculation for now and revert to the way we have been doing our riffling hitch flies over the last 25 years, much the same way as those early aerodynamicists. It was necessarily a long time as there were many variables to consider. We are confident that our present designs behave precisely as we would wish. Of the many important variables, we have found that the most important are

  • The tube’s length and inner and outer diameters form the lure’s ‘body.’
  • The longitudinal position and diameter of the hole the leader leads to are also highly critical.
  • We use hair from squirrel tails. This material has proven to be perfect for the job. To make things even more intricate, we prefer hair from young squirrels. This hair is not too stiff nor too soft Read more about the hair material we prefer to use

This is how we aim for the best possible riffling hitch tube flies.

See how we make our fantastic riffling hitch Silver tippet V-FLY

See a step by step instruction on how to make the best possible hitch tube fly

A very special thank you to Mr Fred Pucill for helping us comprehend some of the mysteries of  Computational fluid dynamics.

The post A riffling hitch fly is a miniature model first appeared on Fishmadman.com.]]>
Tubes for tube fly – What to chose https://www.fishmadman.com/tubes-tube-fly Sat, 07 Mar 2015 19:51:27 +0000 http://www.fishmadman.com/?page_id=14279
FlashBack Bug sea trout wake fly

Salmon fishing in Lagan

What is a tube fly?

The tube fly was originally a salmon fly design by The Scotsman Mr Alexander Wanless, who shaped a line of flies on thin lead barrels in the late 1930s.

Mr Alexander Wanless aimed to make a lightweight bait he could fish on his spinning rod with a fixed spool reel. Still today, many anglers use the tube fly on a spinning rod, but more so, the tube fly has become one of the most popular ways of tying salmon and steelhead flies –

In the Swedish Lagan River, many salmon are caught on tube flies. Either on fly gear or, more commonly, on spinning gear. When spinning gear is used, the tube fly is fished close to the bottom on a swinging trace behind a weight. 

Tubes for tube fly

flashback bugIn all its simplicity, the tube is merely the vessel that carries the fly pattern; hair, feather, and hook – But the tube with its ways in the water is also an alluring factor in the tube fly pattern, which can be used progressively.

Right; The FlashBack Bug is a steelhead wake-tube fly designed to use the tube’s properties to stay on top of the surface. The fly could also be tied on a hook… but it will be a fly that works differently on the surface than its cousin tied on the tube.


mouse imitation - mouse fly

Tube fly patterns – in the future

We believe that tube flies will be the future fly when anglers grasp the many potentials of the various tubes.

Big rodent flies like this Tube Rat from our shop benefit significantly from being tied on a tube versus a hook. The tube rat is a much lighter alternative that is easy to cast even on light gear. The tube fly is not rigid as a big long shank hook, and less fish is lost to problems with leverage

metal tube tube fly

Riffling Hitch Tube (big) 3,2: 2,0 mm. - 1 meter

Tube designed for tube flies

Tube fly-tying equipment is a unique part of the fly-tying kit, and fishing shops here in Europa often carry a large selection of tubes and other specialized equipment for tube flies.

The majority of these tubes are made from plastic substances called PE: Polyethylene or PA Aliphatic polyamides

Danish sea trout flyWith an annual worldwide usage of approximately 80 million tons of Polyethylene; it is not uncommon to find tubes in fishing tackle shops that may have been designed for something completely different from tube flies. Likewise, you may spot some tubes outside fishing shops that could work well in your fly tying.

Right: An 2 1/2 inch Danish seatrout commotion tube fly for nocturnal fishing. Dressed with a soft cone to the front and plastic beads to the body to make it push water

Tubes for tube fly

The cotton swab is a good example of a tube that could work as tubing for tube flies. On the other hand, cotton swabs are just as diverse as the tube-fly tubing you find in shops – and some cotton swabs will easily split and bend, others might float – an exclusive feature you could use for an extraordinary tube fly.

tubefly fishing for salmon

The right tube for the job

Fishing an entire season for Atlantic salmon or steelhead could be a technically demanding affair involving a lot of know-how and special gear.

Here a salmon caught on a Garry tied on a 1 1/2 copper tube – When fishing – the hook is kept in place by a hook guard made of soft plastic tubing tied to the rear of the copper tube. The tube fly will slide freely on the leader when a fish is hooked.

The good, the bad and the ugly tubes

It is unusual that manufactures of tubing write any detail on their product so you often have to do your own technical research to get the right material for your tube flies

Here is a few things to look (out) for

tubes for tube fly

Buy a straight tube for big flies.

Tubing is often kept on giant spools and sold by the kilo – then to be cut up into lengths and resold to anglers. The tubing may keep some of its carvings from its shelf-life – leaving you with slightly bend tubes. As far as we’re concerned, that is a no-no when you’re looking to find tubes to tie long flies on, and we would avoid buying such material as it could give you a bad starting point for your flies – and curved flies could end up twisting your leader

Tube for tube fly

Some tubes crack in cold weather.

Tube flies could easily be the fly you turn to when the weather conditions are at their worst and dropping temperatures – strong currents and heavy leaders obviously will take their toll on your tube flies.

It would be best if you tied your flies on tubing that can withstand temperature changes and mechanical wear – but you may have to compromise as some rigid tubes may crack in cold weather.

Above left: A tube sold as; a tube for Scandinavian tube fly – left in the freezer for 5 minutes – I then tried to insert a hook with this cracking result.

Tubes flies tying

High memory tubes

Avoid tubes that change colour when you bend them – The colour change will tell you that the tube has high memory and properly has difficulty falling back into place after being bent for instance, in the mouth of a fish

tube for fly tying

Too hard tube – to put hooks into

If you rely on putting the hook inside the tube… avoid buying too rigid tubing as this could result in troublesome positioning or repositioning of the hook as the material might not accommodate the hook – Some hard tubes may also split when under pressure and used in cold water (2 – 5 degrees Celsius – 35 – 41 degrees Fahrenheit) –

As a general rule, you can check if your tube is suitable to be used as a place to put your hook – by squeezing the tube firmly between your thumb and index fingers – If you can ovalize the tube slightly…and then have it fall back into its original round shape then` you could have the right tube for the job.

tube fly size

Heavy tube flies

Weighted tubes can get down in fast water – They can also be used during the cold part of the season, October – November, and during the first month of the season – January – March.

Above right: Classical Slipstream tubes from Veniard in England – The tubing inside the metal tube (inner tube) may be frayed or otherwise damaged when used – You can change the inner tube by cutting the ends of – then pulling the inner tube out  – then inserting a new piece of inner-tubing – You can use our 1.8-millimetre tubing for this job.

Tube flies are an English invention designed by Mr Alexander Wanless in the early 1930s. It soon became a popular way of doing flies –

Cutting tube fly tyingSome of the first tube flies made by Alexander Wanless were tied on oblong lead barrels. Mr Wanless used the flies with small hooks on his light spinning gear.

Still today, the heavy sinking tube plays a role in fly fishing; mainly, Atlantic salmon anglers use weighted tubes during the season.

Left: Special tool for cutting thin diameter tube


Frances fly - brass tubes

Not possible to buy tiny brass tubes? Cut your own! – I have cut a big brass tube into several small heavy microtubes using a unique tube-cutting tool. In the background, a tiny Frances Fly tied on such a micro brass tube. Tubes fitted with our hook-guard


metal tube tube fly

Heavy tube flies in many shapes and sizes.

Scandinavia and Scotland are blessed with fast-running rivers. European anglers have developed a long line of heavy tubes to be used during the season – most of them are designed for summer sport with a floating line and a presentation of the fly some 10 inches below. Many of these microtubes and the conehead on the photo to the right are designed for this purpose…

We aim to present the individual tubes from the photo on this page – during the following year.

See another page on Fishmadman where we use copper tubes for fast water tube flies

Tungsten tubes tungsten tube flyTungsten Tubes – The heavy boy in the class

Weight is not everything when it comes to surging to the deep – density is an all-important factor – Tubes made of the material tungsten has a density almost 200 % higher than an equivalent copper tube – A real depth charge

tube for tube flies

Light tube fly

Most Scandinavians would choose tube flies for their salmon and trout fishing. The tube fly is convenient and gives us versatility that is hard to beat – But foremost, the tube fly allows the angler to fish big or small fly patterns correctly in all kinds of water.

Micro tube flies

Tying a tube fly for summer conditions

When summer conditions call upon a tiny fly pattern that will work with the most subtle current in the river – you should tie on a micro-tube fly – The fly may be more prominent in volume than a small single-hook pattern and fitted with a hook. It could also weigh more than a single hook pattern – But it also acts much differently.

Left three miniature tube flies tied on different tubing – The two top patterns are tied on relatively soft tubing from a BIC ballpoint pen – hooks in the picture is # 18 – a single hook is # 14

Tubes for Riffling Hitch flies

Riffling Hitch Tube - for wake and riffling hitch tube flies

The best tube on the market

A Fishmadman speciality is our tubes designed for Riffling hitch and wake flies – No one made a good enough tube for the job …so we designed the perfect tube for this purpose. The tube has low memory and will take a lot of mechanical abuse before it breaks.  Buy this tube from our shop Buy salmon & steelhead flies

How we make our wake flies on Riffling Hitch tube

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Our very flexible Riffling Hitch tube will hold various types of hooks

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The leader goes into a hole in the belly of the fly – forcing the fly to track on the surface – It will wake effortlessly in both fast and slow water.

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You don’t need buoyant material in your fly design – the riffling hitch system will keep the fly on top…

[/hotspotitem] [hotspotitem]

See our page on steelhead wake flies


tube fly tying hookguard

Tying a tube fly – Hook guard solutions

The hook guard or hook rest is the extension of the tube that will enable you to hold the hook in place when you cast or fish the fly. Is it not an absolute for all tube flies, and different groups of anglers may have personal opinions and ideas about the use and necessity of this add-on?

I value the hook guard and implement it on many of the tube flies we do in Fishmadman – merely because it is a foolproof solution that reduces the chance of a tangle.

Above left: A soft tubing glued to a thin hard tube with UV glue. A neat way to fixate a hook guard to a tiny tube fly.[hr]

See how to fixate a tiny hook guard on a tube using UV-glue

Stoats tail tube flies

Loose or fixed hook-guard?

Some anglers keep the hook guard loose in their fly box and attach it when they want to use the fly – The lower part of the tube fly is free of material, so the hook guard can easily be slipped on. The apparent advantage of this solution is the option to change the hook guard if it becomes damaged. I think it works neatly on smaller flies like these Stoat Tail tied on # 1/2 aluminium tubes from Veniard

Our 2,2/ 1,2 hook guard is perfect for smaller flies like these. Buy salmon & steelhead flies

 hook-gyard tube fly system

Swinging hook-guard

Anglers in Scandinavia also use this smart kit to keep their hook swinging behind the tube – opposed to setting the hook into a more rigid hook-guard – Here from German Propeller Fly – This version will hold hooks from # 8 – 12

makeing tube flies

Tie-down of hook guard.

If you tie dry flies on tube as we do – we recommend using a hook guard on your fly pattern – the fixated hook will decrease tangle. Initially, you need to make a collar on the tubing, as seen from the photo to the left – You do so by getting the tube near a naked flame – If you use quality PA tubing, the tubing will melt quickly to form a perfect small collar.

hookguard for tube flies

Cut the hook guard at a square angle

Here I have started on a bigger fly on our 1.8 mm. hard tube – I have slipped our bigger 3.0/1.8 mm hook guard on – But I have cut the hook guard at a square 45-degree angle – By doing so, I can reduce the size of the tie-down needed to secure this hook guard.

fly tying tube

Right: I have slid the 2.2/1.2 hook guard onto my 1.4 hard tube. You can see the collar beneath the hook guard – Tie the end of the hook guard and secure it with super-glue or lacquer.

fly tying tube

Finish of with super-glue or lacquer

Micro tube fly

The hook guard works as an integrated part of the body

One fly I have used repeatedly over the years is this 1/5 # (0.5 cm.) micro-conehead tube fly – I tie it in all kinds of colours and patterns, and it is just such a neat fly to tie and use. It may look intricate, but it is a very easy fly to tie. I think some of this micro tube fly´s success is down to the fact that it has a semi-see-through body that is accomplished by running the hook guard onto the body of the fly – Check this super fly out on our page dedicated to the. Kinaber Killer

Tube fly construction

Building the tube fly

Modern tube flies in Scandinavia are often built from various sections of tube – and getting dimensions and tubing right is a bit like building LEGO.

Here I have assembled our 1.8 mm. hard tube with our 3.0/1.8 mm Riffling Hitch tube – In this case, the riffling hitch tube is used as a hook guard, but a hook guard of soft tubing may also be slid onto the rear of the riffling hitch tube to accommodate bigger hooks than the Owner Chinu # 1/0 shown in the photo. Coneheads are often used to the front of the fly – fixed with a tiny drop of glue or Zap-A-Gap – Finally, a collar is formed on the tube by heating it with a naked flame.

Tube fly needle

Specially designed tube fly-tying needles.

Over the years, we have happily used regular sowing needles for our tube fly tying – we have also promoted this inexpensive solution through our shop. Still, we have had a problem getting suitable sowing needles for the tubing we sell, so we decided to produce our design of tube fly-tying needles.

Four different needles to choose from

We made needles that would fit the tubing we sell – from the thinnest 1.4-millimetre tubings to the biggest 3.2 mm. tubing we use for big Sunray Shadow flies.


Riffling Hitch Tube Needle


A specially made needle for short tube flies as riffling hitch flies – bottle tubes.

Made for our 3.2 mm. Hitch tube with an inside diameter (Ø) of 1.8 & 2.0 mm. The total length is 62 mm.

The Thin tube fly needle


For tiny tube flies or metal tubes with inner-lining tubing – Micro Bottle tubes.
Made for our thinnest 1.4 mm. tube with an inside diameter (Ø) of 0.7 mm. The total length is 62 mm.

See it in the Fishmadman shop.

Tube fly tying tool


For small/medium tube flies or metal tubes with inner-lining tubing – Bottle tubes.
Made for our 1.8 mm. tube with an inside diameter (Ø) of 1.1 mm. The total length is 97 mm.

See it in the Fishmadman Shop.

The Sunray Shadow tube fly Needle -2


A specially made needle for long tube flies as Sunray Shadow flies
Made for our 3.2 mm. Hitch tube inside diameter (Ø) of 1.8 & 2.0 mm. The total length is 115 mm.

See it in the Fishmadman shop.

Tube fly-tying supplies

Fishmadman has tubes made especially for Nontoxic, PVC-free tube flies with all the right abilities. As we cut out the middlemen, tubes are inexpensive, and you get the best product, you can find on the market.

All tubes are made in Denmark.

Visit our shop here 

The post Tubes for tube fly – What to chose first appeared on Fishmadman.com.]]>
Nyhedsbrev Januar 2015 – Muse Fluer https://www.fishmadman.com/newsletter/newsletter-januar-2015-mice-fly/nyhedsbrev-december-2014-muse-fluer Tue, 02 Dec 2014 19:48:53 +0000 http://www.fishmadman.com/?page_id=13048
Fishmadman - Jesper Fohrmann

Kære fluefisker: Velkommen til endnu et nyhedsbrev fra Fishmadman – Vi er nu ved begyndelsen af en ny sæson for atlanterhavslaks – og steelhead.

2014 var ikke et godt år for atlanterhavslaks – og der er blevet skrevet mange ord om de problemer denne fantastiske fisk har haft igennem moderne tid.

Vi håber på et bedre år i 2015 og anbefaler, at du følger det arbejde, som interesseorganisationer såsom;  NASF (North Atlantic Salmon Fund) og Native Fish Society, udføre for at hjælpe atlanterhavslaks og steelhead.

Vi håber også at du i 2015 vil benytte lejligheden til at gøre en ny person interesseret i fiskeri – Vi har brug for flere passioneret mennesker omkring vores sport og fiskene vi fisker efter – vi tror at; passionerede mennesker vil være med til at, bevare vores fantastiske elve og fiskene der svømmer i dem.

Nyhedsbrevet denne gang omhandler ;  En dansk vinder i 2014 Fishmadman konkurrence – Historier om en god flue – og et kort af træ, der kan holde onde kryb væk.

Tørflue hilsener fra Per og Jesper


Trout on mice flies - mouse fly

En af flereTaimen (Hucho taimen) som Rasmus Ovesen fangede på; muse-fluer fisket på overfladen

Taimen on a Mouse fly

 2014 konkurrence vinder

Fluefisker og skribent Rasmus Ovesen tog vores Tube Rat fluer dybt ind i Mongoliet for at fiske efter store Taimen (Hucho Taimen) – Rasmus og venner fangede flere fisk på vores rørflue-rotter, med den største på; 90 cm. og 15 lb. Rasmus fangede også en monster fisk på 125 cm  på en Craft Fur Streamer , men det er en anden historie… Rasmus er dette års vinder af Fishmadman konkurrence.


Stort tørt tillykke fra Fishmadman

Et par af de andre fluefiskere fra 2014

Ian Martin - salmon on monster tube caddis

Top fluefisker og fotograf; Ian Martin skrev til os fra Gaspe elven – Her med en dejlig fisk fanget på Monster Tube Caddis  Se mere fra Ian Martin

Jens Peder Jeppesen with 85 centimeter salmon from the Morrum RiverDedikeret fluefisker og direktør for det fantastiske Øresundsakvarium; Jens Peder Jeppesen med en september laks fra den svenske Mörrum`s Å.

Jerry Rothman salmon on micr frances fly

Lavt-vands specialist Jerry Rothman fra England, med en af mange oktober fisk fra Skotland – fanget på en lille rød Frances fluer

En god Steelhead bille

Steelhead on wake fly - caddisfly

Foto venligst udlånt af Tom Derry Director of Wild Steelhead Funding Native Fish Society – Steelhead fanget på  Flashback Bug

steelhead flue Flashback bug

The Flashback Bug

Denne sommer har steelhead fiskere testet dette nye fluemønster, ved forskellige elve i Britisk Columbia og Oregon, og resultaterne har været fantastiske. Fluen blev døbt; FlashBack Bug af  steelhead veteran Loren Irving fra Bend i Oregon.

Vi har bundet dem i 3 størrelser svarende til fluer bundet på  # 1 – 4 og 8 kroge
Fluerne er bundet på vores Riffling Hitch rør, og skater perfekt, både på stille og turbulent vand.

Benyt lejligheden nu, og få 2 af hver størrelse FlashBack Bug + 6 modhagerløse Ichiban kroge, samlet i en praktisk plastboks.

Wake fly for steelhead

NB. Tilbud gælder til.o.m 5 Februar 2015

møl i fluebinding og tøj

Hold møl væk fra tøj og fjerJuniperus Virginiana eller Rødt cedertræ, har i århundreder været brugt som et middel til at, holde møl væk fra tøj – Det er faktisk den stærke lugt fra cedertræet, der camouflere duften af de ting, som møl ønsker at lægge deres æg på, så som: pels og fjer.

En rapport fra University of California i Davis, forklare faktisk, at Rødt cedertræ, med tiden også vil dræbe larver af de møl, der har fundet vej til dit tøj eller fluebinding materiale.

Gør hvad du kan for at holde møl væk fra dinne fjer og hår… og gør dette ved at lægge vores Red Cedar Bug-Cards, i dit fluebindingsudstyr – Opbevar dine ting i plasticposer og skift dine Red Cedar Bug-Cards hvert 3 – 4 år

Vi på Fishmadman har gjort dette i årtier, og har (bank under bordet) ikke haft nogen problemer med møl.

Hold møl væk fra dit fluebindings udstyr

The post Nyhedsbrev Januar 2015 – Muse Fluer first appeared on Fishmadman.com.]]>
Newsletter Januar 2015 – Mice Fly https://www.fishmadman.com/newsletter/newsletter-januar-2015-mice-fly Mon, 01 Dec 2014 18:28:51 +0000 http://www.fishmadman.com/?page_id=12963
Fiskeri med musefluer

Dear Flyfisher: Welcome to yet another newsletter from Fishmadman – We have come to the beginning of a new season for Atlantic Salmon – and steelhead

Season 2014 was not a very god year for the Atlantic salmon – and many concerning words has been written about the problems this fantastic fish is facing.

We hope for a better year in 2015 and recommend that you follow the great achievements of NASF (North Atlantic Salmon Fund) and Native Fish Society that work to help Atlantic Salmon and steelhead.

We do also hope that you in 2015 might take the opportunity to make someone  interested in fishing  – We need more people to be passionate about our sport and the fish we fish for – we believe that passionate people will help to preserve our fantastic rivers and the fish that run them.
This time we have a winner for the annual Fishmadman competition – Stories about a good-bug that made the day – and a wooden card that will keep bad-bugs away.

Tight lines from Per and Jesper


Trout on mice flies - mouse fly

One of several Taimen (Hucho taimen) that Rasmus Ovesen caught on Mice flies – was waked on the surface.


Taimen on a Mouse fly

 The 2014 winner

Danish sports journalist Mr Rasmus Ovesen took our Tube Rat deep into Mongolia to catch big Taimen (Hucho taimen) – Mr Ovesen and friends caught some fine fish on our Tube-rodents with the biggest topwater fish at 90 centimetres (35.4 inches) and 15 lb – Rasmus also caught a monster fish of 125 centimetres (50 inches) on a Craft Fur Streamer… Rasmus is this year’s winner of the Fishmadman competition.

Congratulation from Fishmadman



A few of the other anglers from 2014

Ian Martin - salmon on monster tube caddis
Top angler and photographer, The late Mr Ian Martin, wrote us: from the Gaspé rivers with a nice fish caught on the Monster Tube Caddis See more from Mr Ian Martin

Jens Peder Jeppesen with 85 centimeter salmon from the Morrum River

Dedicated salmon angler and director of the famous Oresund Aquarium: Mr Jens Peder Jeppesen with an 85 centimetres September salmon from the Swedish Morrum River

Jerry Rothman salmon on micr frances fly

Low-water specialist Mr Jerry Rothman with one of many October fish from Scotland – caught on a small Red Frances flies.

Steelhead on wake fly - caddisfly

Photo with a curtsy of Tom Derry, Director of Wild Steelhead Funding Native Fish Society – Steelhead caught on the Flashback Bug

Wake fly for steelhead

The Flashback Bug

Steelhead anglers have been fishing this new steelhead bug on different rivers in BC and Oregon this summer, and the results have been great. It was named The FlashBack Bug by steelheader Loren Irving from Oregon. We have tied it in 3 sizes like flies on 1 – 4 – 8 hooks. It features our Riffling Hitch tube system and wakes perfectly in rough and calm water.

Please take the opportunity now and get 2 of each size FlashBack Bugs + 6 hooks in our tube fly box.

Wake fly for steelhead


NB. Offer last until the 5 of February 2015


Keep moth from fly tying material



Red cedar Bug card - keep the moth out of fly tying materialJuniperus Virginiana, or Red Cedar, has been used for centuries as a product to keep moths away from your clothing – It is the strong smell of the Red Cedar that helps to cover up the smell of the things that the moth wants to lay their eggs on like fur and feathers –

A report from the University of California at Davis suggests that, over time, Red Cedar will kill the moth larvae that may have found their way to your cloth or fly-tying material.

Do what you can to keep the moth´s away… and keep our Red Cedar Bug-Cards alongside your fly-tying equipment – Keep things in plastic bags and change the Red Cedar Bug-Cards every  3 – 4 years.

We at Fishmadman have done so for decades and have (knock on wood) not had any problems with the moths.

The post Newsletter Januar 2015 – Mice Fly first appeared on Fishmadman.com.]]>