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Jesper Fohrmann design for riffling hitch fly tying

A smart riffling hitch tube fly tying tool

Before You Start Tying Riffling Hitch Tube Flies: A Handy Tool for the Job

Before you dive into tying riffling hitch tube flies, it’s a good idea to create a specialized tool for poking a hole in the belly of the tube. Below, I’ve shared some images of the tool I’ve designed specifically for this task.

Jesper Fohrmann design for riffling hitch fly tying

I’ve taped a standard sewing needle to a lighter, allowing me to heat the needle with one hand while keeping the tube steady with the other. This makes the process more efficient and controlled, and I’m sure you’ll find it helpful!

Jesper Fohrmann design for riffling hitch fly tying

Avoid overheating the needle to the point where it glows red, as this can cause the plastic tube to melt uncontrollably. Instead, heat the needle moderately and carefully create the hole. If necessary, you can always go back and enlarge the hole later.

Jesper Fohrmann design for riffling hitch fly tying

Once you’re done, quickly remove the needle. This helps clear any excess material that might clog the hole. You may need to repeat this process a few times to achieve a clean, smooth hole.

Riffling Hitch V-FLY

Riffling Hitch Flies – The European Approach

While Canadian anglers typically tie Riffling Hitch flies using the traditional Portland method with hitched knots and single or double hooks, anglers in the UK and Scandinavia have adopted a unique twist. They use small tube flies with a hole in the body—either on the side or, as seen with our V-FLY, in the center of the belly.

For more details, check out our Riffling Hitch Know-How.

Jesper is the chief designer and fly tier at Fishmadman - He also does most of our writing on the Fishmadman pages and Newsletter

Top-water fishing is his sport and as an outdoor writer he has been writing articles on this subject in magazines and books in Europa and North America sins the early 80´s.

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