Fishmadman competition winner 2012
Salmon tube fly: Sunray Shadow
Some of the featuring material in this Newsletter might also be found on other pages on this site
Yet another season has gone by and we would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone participating with words and images to our annual sporting event. This beautiful picture was sent to us by Fly Fishing writer & photographer; Mr. Ian D. Martin, The Usual Press, who during the season has mailed us pictures from various fantastic fishing spots in Canada. Ian wrote us:
” You’ve encouraged me to submit for the FISHMADMAN contest for this year, and I have done so. Rather than a photo of one of the fish I caught on your flies, I thought it might be nice to send in a photo of a fishing scene instead”
See more pictures from Ian belove
The winner of the 2012 Fishmadman Competition
Norwegian angler Mr. Jan Harry Årsen wins this years FISHMADMAN competition with a + 14 kilo (+ 30 lbs) Atlantic salmon Jan Harry wrote us:
“Fish jumped out of the water to grab the big Bright Green Tube Bomber ™ from above” The salmon was caught in the fantastic Lakselv River in the very north of Norway August 2012. Cloudy conditions. water temperature 11 degrees Celsius (51.8 degrees Fahrenheit) Hook used: Owner STN-36BC Treble #8
High VIZ. Green Tube Bomber ™ In big… A efficient pattern for Lakselv River salmon
Large salmon caught salmon tube fly Zebra Shadow
Danish super salmon angler Mr. Hotho Vestergård mailed us this photo from Northern Norway of a cracking 10 kilo Atlantic salmon (22 lb.) Hotho used our salmon tube fly: Zebra Sunray Shadow ™ in # big to catch one of several salmon during his weeks fishing in Northern Norway
Mr. Hotho Vestergård used Fishmadman version of the famous salmon tube fly: Sunray Shadow by Raymond Brooks: Zebra Sunray Shadow ™
Another Big salmon on Black & Green Zebra Shadow
Norwegian angler Mr. Jens Olav Flekke entered this beautiful salmon from Northern Norway: 108 centimeters (42,5 inches) caught on a Black & Green Zebra Sunray Shadow ™. Jens wrote us that his wife Mrs. Ellen Svendsen had a similar size salmon during their fishing session. This one on a smaller salmon tube fly with wing of black and green hair
Both fish released back in to the river after quick photo session
Here a version of the Black and Green Zebra Sunray Shadow ™ rigged with a small salmon tube fly double hook – Jens Olav used a barbless single hook rigged in a hanging loop .
See Green and Black Sunray Zebra Shadow in our shop
Salmon from Gaspè Peninsula on Pearl Sunray Shadow
Mr. Raynald Ménard mailed us this classic picture with father and son and a super fresh summer salmon in the 10 – 12 lb. range. Fish caught on a Pearl Sunray Shadow at the famous Gaspè Peninsula in Matane River – Rod 12`# 5 Spey rod
XXL arctic char on wake-foam flies
Mr. Bo Jensen from Denmark enjoyed super fishing for XXL Arctic Char in Greenland this summer. Fishing gin clear rivers using our Tube Chernobyl Ants. Bo wrote us that that average arctic char is in the 2 kilo range (4,4 lb.) with bigger fish being 7 kilo (+ 15 lb.) The flies where fished active cast at an 60 degree angle downstream and brought back with wake and stop & go motion.
See our range of Tube Chernobyl Ants
Tube foam flies are killers for big arctic char that like its cousins the Steelhead and sea trout is attracted to waked flies.
Big steelheads from the West Coast of Canada
Photo courtesy of Mr. Chad Black Nicholas Dean Lodge
As the top water season was firing up on the West coast of Canada we got pictures of super steelhead caught on our Riffling hitch tube wake flies: This one caught on a The Tube Grantham Sedge by Mr. Chad Black in a Skeena River Tributary- Fish was 34,5” long by 16.5” girth (87,63 X 41,91 centimeters) – approximately 12 lbs (5,44 kilo) based on Sturdy’s formula. we will return to some of these stunning fish in our next newsletter
The Tube Grantham Sedge – See this and the other in the wake series
Salmon fishing on the Upper Moisie River in Quebec
Photo`s courtesy of Mr. Jocelin LeBlanc, Le Repère Des Moucheurs – Landmark Flyshop
Mr. Ian D. Martin is Fly Fishing writer & photographer get around to see many different and desirable places – This summer we got some nice reports from his fishing. Ian wrote us; “Pictures above is from the Trinity River. I caught two fish, one was really fresh! The other one took a green squirrel V-tube, but it was not rigged for riffling but fished as a conventional micro tube fly”
” Moisie fishing this morning was canceled because of excessive wind and rain and fog 🙁 We hope this afternoon will work out, and that the helicopter can fly tomorrow to get us to Mile 12 Pool !”
” Hello Fishmadman : A little fish story – On the upper Moisie River in Quebec, the access is by helicopter. After no fish hooked for the whole day, and the weather getting worse, we had only 30 minutes until the helicopter was grounded. That’s when I saw this salmon roll, near a big rock well out in the pool. I ran down and quickly waded into position and managed to work out a long cast to cover the fish with a Green Squirrel hitch tube, and it took on the first swing. The helicopter arrived just as I was landing the fish, and we had to quickly release a beautiful Moisie salmon and race to pack up our gear as the impatient pilot waited with the rotors turning! “
Photo`s courtesy of Mr Ian D Martin Fly Fishing writer/photographer The Usual Press
Top water sea trout
Danish top water angler Mikkel Hemmeshøj with one of several sea trout caught during top water fishing with the Mad Dog Wake fly – Denmark probably has some of the greatest sea trout fishing in the world and famous rivers yields 100`s of trophy fish in the 10 – 20 lbs range. Many of these fish are caught on wake flies like the Mad Dog from Fishmadman
Mad Dog Tube Wake fly from Fishmadman. A superior wake fly designed by Danish sea trout angler Mr. Dan Karby for fishing in the Vejle River system. In Vejle river sea trout is fished at day and at night time with wake flies. Fly is fished in or close to the surface. See fly in our E-shop
See you next year – for 2013 Fishmadman competition
Photo`s courtesy of Mr Ian D Martin Fly Fishing writer/photographer The Usual Press: Fly Fishing Publishers
With this beautiful late season picture from Canada we thank everybody participating and hope that we have inspired you to join our small sporting event in 2013 By the way note the small cabin on top of the hill in the right corner of Ian`s picture…What a place..