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Newsletter Fishmadman

Fishmadman Newsletter is a publication on surface fishing for Atlantic salmon and various trout, read by many 100´s anglers across the Northern Hemisphere and in Tierra del Fuego – Australia and Japan… We try to make a letter worth your time – and our personal interest in top water fishing is what determines the editorial tendency`s

Our newsletter will arrive at your mailbox 3 – 6 times during the season depending much on what interesting stuff we can find for you…

Please write to us

Write to us if you have something you would like to share with our community or want us to look into an aspect of our sport – make a review on a book, etc. Contact us


Read in Scandinavian – læs på skandinavisk.

Fishmadman Newsletterdkno

Nyhedsbrevet på skandinavisk… Vi sender også nyhedsbrevet på dansk (Skandinavisk) – Du kan bestille det når (nâr) du melder dig til – Du kan også finde tidligere udgaver af nyhedsbrevet her… De befinder sig under de Engelske udgaver du finder til højre på siden…klik blot på den udgave, du vil se, og der vil være en Skandinavisk udgave til rådighed på den pågældende side..


A few words on privacy: Fishmadman respects your privacy. We will not sell, share, rent, or lease any portion of our mailing list or customer e-mail addresses to other institutions, shops, magazines etc. In short, you will not receive spam, junk mail, or telemarketing calls due to entering your information on our site.  We use the information you provide us to get you facts and stories like our Newsletter – or send you things you bought from us. If you sign up for our Newsletter – You can always unsubscribe from this letter by clicking on the unsubscribe link in every Newsletter.

Kind regards Fishmadman team



 Newsletter jpeg

Check out a few of the letters here

Newsletter winter 2021

Read the letter in Scandinavian (This time Danish) Hello fellow anglers and welcome to another newsletter from us at Fishmadman - the holiday season is close and we as many other anglers will spend time with family and friends and then go to our fly tying room and try our hands on some new flies…

Nyhedsbrev vinter 2021

Read the letter in English Hej fluefisker og velkommen til endnu et nyhedsbrev fra os på Fishmadman - juleferien er rundt om hjørnet,  og vi vil som mange andre fluefiskere vil bruge tid sammen med familie og venner og derefter gå til vores fluebindingsrum og prøve at binde nogle nye fluer til den kommende sæson...…

Newsletter summer 2022

Read the letter in Scandinavian (This time Danish) Hello, fellow anglers and welcome to another newsletter from us at Fishmadman. So to keep things in balance and get ready for the summer fly fishing season I will be doing a short newsletter with a few highlights Hitching for sea trout NEW flies from us A NEW Owner…

Newsletter November 2022

Read the letter in Scandinavian (This time Danish) Dear topwater anglers…Salmon & trout season is ending, and yet again, the cycle of life will begin in the rivers we love to fish. I always get that lump in my throat on that very last day when I have to travel home, so I tend to…

Newsletter May 2023

Dear topwater anglers…the Salmon season is close by, and that is truly something to get excited about This time our newsletter will be about climate changes, how they may affect your fishing … and how you could use them progressively.   Tight lines from us at Fishmadman:  Las, Per & jesper   Newsletter this time The…

Nyhedsbrev maj 2023

Kære overflade fisker Laksesæsonen er tæt på, og det er virkelig noget at blive begejstret over. Denne gang vil vores nyhedsbrev handle om klimaændringer, hvordan det kan påvirke dit fiskeri, og hvordan du måske kan bruge ændringerne progressivt. Skittfiske fra os på Fishmadman: Las, Per & Jesper   Nyhedsbrev denne gang Klimaet ændrer sig –…

Newsletter November 2023 – salmon bugs

Discovering the fascinating world of salmon bugs In 2020, we did a Fishmadman blog page on Salmon bugs Called The Missing Link Salmon Bugs, covering a few fine points on the bugs used for salmon fishing. In this newsletter, we wish to further the details on salmon bugs and give you some first-hand usage tips…

Newsletter April 2020 – treble hook flies – Soldier Palmer – a knot for shooting head line

Dear topwater anglers…Spring is already here and I and many of you are locked down…iiikkkes I personally look forward to the upcoming season and I am sure we will all be able to get out and enjoy fishing sometime very soon. I have chosen to spice our newsletter up with a fishing-cartoon… just to get…

Newsletter June 2020 – Knot for up-eye hook flies

Fishmadman newsletter June 2020             Thank you... Hello, fellow anglers. We wanted to write to you before summer begins. It has been a tough time for our small company during Corona - We and our families have been free of the terrible disease. Still, our company has been put into…

Newsletter Early Spring 2021

Read the letter in Scandinavian (This time Danish) Fishmadman Newsletter Early spring of 2021 Hello, fellow angler and welcome to yet another letter from us at Fishmadman - We hope that we can make your day a bit more interesting by talking fish & flies and showing you a few things that might make you…

Nyhedsbrev Tidligt forår 2021

Fishmadman Nyhedsbrev Vinteren 2021 Hej, fluefisker og velkommen til endnu et nyhedsbrev fra os på Fishmadman - Vi håber, at vi kan gøre din dag lidt mere interessant ved at snakke fisk & fluer og vise dig et par ting, der måske kunne få dig til at mindes dinner dage langs elven, denne sommer -…

Leaders for riffling hitch and dry fly fishing – Newsletter February 2019

Dear topwater anglers…It has regrettably been some time since we wrote to you last time… I have been afflicted by repetitive strain injury caused by using my computer - a modern-day "workplace injury” one could say. We have been swamped in 2018, and we hope the many flies we have mailed out to you have…

How to fish Micro Frances Coneheads – Newsletter June 2018

Dear Flyfisher! Welcome to another newsletter from us at Fishmadman. Summers salmon season is on the go, and a long cold spring still lingers on in the very north of Scandinavia … but soon, the river will be ready for the hitch and dry flies. This time we have the pleasure of making an early season/high…

What salmon eat in the sea – Newsletter June 2015

Hello fly fisherman and welcome to another Fishmadman newsletter This time we are proud to present something quite unique. Dry fly regards from Per & Jesper We took the time to collect images and information on the food Atlantic salmon feed on out on the high seas. We read different reports on the subject and…

Newsletter Januar 2015 – Mice Fly

Dear Flyfisher: Welcome to yet another newsletter from Fishmadman - We have come to the beginning of a new season for Atlantic Salmon - and steelhead Season 2014 was not a very god year for the Atlantic salmon - and many concerning words has been written about the problems this fantastic fish is facing. We hope for…

Newsletter May 2013 – Derek Knowles

Dear Flyfisher: Welcome to yet another newsletter from us at Fishmadman. Summers salmon season is right at the door and already river temperatures here in Denmark and southern Sweden is up and above 12 degrees Celsius or 53.6 degrees Fahrenheit A magical moment in the world of Atlantic salmon and the time to get your…

Sea trout tube fly Newsletter February 2014

Dear flyfisherman The vision behind Fishmadman is to develop fly fishing for salmon and trout while collecting interesting information and historical benchmarks on our sport. This time we have the pleasure of showing you some of the latest and one of the oldest fishing lures we have yet seen ... Tight lines Per Jesper The…

Snell`s Window Newsletter January 2013

Snell`s Window:  3D animation by Mikkel Strøbech... Bill Bryden from Newfoundland on advice and practical details that help you hook up with salmon and trout on a dry fly Snell`s WindowSnell`s Window is a technical term that describes the way an underwater viewer sees everything above the surface through a cone with a width of…

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