Tube fly | Dry fly fishing for salmon and steelhead with Bomber dry flies - Riffling Hitch and wake fly techniques Fri, 19 May 2023 05:02:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 34674374 Newsletter winter 2021 Thu, 16 Dec 2021 11:58:38 +0000

Read the letter in Scandinavian (This time Danish)

Fishmadman newsletter 2021

Jesper Fohrmann 2021

Hello fellow anglers and welcome to another newsletter from us at Fishmadman – the holiday season is close and we as many other anglers will spend time with family and friends and then go to our fly tying room and try our hands on some new flies for the upcoming season …This newsletter will be focusing on some of the things we have made for fly tying in 2021… hopefully, it will be of inspiration to you


This time in the newsletter

  • The Pink´s are coming
  • NEW tube fly tying needles from us
  • A NEW form of tube from us
  • Natural black squirrel tails in stock again
  • Introducing our new associate
  • Holliday discount 🥳

Jesper Fohrmann

Fly Designer

Pacific salmon in Scandinavia

pacific salmon on dry fly

Season 2021 was not a particularly good year for the Atlantic salmon in Scandinavia, but runs of pink salmon were completely off the charts and I for one did not miss out on the opportunity to fish for this aggressive and hard fighting fish both in rivers and in the salt – Here is a male pink salmon in spawning colures caught on sea trout costal gear – Compared to its size,  pink salmon can be one of the hardest fighting fish you may encounter at the end of your fly rod.

The pinks are coming!

The Pacific salmonid (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) or pink salmon as it also is known as in North America was introduced to the Russian Barents region by mad scientists in the late 1950´s – ever since then, these species have appeared in salmon rivers all over Scandinavia and in the UK. Some years runs have been weak but other years like the recent, runs of this irregular critter have gained momentum and 100000´s pink salmon have entered our river systems… especially in the very north of Norway.

Fish non grata 

The ecological impact of pink salmon entering our Atlantic salmon river systems has as of yet not been fully determined and the Norwegian government have finally instigated extensive research into the matter. To read more about the timeline of this major example of how humans may ruin native biodiversity – Go to this link 

Arriving at the river pink salmon are silver and the meat is red and tasty a bit like our native trout,  after some weeks in freshwater the meat loses some of its taste and firmness and pink salmon become less interesting as food.


A brace of fresh pink salmon caught on a Ban´s Special. The top fish is a female, the bottom fish is a male.

Pukkellaks på flue
Pukkellaks som suchi

I did my bit my fair bit to diminish the runs of pink´s this summer and I highly recommend these fish for your sushi and sashimi.

Pinks on a Bomber

Pacific salmon on dry fly
Pukkellaks på tørflue

When pink salmon have been in fresh water for some time they can become quite difficult to catch and very easy to spook – but the sheer amount of them makes things interesting and this summer I spend countless hours trying to catch them on a dry fly.

Some notes and observations on pink salmon in Scandinavian waters.

  • None of the + 80 Pacific salmon I caught this summer had sea lice on them… an interesting fact considering the number of sea lice native salmon has to cope with
  • When observing the 4 species together in the rivers I visited (arctic char, Atlantic salmon, sea-run brown trout and pink salmon) I did not once observe any fight among the native fish and the Pacific salmon this does not mean that Pacific salmon would avoid and take up space that the other fish normally would occupy … It looked like all fish did there own thing without bothering each other.


Tube fly tying needles from Fishmadman


Smart design!

Over the years we have happily used normal sowing needles for our tube fly tying – we have also promoted this inexpensive solution through our shop but we have had problems getting the right sowing needles for the tubing we sell so we decided to produce our design of tube fly tying needles – and are proud to present you with some of the smartest needles on the market.

4 different needles to choose from. We make needles that will fit the tubing we sell – from the thinnest 1.4 – millimetre tubings to the biggest 3.2 mm. tubing we use for big Sunray Shadow flies – A small plate at the rear end of the needle serves as a clamping point to put in your fly tying vise.

Fishmadman tube fly needle

A new type of tubing for your cone head flies

Cone-Head-Tube ™ from Fishmadman

A simple solution to a major headache

If you design tiny flies on tube you will often come across the problem where your tubing doesn’t fit the tiny coneheads you want to use in your fishing, and you probably already have a whole draw full of coneheads that won’t fit the tubes you can buy (except for those extra expensive tubes manufactures make to fit their special coneheads) – Well… we have the solution for you…and we know you’re going to like it.


Heat and pull the Cone-Head-Tube ™ and change the diameter of the tubing

Here is a revolutionizing concept in the world of tube flies that we have been working on for some years. Simply heat the tubing slightly – pull – and let the tube cool down, now you have a new tube dimension that could fit your desired conehead. A really smart tube to have if you design tube flies with coneheads

Conehead tube

The best tube material on the market

Absolutely “low-memory” properties within the plastic compound ensure that the tube will fall back into place after the hook has been removed The non-toxic special plastic formula used for the tubes also prevent the tube from cracking up in challenging temperatures.


Use the Cone-Head-Tube ™ as an inner tube on your metal tubes – then add a conehead

The Cone-Head-tube ™   1.6/ 0.8mm. fits perfectly into most met™al tubes found in shops.

Heat and pull the Cone-head-tube ™ and you can shape it to accommodate a small tungsten conehead making it possible for you to design tiny heavy flies.

We have made a video showing you how it all works

1.6/0.8 cone-head-tube

NB! Fits our Fine tube tying needle

Our thinnest Cone-Head-Tube ™

Size and Product specification

Outer diameter: 1.6 millimeters. Inner diameter: 0.8 millimeters – This is the smallest version of our Cone-Head-Tube™… suited for tiny riffling hitch flies – tiny sub-patterns

1 – meter of material       3.45 $

See it in the shop

Our thicker Cone-Head-Tube ™

Size and Product specification

Outer diameter: 2.0 millimeters. Inner diameter: 1.0 millimeters – This is the biggest version of our Cone-Head-Tube™ … suited for tiny riffling hitch flies – tiny sub-patterns

1 – meter of material     3.45 $

See it in the shop

Natural black squirrel tails from Russia

New stock

Natural black squirrel
Natural black squirrel
Natural black squirrel

We initially had 100 of these tails …but they were sold out in a matter of weeks…so we decided to see if we could order more… now a few days before publishing this letter we were promised additional tails so now we should be able to supply you.

Natural black squirrel (Scientific Name: Sciurus vulgaris) hair has that super alluring effect on trout and salmon and 1000´s salmon fly patterns are based on the properties of squirrel hair – Not all squirrel tails are alike and some squirrel hair will work best if used on small flies and other hairs work better on bigger flies – if you are curious to learn more about squirrel hair in fly tying – take a look at our page on the subject squirrel tails. We will be listing the tails in shades of black and brown as long as stock lasts.

The prize is 6.95 $

Buy natural Black Squirrel

New Fischer on the block

Las Fischer

Las Fischer is the new guy on the block at Fishmadman

In fact, Las isn’t that new as he has been part of Fishmadman for some years. Las is a cornerstone in our small enterprise where angling doesn’t have to be part of your CV…but it helps (:

Here Las is pictured on one of those classic looking vintage photos showing off his first-ever sea trout back in 1993

Merry Christmas and a happy new fishing season

Thank you for supporting our highly specialized fly shop – We hope that our flies will bring fish to your leader and a smile on your lips in 2022

To make things a bit merrier we would like to give you our newsletter readers a 11 % discount on all goods in our shop.

To take advantage of the discount please use the promotion code FISHALOT at checkout and the discount will automatically be deducted from any purchase you make in our shop. 

The offer will be valid for the rest of 2021

Thank you from us

North Esk Kinnaber

Thank you for supporting our highly specialized fly shop – We hope that our flies will bring fish to your leader and a smile on your lips in 2021… I think we all could need that (:

Remember to bring your kids and grandkids fishing it is only by sharing the dreamy and glorious moments at the river and ponds that new generations of people would want to conserve the fragile world of the salmon and trout that run our waters.

Yours Per & Jesper

The post Newsletter winter 2021 first appeared on]]>
Nyhedsbrev vinter 2021 Thu, 16 Dec 2021 11:58:38 +0000

Read the letter in English

Fishmadman newsletter 2021

Jesper Fohrmann 2021

Hej fluefisker og velkommen til endnu et nyhedsbrev fra os på Fishmadman – juleferien er rundt om hjørnet,  og vi vil som mange andre fluefiskere vil bruge tid sammen med familie og venner og derefter gå til vores fluebindingsrum og prøve at binde nogle nye fluer til den kommende sæson… Dette nyhedsbrev vil fokusere på nogle af de ting, vi har lavet til fluebinding i 2021…forhåbentlig vil det være til inspiration for dig


Denne gang i nyhedsbrever

  • Puklerne kommer
  • NYE rørfluebindenåle fra os
  • EN NY form for rør fra os
  • Naturlige sorte egernhaler på lager igen
Må vi præsenterer vores nye medarbejder
  • Julerabat til nyhedsbrev læsere 🥳 Brug Promotion code, du finder den længere nede i vores nyhedsbrev

Jesper Fohrmann

Fly Designer

Stillehavslaks i Skandinavien

pacific salmon on dry fly

Pukklerne kommer

Pukkellaks (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) eller pink salmon, som den også er kendt som i det nordvestlige USA, blev introduceret til den russiske Barents-region af gale videnskabsmænd i slutningen af ​​1950’erne – siden er denne art dukket op i lakseelve over hele Skandinavien samt i Storbritannien. Nogle år har bestanden været lille, men andre år som det seneste, har opgangen af disse irregulære væsen taget fart og + 100000 pukkellaks er vandret ind i vores elvsystemer… især i det nordlige Norge.

Fisk non grata 

Den økologiske indvirkning fra pukkellaks, der kommer ind i atlanterhavslaksens elve, er endnu ikke fuldt ud klarlagt, og den norske regering har endelig sat gang i omfattende forskning i sagen. For at læse mere om tidslinjen for dette perfekte eksempel på, hvorledes mennesker kan ødelægge lokal biodiversitet – Gå til dette link

Ved ankomst til elven er pukkellaksen sølvfarvet og kødet er rødt og velsmagende, lidt som vores hjemmehørende ørred. Efter nogle uger i ferskvand mister kødet noget af sin fine smag og fasthed og snart bliver pukkellaksen meget mindre interesant som menneske føde.

Et par nystegne pukkellaks, fanget på en Ban´s Special. Den øverste fisk er en hun, den nederste fisk en han.

Pukkellaks på flue
Pukkellaks som suchi

Jeg gjorde mit bedste for at mindske mængden af pukkellaks denne sommer, og jeg anbefaler bestemt disse fisk til din sushi og sashimi.

Pukkellaks på Bomber

Pacific salmon on dry fly
Pukkellaks på tørflue

Når pukkellaksen har været i ferskvand i nogen tid, kan den blive ret svær at fange og meget nem at skræmme – men de store mængde af dem gør tingene interessante, og denne sommer brugte jeg utallige timer på at prøve at fange dem på tørflue.

Rørfluenåle fra Fishmadman


Smart design!

I årenes løb har vi med glæde brugt normale sy og stoppenåle til vores rørfluebinding – vi har også promoveret denne billige løsning gennem vores butik, men vi har haft problemer med at få fat i de rigtige nåle til de rør vi sælger, så vi besluttede at få vores eget design af nåle produceret, og vi er nu stolte af at, kunne præsentere dig for nogle af de smarteste fluebindingsnåle på markedet.

4 forskellige nåle at vælge imellem. Vi laver nåle der passer til de rør vi sælger – fra de tyndeste 1,4 millimeter rør til de største 3,2 mm. rør, som vi bruger til store Sunray Shadow fluer – Den lille metalplade for enden af nålen fungere til fastholdelse af nålen, du skal blot klemme om den med dit almindelige fluestik, så er du klar til at binde dine rørfluer.

Fishmadman tube fly needle

En ny type rør til dine conehead fluer 


Cone-Head-Tube™  fra Fishmadman

En simpel løsning på en større hovedpine…

Hvis du som vi, designer små fluer på rør, vil du ofte støde på problemet, hvor dit rør ikke passer til de små coneheads du vil bruge i dit fiskeri, og du har sandsynligvis allerede en hel skuffe fuld af coneheads, som ikke passer til de rør du kan købe (bortset fra de ekstra dyre rør, som producenterne laver, så de passer til, nettop deres specielle coneheads) – Nå… vi har løsningen til dig… og vi ved, at du vil kunne lide den.


Varm og stræk Cone-Head-Tube™ for at forandre rørets diameter.

Her er et revolutionerende koncept i rørflueverdenen, som vi har arbejdet på i nogle år. Du skal blot varme røret lidt op – træk – og lad røret køle af, nu har du en ny rørdimension, der kan passe til dit ønskede conehead. Et rigtig smart rør at have, hvis du designer rørfluer med conehead.

Conehead tube

Det bedste rør-materiale på markedet

Absolut, såkaldt “lav hukommelses egenskaber” i disse giftfri plastrør,  sikrer at røret falder på plads igen, efter at krogen er blevet fjernet. Den specielle plastikformel, der bruges til rørene, forhindrer også røret i at revne i udfordrende temperaturer.


Brug Cone-Head-Tube™ som et inderrør på dine metalrør – tilføj derefter et conehead.

Cone-Head-tube™ 1.6/ 0.8 mm passer perfekt ind i de fleste metalrør, du finder i grejbutikkerne. Opvarm og træk Cone-Head-Tube™ røret, og du kan forme det, så det kan passe et lille Tungsten conehead eller tungstenskugle, hvilket gør det muligt for dig at designe små tunge fluer.

Vi har lavet en video der viser hvordan det hele fungere

1.6/0.8 cone-head-tube

NB! Passer med vores tynde fluebindingsnål

Vores tyndeste rør

Størrelse og produktspecifikation

Udvendig diameter: 1,6 millimeter. Indvendig diameter: 0,8 millimeter – Dette er den mindste udgave af vores Cone-Head-Tube™… egnet til små riffling hitch fluer – bittesmå vådfluer

1 meter materiale. i posen 3.45 $

Se den i butikken
2.0/1.0 conehead tube

NB! Passer med vores tynde fluebindingsnål

Vores tykkere rør

Størrelse og produktspecifikation

Udvendig diameter: 2,0 millimeter. Indvendig diameter: 1,0 millimeter – Dette er den største version af vores Cone-Head-Tube™… egnet til små riffling hitch fluer –  bittesmå vådfluer

1 meter materiale. i posen 3.45 $

Se den i butikken

Natursort egernhale fra Russland

Ny sending

Natural black squirrel
Natural black squirrel
Natural black squirrel

Vi havde oprindeligt 100 af disse haler … men de blev udsolgt i løbet af få uger … så vi besluttede at se, om vi kunne bestille flere … nu her et par dage før offentliggørelsen af dette brev blev vi lovet yderligere haler, så nu skulle vi være i stand til at forsyne dig.

Naturligt sort egern (videnskabeligt navn: Sciurus vulgaris) hår, har en super lokkende effekt på ørred og laks, og 1000-tals laksefluemønstre er baseret på egenskaberne fra egernhår – Ikke alle egernhaler er ens, og nogle egernhår vil fungere bedst, hvis brugt på små fluer og andre hår fungerer bedre på større fluer – hvis du er nysgerrig efter at lære mere om egernhår i fluebinding – så tag et kig på vores side om emnet egernhaler. Vi har halerne i nuancer af sort og brun, så længe lager haves.

Pris er 6,95 $

Køb natur sort egern

Ny Fischer på blokken

Las Fischer

Las Fischer er den nye fyr på blokken hos Fishmadman

Faktisk er Las ikke så ny, da han har været en del af Fishmadman i nogle år. Las er en hjørnesten i vores lille virksomhed, hvor lystfiskeri ikke behøver at være en del af dit CV…men det hjælper (:

Her er Las afbilledet på et af disse klassiske vintage papirbilleder, visende sin første havørred tilbage i 1993

Glædelig jul og et godt nyt fiskeår

Tak fordi du støtter vores specialiserede fluebutik – Vi håber, at vores fluer vil bringe fisk til din stang og et smil på dine læben i 2022

For at gøre tingene lidt sjovere vil vi gerne give dig som læser vores nyhedsbrev 11 % rabat på alle varer i vores butik. For at bruge rabatten skal du bruge ★ kampagnekoden FISHALOT ved kassen, og rabatten vil automatisk blive trukket fra ethvert køb, du foretager i vores butik. Tilbuddet gælder resten af 2021

Tak fra os

North Esk Kinnaber

Husk at invitere dine børn og børnebørn på fisketur, det er kun ved at dele de herlige og spændende øjeblikke ved elv og sø, at nye generationer af mennesker vil ønsker at bevare den skrøbelige verden ​​laks og ørred svømmer i.

Med venlig hilsen Las, Per & Jesper

The post Nyhedsbrev vinter 2021 first appeared on]]>
Newsletter summer 2022 Thu, 16 Dec 2021 11:58:38 +0000

Read the letter in Scandinavian (This time Danish)

Fishmadman Newsletter

Jesper FohrmannHello, fellow anglers and welcome to another newsletter from us at Fishmadman.

So to keep things in balance and get ready for the summer fly fishing season I will be doing a short newsletter with a few highlights

  • Hitching for sea trout
  • NEW flies from us
  • A NEW Owner hook
  • Shop on holiday
  • ★ Holiday discount (Promotion code further down in this newsletter

Hitching for sea trout

Jerry Rothman North Esk

I had the fortunate opportunity to go to Scotland and fish the North Esk river in June this summer and conditions was shallow water as we have seen over the last decade…only very few fish entered the river and other than an 11 lb fresh salmon we were left with the occasional sea trout that had settled in the pools. I have fished this beat in similar conditions and aimed for sea trout.

Daytime sea trout is a tall order

Sea trout or sea-run brown trout are notoriously tricky to catch during the day, mainly because they are so easy to scare. Most sea trout river guides recommend that anglers stay well away from the river until late evening when sea trout change attitude and become bold and aggressive.

Daytime sea trout caught on a Green Hitchman I use a relatively thin leader (0.20 mm Maxima) to get more movement out of the tiny flies. Ripping small hitch flies or bigger Sunray Shadow flies across the river on a square angler can also be a great technique  during summertime low water conditions

Day time sea trout
Christian Balle Fishmadman

Per Fischer and friend Christian Balle who are in Southern Norway on low water conditions (as I write)  also used hitch flies and Speed Sunrays to catch day time sea trout 

Stealth fishing and riffling hitch flies is the technique 

When fishing for salmon, most anglers will be fishing daytime, and very few will ever experience the local sea trout until late at night except if you fish with tiny hitch flies and have a stealthy approach to the tail end of the pools or shadow runs where sea trout may hide out during day time. Try this form of fly fishing next time you visit your salmon river in low water conditions

Sea trout during day time

Snaeldas n the shop

Islandic salmon candy

The Snaelda, or Snælda as it is called in Old Norse, is also the name of a hand spindle made from wood used for spinning and twisting fibres, such as wool, into yarn. The Snaelda fly is Made in so many versions in various colours – you usually find the Snaelda flies with a black wool body made to be fished deep.

We have two versions in 3 sizes for 2022

If you are pursuing salmon in Norway, Scotland or Russia (not so much the latter for political reasons)  …these are flies to bring.

Snaelda Willie Gunn Conehead Copper Tube ½ a version of the Willie Gunn Snaelda. The Willie Gunn pattern is a hair wing pattern after the head keeper on the Sutherland Estates (river Brora) Scotland

German Snaelda Conehead Copper Tube # 1

We made a small selection of this great fly pattern (a version of the German Snaelda) originally designed by Icelandic angler Mr Grímur Jónsson.  

Shop holiday in week 28

Fishmadman Jesper

Shop holiday 

The calendar week 28 in the year 2022 from Monday, 11.07.2022 to Sunday, 17.07.2022

This is the week when we can’t ship your orders …so we hope that you will order flies and fly-tying material before this period or after – or wish you are patient and can wait for us to ship to you.


Thank you from us

North Esk Kinnaber

Thank you for supporting our highly specialized fly shop – We hope that our flies will bring fish to your leader and a smile on your lips in 2022… I think we all could need that (:

Remember to bring your kids and grandkids fishing it is only by sharing the dreamy and glorious moments at the river and ponds that new generations of people would want to conserve the fragile world of the salmon and trout that run our waters.

Yours Per & Jesper

The post Newsletter summer 2022 first appeared on]]>
Newsletter November 2022 Thu, 16 Dec 2021 11:58:38 +0000

Read the letter in Scandinavian (This time Danish)

Fishmadman Newsletter November 2022
Fishmadman Jesper

Dear topwater anglers…Salmon & trout season is ending, and yet again, the cycle of life will begin in the rivers we love to fish.

I always get that lump in my throat on that very last day when I have to travel home, so I tend to remind myself of the words of Pippi Longstocking:

You have to leave to be able to return

With those famous words, we welcome you to a short newsletter on what to look forward to in 2023

Tight lines from us at Fishmadman Las,  Per & jesper

Newsletter this time

    • A micro fly behind the hitch fly
    • Fluorocarbon versus nylon
    • Some great capes worth mentioning – and an early Christmas discount
    • A few images from this year

Micro stinger and hitch

In Scotland

The North Esk kinnaber beat
Ron Gray Micro salmon flies

Scottish know-how

When I go to Scotland and fish the Kinnaber beat on the river North Esk in Aberdeenshire I am fortunate to spend time with my fishing friend Ron Gray who is the head ghillie on the Kinnaber beat. Ron is a riffling hitch specialist, and as a ghillie, he is lucky to be at the river every day during the season.

Ron with a big local critter caught on a micro # 16

Local insight

When being at a river every day during the season, you learn the different moods and small changes of Atlantic salmon and trout better than most anglers ever will do. Advice from the local angler or ghillie may be invaluable information to the visiting day ticket angler.

Micro flies … the  essential requirement

If the river is low and warm or the fish you have come to fish have gone stale, you will ever so often find that the flies needed to trick such fish into bitting will be some of the smallest flies you may find in your box. Slow water could dictate a sparsely dressed fly to enable you to make the right presentation at the back part of a pool, or the daily rise of local insects such as stoneflies, caddisflies or mayflies may have brainwashed the stale inhabitants only to react to fly patterns that mimic something they see from day to day.

Ron Gray

A sneak peek into Ron´s box of micro flies – The tiny Micro treble hook flies # 16 – 20 are seen in the top part of the box.

See small outpoint silver trebles # 16 for your micro fly tying here 

The Hitch flies as a vessel

Fishing riffling hitch flies can be a great choice when fishing the Kinnaber beat on the North Esk where pockets and runs in several pools work in favour of a fly presented on or in the surface, but a riffling hitch fly can also be a vessel for other flies such as micro flies in # 16 – 20 and this is a technique Ron Gray advise anglers to use when they visit the Kinnaber beat during summer months where salmon can be very very picky.

micro flies for salmon

How To

When you tie on the tube-hitch fly hook, leave the amount of tippet from the knot that you want for the trailing fly

Riffling hitch and micro fly

Micro outpoint treble hook flies

Ron´s hitch tube fly and on a small fly tied on a outpoint treble – Ron also use micro flies tied on single hooks.

Micro flies for salmon

The set-up

Keep it simple

Using a trailing fly can be a great technique, but it is also a form of fly fishing that could end up in a lot of line tangle.

Ron uses a small tube hitch fly as the main fly and carrier for the micro fly (# 16 – 20), trailing some 70 – 100 cm behind the front-end fly.

To keep the trailing fly below the surface, Ron prefers to use 8 Lb. fluorocarbon as a tippet material. * Fluorocarbon sinks a bit better than nylon, and it is also a bit stiffer than standard nylon tippet material, something that may prevent some of the tangles (for illustration, we have used a piece of regular Maxima Chameleon nylon in the photo above )

Trailing flies – what is it all about?

We don’t know what it exactly is with the trailing fly that makes it so unique, yet again it is one of those things in fly fishing for trout and salmon that isn’t well described in the grand manual of salmon fishing (:

The cocktail: of hitch fly + trailing micro fly is another valuable tool in the fly box for the angler seeking to catch those elusive Atlantic salmon and trouts hiding out in river pools during summertime.

I think that the salmon or trout sees the setup as a line of hitching insects… and it is then animated to seise the last one ..the one that hasn’t hatched yet…just a guess.


Stale salmon - learn more

Curious to learn more about the cycles of Atlantic salmon …see our Fishmadman page on this subject here

Fluorocarbon versus nylon

fluorocarbon versus nylon
fluorocarbon as tippet material

Fluorocarbon versus nylon

What is Fluorocarbon? Fluorocarbons are chemical compounds with carbon-fluorine bonds Fluorocarbons, and their derivatives are commercial polymers, refrigerants, drugs, and anaesthetics. (source Wikipedia)

Seaguar tippet material

The first fluorocarbon line was produced in 1972

It is the Japanese manufacturing company Kureha in Iwaki city that developed and launched Seaguar, the world’s first fishing line made from fluorocarbon (PVDF), in 1971.

The material quickly became immensely popular among big-game and commercial fishermen largely because of the light refractive index of fluorocarbon line so close to that of water, making it less visible underwater, something quite significant, e.g. fishing for giant bluefin tuna with 200 lb mono – Fluorocarbon line also has other noteworthy features a.o lack of water absorbency, abrasion resistance and knot strength last but not least the speed fluorocarbon sinks through the water (it sinks faster than nylon) * something Ron Gray benefits from in his fishing with trailing micro flies.

Fluorocarbon is becoming more and more popular among fly fishermen.

Fluorocarbon has become distinctly popular over the last couple of decades, and many anglers I know do not think twice when buying a spool of fluorocarbon tippet material  6 – 7 times more expensive than a spool of quality nylon tippet material.

Is fluorocarbon line material necessary?

If you ask me as a sea angler fishing for tuna, mackerel and grey mullet I would say yes! … fluorocarbon will get you more fish on the bank.

The tuna species and mullets are fish that see and avoid things like nylon, and in this way, they may also deter from taking your bait when you use nylon.

Fluorocarbon for trout and Atlantic salmon

As an avid trout and salmon angler, I would say no… save your money and buy nylon for your fly attachment – doing so, I will probably have fellow anglers raising their eyebrows – but my experience with fluorocarbon has shown me that the material has few properties that would help me get more bites, saying so I acknowledge that fluorocarbon has so many abilities that could aid anglers in specific and unique ways not known to me, making my advise a bit bias.

do salmon see the fishing line

Salmon and trout don't seem to care about the light refractive index!

Since the 1980´s I have regularly used fluorocarbon in my fishing for sea trout (sea run brown trout) and Atlantic salmon. In the early days, I was sure that the low light reflective index of fluorocarbon would enable me to trick some of the wary trout and salmon I so often would encounter at the coast and in rivers – I gradually learned that these fish was just as uninterested and cautious as they used to be with my flies fished on nylon – and overall I don’t think I have caught any more trout and salmon because of the use of fluorocarbon leaders or tippet material.

Illustration Jesper Fohrmann

Fluorocarbon is stiffer than conventional nylon.

Generally speaking, fluorocarbon is stiffer than conventional tippet material, and it is also a lesser elastic material than nylon, which is not something I would benefit greatly from in my fishing for trout and salmon; on the contrary, I try to avoid stiff tippet material as I find that inflexible leaders take away some of the life that small and medium fly patterns need to perform well.

I do also prefer a cushy and elastic nylon tippet to a stiff and less so flexible tippet material. Since I often fish for bigger fish with small hooks and light tackle in a sport where elastic tippet material comes in handy ….Read more on this hard fighting topic on our blog at Fishmadman (You have to lose salmon and steelhead on small flies)

Per Fischer

Using Shooting head on the coast? Fluorocarbon might be something for you

Per Fischer uses measures of fluorocarbon (Berkley Trilene 100% Fluorocarbon) to tie up his leaders when fishing with shooting head fly lines for sea trout and pike from the open coast. Per ties, his leader from 0.60-millimetre Fluorocarbon to 0.45, then 0.40 etc. ending in 6 or 8 lb (0.25 millimetre)

When using two flies on the leader Per also uses fluorocarbon material as this tangles less when casting.

Let's debate the subject of fluorocarbon

I believe that some of you may have had great experiences with fluorocarbon and if so I would welcome any relevant input and thoughts on the subject of fluorocarbon for trout and salmon, I will add your text to this page – write me about your thoughts at jesper(the A)

Some from 2022

The North Esk kinnaber beat
Fishmadman Snaelda Willy Gunn

Snaelda Willie Gunn Conehead Copper Tube ¾

Our new Snaelda Willie Gunn Conehead Copper Tube ¾ was on our tippet from beginning to the end of the season – Here fished deep for October sea trout.

Salmon on snaelda Fishmadman

Big Snaelda Willie Gunn Conehead Copper Tube 1 1/4

The big version was great to use in the beginning of the season…right on the top of fast white water – a spectacular way to catch salmon.

Salmon on riffling hitch

HITCHMAN – Black and Gold # 10 – 14

August brought some spectacular takes to the HITCHMAN – Black and Gold # 10 – 14 I didn’t even see this fish even though it was only a rod length away when it sipped up the fly.

Jesper Fohrmann salmon

HITCHMAN – Black and Gold # 10 – 14

Another August salmon to the HITCHMAN – Black and Gold – this one fished on a broken hand… A new experience for me and probably not what my doctor would recommend.

Alan Vang Fishmadman


Riffling Hitch aficionado Mr Alan Vang caught this beautiful 88 centimeters 35 inch July salmon on a Silver HITCHMAN

Alæan Vang Fishmadman

Alans video channel on Youtube

You will find Alans video channel on Youtube here

Fly tying winther

Fly tying Fishmadman

Get in there…

You might look forward to Christmas turkey, friends, and eggnog – I am looking forward to fly-tying … I got a few new ideas and some flies I need to tie up for my coastal fly box. I have bought the hooks, and I also have the perfect cock cape for the job.

A long time coming

One of the most awaited seasonal orders in our shop is our order for Metz cock and saddle capes… They arrived just in time, as our skilled Frances fly tier is about to start the new batch of flies. The capes took their time to turn up here in Denmark… and I know that a few of you reading this now will be securing necks while we have the material in stock… unfortunately, we weren’t granted that many.

Why do you sell # 2 and # 3 capes?

These # 2 and # 3 capes fly right under the radar. They are inexpensive, and they are super quality; last but not least, they have a wider variety of feathers leaning more toward the bigger fly patterns.

Super affordable US quality      ★★★★★

Metz capes salmon flies

Metz # 2 Brown Neck

Metz # 2 Brown Neck 

Perfect for small and big body hackles on Frances flies – Perfect to make long, vibrant feels from – Great.

Metz # 3 Grizzly Neck

Metz # 3 Grizzly Neck

Metz # 3 Grizzly Neck

Superior natural colures – Awesome quality at a great price.

Metz # 2 Natural Brown Saddle

Metz # 2 Natural Brown Saddle

Metz # 2 Natural Brown Saddle

Just the material for big dry flies – Bugs and worms.

Metz # 2 Natural Brown Saddle

Metz # 2 Ginger Saddle

Metz # 2 Ginger Saddle

Just the material for big dry flies – Bugs and worms in a beautiful ginger colure.

A bit of inspiration (:

Give someone a new perspective on life - take them fishing

Please...Take someone fishing

To all new and old costumes at Fishmadman… thank you for your support and great letters and phone calls this summer – We try to keep prices on our things as low as possible and hopefully we will be able to maintain our fly-tying business through a troublesome time.

In the hope that someone would please take Mr Putin fishing so that he may gain a positive outlook on the future and idea’s on how he could spend the rest of his life in peace… fishing… somewhere back in Russia.

Tight lines from Per & Jesper

Fishmadman Newsletter
The post Newsletter November 2022 first appeared on]]>
Newsletter April 2020 – treble hook flies – Soldier Palmer – a knot for shooting head line Fri, 17 Apr 2020 11:58:38 +0000
Soldier Palmer treblehook fly

Jesper Fohrmann

Dear topwater anglers…Spring is already here and I and many of you are locked down…iiikkkes

I personally look forward to the upcoming season and I am sure we will all be able to get out and enjoy fishing sometime very soon.

I have chosen to spice our newsletter up with a fishing-cartoon… just to get some smiles going in these Corona times.

Tight lines from us at Fishmadman – Jesper & Per

Newsletter this time

  • Soldier Palmer a true salmon fly classic
  • Burt Longcaster – A man on a mission
  • Selection of treble-hook flies
  • Bug´s on a heavy hook
  • New Frances flies
  • Lee Wulff Bombers
  • we got the Hitchman flies in the shop ?
  • A great knot for your shooting head shooting-line

The Soldier Palmer - an extraordinary trout & salmon fly


A sea trout I caught earlier this spring – fly was the Soldier Palmer – a fly I often use for stale sea trout… Fish was 79 centimers long (31 inches) and was caught in the Nybro River in the southern part of Sweden

Izaak Walton write about the Soldier Palmer in his book The Complet Angler from 1653 – It is thought that the fly derive back much earlier

Soldier Palmer Treble Hook # 12

The Soldier Palmer – a simple Grub fly

Ullsok Treble Hook fly

A Swedish Sister

A nice May salmon from the Swedish river Morrum, also caught on the Soldier Palmer – Most anglers at the Morrum river fancy grub flies for their salmon and sea trout fishing. Smallish flies that stand in contrast to the Spratt,  herring, and sandell the baltic salmon feed on in the sea.

Read more about what the salmon eat at sea…Look here

Burt Longcaster a man on a mission

It’s with great honour I introduce one of my favorit cartoon characters: Burt Longcaster. As the name describes an angler with immense casting abilities. This particular cartoon was published in the mid-’90s in the Danish fishing magazine Fisk & Fri…In a later edition, Burt Longcaster throws a stray puddle-dog around the globe to mainland China… where it is eaten…sadly that adventure never made it to the funny pages…due to editorial ding-dong
Burt Longcaster
Burt Longcaster
Burt Longcaster

More efficient treble hook flies from our 2020 series

We chose to make some treble hook flies for season 2020 – all tied on the fabulous Partridge Esmond Drury treble hook …all tied to perfection …dressed just like we want them – Found in two sizes: # 12 and # 6 See all flies from the series here

Ponoi Treble Hook fly

Ponoi Black Treble Hook fly

A fantastic fly – Modern material and perfect styling for those clear water salmon rivers in the North of Norway and Russia. We have tied it exactly how we think it should be made. Superior Partridge Esmond Drury gold plated treble hook.

If your persuing salmon in Northern Norway or Russia …this is one of the flies to bring

Whitney Houston Treble Hook fly

Whitney Houston is the most awarded female artist of all time.. The late Mrs Houston has a very good salmon fly named after her. Every Scandinavian salmon angler I know has this fly in her or his fly box, some anglers also refer to this fly as The White Ponoi. We have tied it exactly how we think it should be made. Superior Partridge Esmond Drury gold plated treble hooks is the fundament for this fly.

If your persuing salmon in Northern Norway or Russia …this is one of the flies to bring

Cascade Treble Hook fly

Cascade Treble Hook fly

A fantastic fly – devised by Mr Alastair (Ally) Gowans from Pitlochry in Scotland – A modern classic that is a must on many rivers in Nothern Europa- Here tied on Partridge version of the famous Esmond Drury hook

If your persuing salmon in Northern Norway or Russia …this is one of the flies to bring

Bann Special treble hook fly

Bann Special Treble Hook Fly  

The Bann Special Shrimp salmon fly is one of the best-known shrimp flies from the British Isles – Its origin is as the name indicates from the Irish river Bann, with 129 kilometres the longest river in Northern Ireland. It’s a fly that workes well in both fast and slow water and it is also known as a great pattern for coastal sea trout. This is our cut on this famed pattern..with a body of wool, checks of well-made jungle cock imitations made by guinea Fowle feathers all tied on a good Partridge Esmond Drury treble hook

A few you asked us for in 2019


You asked for them and we made them for you… Bug´s made specifically to be fished both wet and dry. A slightly stronger salmon hook enables this fly to be fished just below the surface in fast glides – A missing link pattern in our great collection of small dry flies for steelhead and Atlantic salmon generally termed: bugs. See all the bugs here 


Both we and you love to fish these great tiny dens flies …so we chose to make a few more to the collection

Frances Tungsten Conehead Tube fly

Frances Tungsten Coneheads Tube fly – Red 10 millimetres – Another phenomenal version of the Frances fly – Tied on a diminutive plastic tube – Fitted with a micro brass conehead. A micro conehead Frances fly for difficult fish under difficult circumstances See it here

Olive Frances

Frances Micro conehead Tube Fly – Olive 1/2″  – We have made this new and great version of the famed Frances shrimp fly. Tied on a light 1/2 aluminium tube, dark olive wool body and an olive hackle all finished off with a micro brass conehead – The fly also features our great hook guard See it here


Lee Wulff was the modern forefather of dry fly fishing for salmon and his influence on salmon dry fly fishing and the flies we use is visible on most rivers where salmon run. We have chosen to have a range of Lee Wulff style Bombers made in a way that resembles the style of flies Lee Wulff would use in his fishing…relatively short and bulky with a dens hackle…tied on strong chemically sharpened hooks

We now have the Hitchman series of hitch flie in our shop

A truly great way to make loops on your shooting line

If you use shooting lines like SlickShooter from Rio or Ken Sawada Flat Beam… then you’re surely going to like this knot that I have used sins 2000 when my friend and topwater specialist; Mr Eric le Guyader learned me how to tie it.

The knot is called something like: le noeud du vieux pêcheur in French or:  The Old fisherman’s knot. Eric did not know its origin but had used it in his own fishing with great success.

It’s simple and easy to learn knot and it gives you a solution that both is slick and easy to pass through your guides and at the same time makes a loop that is dead-center on the shooting line …something that will balance your outfit better than other common loop knots…Try it and add a great new knot to your shooting head system.

If you have any questions in regards to this knot or shooting heads in general …I will be ready to answer any questions on 

A great knot for shooting lines

To all new and old costumes at Fishmadman… thank you for your support and great letters throughout the winter – We have now stocked most of our shelves with fresh flies and material and would like to tell you that we will ship flies from Fishmadman during most weekdays – The Corona lockdown may delay goods…but we know from those of you who have bought with us lately…that things do get through to your mailbox

Tight lines from Per & Jesper

Newsletter Fishmadman December 2019
The post Newsletter April 2020 – treble hook flies – Soldier Palmer – a knot for shooting head line first appeared on]]>
Newsletter Early Spring 2021 Fri, 17 Apr 2020 11:58:38 +0000

Read the letter in Scandinavian (This time Danish)

Fishmadman Newsletter
Early spring of 2021

riffling hitch tube fly

Jesper Fohrmann

Hello, fellow angler and welcome to yet another letter from us at Fishmadman – We hope that we can make your day a bit more interesting by talking fish & flies and showing you a few things that might make you look back on your days at the river this summer and hopefully plan for the fly fishing season up ahead.

This time in the newsletter

  • Special riffling hitch flies by Lee Wulff
  • Natural black squirrel tails
  • New flies for 2021
  • Redesigning a pattern – get a new fly 
  • The knot from the last newsletter
  • An early and unorthodox salmon dry fly 
  • Arizona Diamond Dub

Jesper Fohrmann

Fly Designer

Lee Wulff´s Hitch Specials

Lee Wulff´s Hitch Specials

Throughout his life as an outdoor writer and salmon angler, Lee Wulff served as a promoter for the riffling hitch technique that he initially had seen in action on the Portland Creek River in Newfoundland back in the 1940s.

This box-set of 4 single hook flies that we bought off eBay is a true example of Lee´s ingenuity and keen interest in the riffling hitch technique.

This box-set was initially one of two available sets of experimental hitch flies that Lee Wulff would have designed with a moulded body of nylon – a type of body-design he also incorporated in his famed Surface Stonefly patterns.

Lee Wulff Hitch Specials



This box-set was initially one of two available sets of experimental hitch flies that Lee Wulff would have designed with a moulded body of nylon – a type of body-design he also incorporated in his famed Surface Stonefly patterns.

Lee Wulff Surface Stonefly


If you should know about the production period or other details regarding these special riffling hitch flies we would be thankful to hear about it – You can write us through this link Lee Wulff´s Hitch Specials .

Go to our history page on the riffling hitch technique

Natural black squirrel tails from Russia

Natural black squirrel

Natural black squirrel hair has that super alluring effect on trout and salmon and 1000´s of salmon fly patterns is based on the properties of squirrel hair – Not all squirrel tails are alike and some squirrel hair will work best if used on small flies and other hairs work better on bigger flies – if you are curious to learn more about squirrel hair in fly tying – take a look at our page on the subject squirrel tails.

natural black squirrel tail

natural black squirrelNatural black squirrel from Russia or Eurasian red squirrel as they formally is known as (Scientific Name: Sciurus vulgaris) are a squirrel species widespread across the vast forest land of Russia where some squirrels are caught in traps and their pelt is used for various garments. We were lucky to buy a small selection of tails and are happy to share them with those of you who appreciate this truly awesome fly tying material. This squirrel species comes in various shades of brown and black.

We will be listing the tails in shades of black and brown as long as stock lasts.

Prize is 5.95 $

Some new flies for 2021

fishmadman hitch flies

Fly tying is our profession on Fishmadman and it is our flies and their ability to catch fish that makes it all worth your while –  Based on our experience with the see-through tubing/shimmering body material (read about this in a previous newsletter) we have chosen to make some of our patterns better by implementing our new style of fly tying. 

We will better some of the popular surface flies we sell through our shop and also add a few new ones for season 2021 – When they are ready for fishing we will send you more information.

pearl hitchman

A new riffling hitch pattern for 2021 will be this tiny Pearl Hitchman that we found absolutely fantastic during summer days in 2020 – Fly seen with a Partridge Salmon Stinger # 16 

Collie Dog Tube fly

All our Collie Dog and Sunray Shadow tube flies will be fitted with 3-D eyes and a holographic silver body.  Fly seen with a Partridge Patriot Stinger Barbless Hook #6

Hitchman Black and Gold

Another Hitchman pattern this one with golden holographic body and hair from black squirrel – will complete the Hitchman series. Fly seen with a Owner Chinu # 4

Haugur hitch

A tiny Haugur pattern with silver iridescent foil to the sides also proved to be a great player last summer. Fly seen with a Owner Chinu # 4

Redesigning a pattern - get new flies from us

Green Hitchman

Some of the Hitchman flies we made during season 2020 did not stand up to the though life at the end of the leader and as a result, the shimmering strands of foil lost their grip on the tubing. We can only regret this and as a consequence, we redesigned the body material and the process of attaching these thin strands of shimmering material to the tubing…We think we have come out on top and would like to exchange any dysfunctional Hitchman flies you might have encountered during the last season – Just give us a note in your next order and we will live up to our no-nonsense policy of fly quality – and send you new once instead… NB the new Hitchman flies will not be available in the store until late spring 2021

The knot from the last newsletter - The Turl Knot

turl knot
turl knot

In our last newsletter, we showed you our favoured steering knot for up-turned salmon hooks and also asked you for a name and information about the knot in question and we would like to send out a 👍 to those who wrote us – to tell us that we were showing how to tie a Turl knot.

Thank you goes out to: David Ellis, Serge Léveillé, Mark and Brian Moran.

Serge also sends us a link to a video showing an interesting variant of the Turl Knot known in the Gaspesia part of Québec as Gaspesian knot or Twist knot.

Special thank you to you guys for participating and helping us get the facts straight.

See a Youtube video on the The Gaspé Twist

An early and quite unorthodox salmon dry fly

Allcock’s aquatic spider.
salmon dry fly

Here is one very unorthodox looking salmon dry fly from British Allcock (this one dating back to 1938) named The Allcock’s aquatic spider.

Special thanks for getting details on this fly goes out to Finish fly fishing historian and author: Mr Pertti Kanerva. Pertti told us that the Allcock’s Aquatic spider was available in Finnish fly fishing shops from the 1920s. It was sold in three sizes: 5, 10 and 12 – original the fly came in a tin-box, later in a plastic-box. Allcock ceased to sell the fly in the early 1970s.

Read more about the Allcock Aquatic Spider here

Arizona Diamond Dub

John Rohmer Arizona Diamond Dub

It takes an equal amount of – Master fly tier and a top fly angler to become a propper dubbing wizard and John Rohmer from Arizona have those abilities.

We know an actual dubbing wizard!

For some years we have been using and selling Johns formidable seal fur substitute called: Simi Seal Dubbing – a dubbing that fast has become the favourite dubbing material to many Scandinavian anglers.

pacific salmon in scandinaviaNow we have the pleasure of presenting another of Johns wizard-mixtures: Arizona Diamond Dub – A very bright organic dubbing with fine threads of sparkling material (Quite difficult to show correctly in a photo) – We have used the material during season 2019 – 20 and found it to be excellent for trout, arctic char and Atlantic salmon.

Arizona Diamond dubbing also lured some of the pacific salmon that occasionally run our rivers here in Scandinavia  …like this critter in the last image (:

Arizona Diamond Dub

We have chosen 18 catchy colures from Johns series of Arizona Diamond Dub – We will be doing a newsletter discount during spring 2021 where you get a free pack of dubbing every time you purchase 3 packs.

Arizona Diamond Dub

Per Fischer who spend lots of time fishing for sea-run brown trout or sea trout as we also call them have long used the Arizona Diamond dub in his sea trout patterns. Here the Olive Copper dubbing used in some great shrimp flies

Thank you from us

Thank you for supporting our highly specialized fly shop – We hope that our flies will bring fish to your leader and a smile on your lips in 2021… I think we all could need that (:

Remember to bring your kids and grandkids fishing it is only by sharing the dreamy and glorious moments at the river and ponds that new generations of people would want to conserve the fragile world of the salmon and trout that run our waters.

Yours Per & Jesper

The post Newsletter Early Spring 2021 first appeared on]]>
Newsletter June 2020 – Knot for up-eye hook flies Fri, 17 Apr 2020 11:58:38 +0000

Fishmadman newsletter June 2020

Fly fishing Morrum River

Jesper Fohrmann

Per Fischer







Thank you…

Hello, fellow anglers. We wanted to write to you before summer begins. It has been a tough time for our small company during Corona – We and our families have been free of the terrible disease. Still, our company has been put into a coma primarily because of shipping issues. We thank all of you who bought flies with us during the last months and would especially like to reach out to those of you who had a very long delivery time on your flies and fly-tying material… We know there are still delays in the post-world..but things have, for the most part, gone back to normal.

Newsletter this time

  • A discount in our shop – and helping The Atlantic Salmon Federation
  • An excellent knot for those up-eye salmon hooks
  • Stay safe this summer – enjoy your local waters

Tight lines from Jesper & Per at Fishmadman

Get a discount in our shop - Help us raise funds for The Atlantic Salmon Federation

We will offer you a discount of 11 % in our shop.

With every purchase, more than 30 $ we will donate 5 $ to The Atlantic Salmon Federation to help them do their job – We will be giving a discount and be fund-raising this way all through July


Use Promotion code: SALAR in the shop and get your discount…and maybe help us in support of The Atlantic Salmon Federation

Use a guiding knot on up-turned salmon hooks - The Turl knot

Guiding knots and knots for fly fishing is a well-debated issue, and for good reasons,  the knot is the last boundary between you and the fish – Showing you the knot Per, and I use for our salmon flies is in this way a matter of trust – so I will start this small introduction to the knot I use by saying that the knot has never failed me in all the years I have used it. It is a straightforward knot that will aid you in fishing your fly in a direct continuation of your leader.  It’s a knot you can tie at nighttime without looking at what you are doing.

Determining the correct name for the knot, we reached out to you, the newsletter readers …and the correct name is now in place… the Turl knot – as mentioned to us by:

David Ellis, Serge Léveillé, Mark, Brian Moran

Serge also sends us a link to a video showing an exciting variant of the Turl Knot in the Gaspesia part of Québec called the Gaspesian knot or twist knot.

Special thank you to you guys for participating and helping us get the facts straight.

Gaspesian knot or twist knot

The Turl knot - Normal version

turle knot

No. 1

Insert your tippet through the hook – coming up from the down-side on up-eyed hooks (like this Partridge Esmond Drury hook) and from the top coming down if you use a down-eye hook.

turle knot

No.. 2

Make a small loop on the tippet. Keep the loop between your thumb and index finger as seen here.

turl knot

No. 3

Make two loops around the primary loop (I usually make those loops on my index finger – and then push them off the finger with my thumb)

turl knot

No. 4

Take the end of the tippet (Here marked with a A) through the two small loops and slowly tighten up.

turl knot

No. 5

Tighten up the entire knot by pulling from both ends of the knot – The knot should now form a nice and uniform figure of eight…if not …unravel the knot and start over again.

turl knot

No. 6

When the knot tightens up – pull the hook through the loop and pull the knot tight towards the eye of the hook

turl knot

No. 7

The knot is now in place, and the end of the tippet is trimmed off – This knot probably has a formal name – but I don’t know it… even though I have used this knot for + 40 years… If you know the name …drop us a line here The name of the knot

Stay safe this summer - fish your local waters

Jesper Fohrmann

Per Fischer and I had booked an online ticket for the Mörrum River in southern Sweden – the region of Scandinavia where we live close to –

Soldier Palmer Treble Hook # 12

Soldier Palmer


We had a great “local” day with one of our favoured flies: the Soldier Palmer and this fresh silver Baltic salmon that liked the fly just as much as we did.

This summer many anglers will have to stay close to home and we hope that you to also will get the opportunity to visit your local waters

Keep a safe distance to other anglers but keep your favourite flies close.

Tight lines Per & Jesper

The post Newsletter June 2020 – Knot for up-eye hook flies first appeared on]]>
Nyhedsbrev Tidligt forår 2021 Fri, 17 Apr 2020 11:58:38 +0000

Fishmadman Nyhedsbrev Vinteren 2021

riffling hitch tube fly

Jesper FohrmannHej, fluefisker og velkommen til endnu et nyhedsbrev fra os på Fishmadman – Vi håber, at vi kan gøre din dag lidt mere interessant ved at snakke fisk & fluer og vise dig et par ting, der måske kunne få dig til at mindes dinner dage langs elven, denne sommer – og forhåbentlig lægge planer for fluefiskesæsonen 2021.

Denne gang i nyhedsbrevet

  • En særlige riffling hitch fluer fra Lee Wulff
  • Natursort egernhaler
  • Nye fluer i 2021
  • Redesign af et mønster – få nye fluer
  • Knuden fra det sidste nyhedsbrev
  • En ældre uortodoks lakstørflue
  • Ny…super dubbing Arizona Diamond Dub

Lee Wulff´s Hitch Specials

Lee Wulff´s Hitch Specials

Gennem sit liv som sports-skribent og laksefisker, fungerede Lee Wulff som promotor for riffling hitch teknikken, som han oprindeligt havde set i aktion ved Portland Creek elven i Newfoundland tilbage i 1940’erne.

Lee Wulff Hitch Specials



Dette boks-sæt med 4 enkeltkrogfluer,  er et godt eksempel på Lee`s opfindsomhed og interesse for hitch fiskeri. Dette boks-sæt var oprindeligt et af to tilgængelige sæt af eksperimentelle fluer, som Lee Wulff designede med en krop af støbt af nylon – et design han også brugte på sine berømte Surface Stonefly fluer.

Lee Wulff Surface Stonefly


Hvis du ved mere om disse særlige hitch fluer, ville vi være taknemmelige for at høre fra dig – Du kan skrive til os via dette link Lee Wulff´s Hitch Specials  

Natursort egern fra Rusland

Natural black squirrel

Naturligt sort egernhår har en super lokkende effekt på ørred og laks, og 1000`vis af fluemønstre er baseret på egernhårs særlige egenskaber – Ikke alle gernhaler er ens, og noget hår fungerer bedst, hvis det bruges på mindre fluer og hår fra andre haler egner sig til større fluer – hvis du er nysgerrig efter at lære mere om egernhår i fluebinding  så kig forbi på vores side om emnet.

Natursort egernhale

natural black squirrel

Naturlig sort egern fra Rusland eller eurasisk rødt egern, som de formelt er kendt som (Videnskabeligt navn: Sciurus vulgaris) er en egernart, der er udbredt over det store skovklædte Rusland, hvor nogle egern fanges i fælder, og deres skind bruges til forskellige beklædningsgenstande.

Vi var heldige at købe et lille udvalg af haler og deler dem med glæde med dem, der sætter pris på dette virkelig fantastiske fluebindingsmateriale.

Denne art egern findes i forskellige nuancer af brun og sort. Du finder halerne i vores butik beskrevet som:  sort og brun. Sælges så længe lager haves.  Prisen er 36.50.- (Danske Kr. 2021)


Nogle nye fluer til sæson 2021

fishmadman hitch flies

Fluebinding er vores profession her på Fishmadman, og det er vores fluer og deres evne til at fange fisk, der gør det hele værd for dig – Baseret på vores erfaring med gennemsigtige rør / changerende kropsmateriale (læs om dette i et tidligere nyhedsbrev) har vi valgt at gøre vores mønstre bedre ved at udbrede vores nye bindestil til flere fluer fra butikken.

pearl hitchman

Et nyt riffling hitch mønster til 2021 bliver denne lille Pearl Hitchman, som vi og laks fandt helt fantastisk i løbet af sommeren 2020. Fluen her er monteret med Partridge Salmon Stinger # 16 

Collie Dog Tube fly

I 2021 vil alle vores Collie Dog og Sunray Shadow fluer være udstyret med 3-D øjne og alle Collie Dogs med en særlig holografisk krop i sølv. Flue monteret med Partridge Patriot Stinger Barbless Hook #6.

Hitchman Black and Gold

Et andet Hitchman-mønster (Black & Gold Hitchman) med holografisk guld krop og hår fra sort egern – vil fuldende Hitchman-serien. Flue monteret med Owner Chinu # 4.

Haugur hitch

En micro udgave af det islandske Haugur-mønster med sølv-iriserende folie på siderne, viste sig også at være et super mønster den foregående sommer. Flue monteret med Owner Chinu # 4.

Redesign af et mønster - få nye fluer fra os

Green Hitchman

Nogle af de Hitchman-fluer, vi lavede til sæsonen 2020, klarede ikke det hårde liv i for enden af forfanget, og som et resultat mistede de holografiske strimler deres fæste på røret. Vi kan kun beklage dette, og som en konsekvens redesignede vi kropsmaterialet og processen hvorved vi fastgøre dette til røret … Vi synes​ at ​vi er lykkedes med dette projekt, og vil gerne benytte lejligheden til at bytte eventuelle ødelagte/dårlige Hitchman-fluer, du måske har fisket med i løbet af den sidste sæson – Giv os en besked i din næste ordre, så lover vi at lever op til vores no-nonsense kvalitets politik – og sender dig nye fluer i stedet … NB de nye Hitchman fluer vil desværre ikke være tilgængelige i butikken før sidst på foråret 2021.

Knuden fra sidste nyhedsbrev: Turl Knuden

turl knot
turl knot

I vores forrige nyhedsbrev viste vi dig vores foretrukne styreknude til fluer bundet på opadbøjet laksekroge, og spurgte dig også om et navn og information om den pågældende knude, og vi vil gerne sende en 👍 til David Ellis, Serge Léveillé, Mark, Brian Moran, der skrev til os for at fortælle at; vi havde vist, hvordan man binder en Turl knude.

Serge sender os også et link til en video, der viser en interessant variant af Turl Knuden kendt i Gaspesia-delen af ​​Québec som Gaspesian Knot eller Twist Knot

Se en Youtube video om Gaspé Twist knuden

En tidlig og uortodoks lakse tørflue

Allcock’s aquatic spider.
salmon dry fly

Her en ganske uortodoks laksetørreflue fra British Allcock, dateret tilbage til 1938, kaldet; Allcock’s aquatic spider

Særlig tak til finske fluefiskerihistoriker og forfatter Pertti Kanerva, for at skaffe detaljer om denne flue. Pertti fortæller os, at Allcock’s aquatic spider var tilgængelig i finske fluefiskebutikker fra 1920’erne. De blev solgt i tre størrelser # 5, 10 og 12 – De original fluen kom i en blikdåse, senere i en plastikæske. Allcock ophørte med at sælge fluen i begyndelsen af ​​1970’erne

Læs mere om Allcock Aquatic Spidere her

Arizona Diamond Dub

John Rohmer Arizona Diamond Dub

Det kræver lige dele mester-fluebinder og storfanger for at blive en ægte dubbing-troldmand og John Rohmer fra Arizona har disse evner.

I flere år har vi solgt og selv brugt Johns formidable sæluld-erstatning: Simi Seal Dubbing – en dubbing der hurtigt er blevet det foretrukne dubbingsmateriale for mange skandinaviske lystfiskere, nu har vi fornøjelsen at præsentere endnu en af Johns fortryllede-blandinger: Arizona Diamond Dub – En lys og organisk dubbing med fine tråde af shangerende materiale (noget der kan være ganske vanskeligt at vise korrekt på et foto) – Vi har stillehavslaks i Norgebrugt materialet i løbet af sæsonen 2019 – 20 og fandt det fremragende til ørred, rødding og atlanterhavslaks.

Arizona Diamond dubbing virkede også på nogle af de stillehavslaks, der lejlighedsvis besøger vores vande her i Skandinavien … som denne uheldige type i det sidste foto (:

Arizona Diamond Dub

Vi har valgt 18 fangende farver fra Johns serien af Arizona Diamond Dub – Vi laver en nyhedsbrev rabat for foråret 2021, hvor du får en gratis pakke med dubbing hver gang du køber 3 pakker.

Arizona Diamond Dub

Per Fischer har lavet disse delikate rejefluer af det nye Arizona Diamond Dub i farven Olive Copper

Tak til dig

Ja… tak for din støtte til vores højst specialiserede fluebutik – vi håber, at vores fluer vil bringe fisk til din line og et smil på dine læber i 2021- vi har alle brug for lidt mere smil (:

Husk at invitere dine børn og børnebørn på fisketur, det er kun ved at dele de herlige og spændende øjeblikke ved elv og sø, at nye generationer af mennesker vil ønsker at bevare den skrøbelige verden ​​laks og ørred svømmer i.

Med venlig hilsen Per & Jesper

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Nyhedsbrev December 2019 – Iriserende hitch flue – Micro rørfluer Mon, 23 Dec 2019 19:24:47 +0000
Fishmadman nyhedsbrev

Jesper Fohrmann

Hej overfladefisker … Jeg har meget at skrive om denne gang, da jeg har måtte udsætte nyhedsbrevet på grund af belastningsskader i mine hænder og arme. Heldigvis har disse forhold ikke holdt mig fra mit fluefiskeri eller arbejde med design i fluebindeafdelingen ? og vi er sikre på, at du vil kunne lide nogle af de fluer og ideer, vi har til dig denne gang.

Stram line fra os på Fishmadman – Jesper & Per

Nyhedsbrev denne gang

  • En fantastisk hitch flue – Hitchman serien
  • Suces med en caddis-imitation til steelhead
  • Små hitch/rørfluer, og hvordan man rigger dem til
  • Genbrug & Genanvendelse … vi genskaber din favoritflue
  • En speciel skum-caddis flue fra Finland
  • Bedste ønsker for sæson 2020 – med et lille ønske til dig

Vi har skabt en super hitch-flue… Hitchman

Atlantic salmon on riffling hitch tube fly

I løbet af de 40 år, jeg har bundet fluer til laksefiskeri, har jeg kun lavet en eller to fluer, som jeg vil kalde super-gode og værd at sætte i en anden laksefiskers flueboks, så det er med glæde og en følelse af stolthed at vi kan afsløre en ny serie af riffling hitch-rørfluer, der bestemt passer til beskrivelsen som: en super flue.

Her en af mange sommerlakser, der havde lyst på Hitchman-fluen

Hitchman-serien undervejs Måske kun et ekstra glimt i vandet?

Riffling hitch tube fly - Hitchman fly

Gennemsigtig og iriserende 

riffling hitch tube fly - the hitchman
tube for riffling hitch

For at opnå et subtilt udtryk har jeg svejset små strimler af holografisk materiale på vores klare plastrør, dette giver en gennemsigtig flue med skinnende flanker. Vi har ikke farvet rørene på foto, det er faktisk det holografiske folie, der spejles i plastrøret og tilføjer fluerne generelle farveeffekt.

Iridescent pixels… a great detail on the new riffling hitch flies

I have sins the 90´s used these iridescent pixels for my sea trout flies and lureres. Applying this shimmering material to the heads of the Hitchman tube flies gave the fly a unique visual balance and unity look for this great surface fly.

riffling hitch tube fly the Hitchman


Pixel flagerne findes i flere farvenuancer og fungerer forskelligt på forskellige farve baggrund, jeg har haft det bedste resultat på en sort baggrund.

Jeg bruger super-lim som afsluttende lak på hovedet på fluerne og drysser de iriserende flagerne i den stadig våde super-lim, mens jeg roterer fluen i fluebindingsstikket

iriswerende materiale i fluebinding

Vi har ikke Hitchman fluerne klar til salg endnu – vi arbejder på det (:  – men se mere om dem her

Hvad er meningen med så små rørflue?

I beskrivelsen ovenfor har vi en micro lille hitch-rørflue med en længde på 1 centimeter, den er bundet på et tyndt 1,1- mm-rør. Det er en virkelig lille lakseflue, og lystfiskere, der ikke bruger så små rørfluer til deres overfladefiskeri, vil måske spekulere på, om en lignende lille flue bundet på en enkeltkrog ikke ville være en bedre løsning. Hvorfor disse intrikate detaljer med rørfluer og små kroge? kunne du spørge – Der er mange svar på dette spørgsmål, og et svar er, at en sådan lille rørflue fungerer på en anden måde end en lignende flue bundet på en enkelt eller dobbelt krog, og på den måde er den interessant. De urolige bevægelser sådanne lette rørfluer har er absolut værdifulde egenskaber, både under og i overfladen, og så små rørfluer kan gøre en kedelig og uinteressant varm sommerdag til en uforglemmelig ditto.

Læs mere om hvordan du forbereder dig på at fighte større fisk på små fluer/kroge  her

micro frances tube fly

Helt lille Frances hitch-rørflue Frances hitch tube flies

Teal & Blue Micro tube fly

Teal & Blue mikro vådflue (kan udstyres med enkelt- eller trekrogkroge)

Redning og genbrug
vi får nyt liv i dine gamle rørfluer …



Pötkylä skum caddis flue ??

Fra Porvoo i Finland ?? modtog vi billeder af denne fantastiske flue af sportsfisker Janne Kuosmanen

Kropslængde er 35-40 mm og kroppen er lavet af en skumcylinder

Se hvordan Janne skaber sine skum-tørfluer her

Vi har igen nye Metz Giant saddles i butikken

Gør fluefiskeri stort igen
Tag et ungt menneske på fisketur i 2020

UDSALG i Fishmadman butikkenv

Tak til alle nye og gamle kunder hos Fishmadman – for jeres handel og breve gennem sæson 2019 – Vi har nu fyldt lageret med friske fluer og materiale og vil gerne give alle jer, der læser vores nyhedsbrev mulighed for at  toppe fluekasserne op før sæson 2020 begynder …

Tight lines fra Per & Jesper


GET the 13 % discount – Join our newsletter The FISHMADMAN SALE will be on until the 31.01.2019


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Newsletter December 2019 – Iridescent hitch fly – Tiny hitch flies Mon, 23 Dec 2019 14:25:56 +0000
Newsletter Fishmadman December 2019

Jesper Fohrmann

Dear topwater anglers…We have much to write about this time as I have been postponing the newsletter due to repetitive strain injuries in my hands and arms. Luckily it has not kept me from fishing or engineering in the fly-tying department.  and we are sure you will like some of the flies and ideas we have for you this time.
Tight lines from us at Fishmadman – Jesper & Per

Newsletter this time

  • A great riffling hitch fly pattern – the Hitchman Series
  • The birth success of a tube caddisfly imitation for steelhead
  • Tiny hitch/tube flies and how to set them up
  • Rescue & reuse …we will redo your favourite fly
  • One neat foam caddisfly imitation from Finland
  • Best wishes for season 2020 – with a small quest

We have forged a great hitch fly…
The Hitchman

Atlantic salmon on riffling hitch tube fly

Over the + 40 years I have tied flies for salmon fishing, I have only made one or two flies that I would call unique – so it is with joy and a sense of achievement that we now can disclose a new series of riffling hitch tube flies that fits the bill as a fantastic fly.

Here is one of many summer salmon that fancied the Hitchman fly


The Hitchman Series in the making
Maybe just an extra glimpse in the water?

Riffling hitch tube fly - Hitchman fly

See-through & iridescent

riffling hitch tube fly - the hitchman

Like a good cooking recipe, we have combined the right things and made an irresistible dish. Here the Green Hitchmann fly tied on our 3.2 mm. tubing. The red spot on the throat of the fly indicates the entrance hole for the leader and doubles as a vision of the stomach seen on small see-through fry

tube for riffling hitch

To achieve a subtle impression I have welded small strands of holographic material to our clear tubing, this gives me a see-through fly with shimmering flanks. We haven’t coloured the tubes in the image it is in fact the reflective tinsel that is mirrored in the tubing material, adding to the general colour effect of the flies.

Iridescent pixels… a great detail on the new riffling hitch flies

I have sins the 90´s used these iridescent pixels for my sea trout flies and lures. Applying this shimmering material to the head of the Hitchman tube fly gave the fly a unique visual balance and a great unified look.

riffling hitch tube fly the Hitchman

How to

The pixels will act differently on various colour backgrounds, I have had the best result on a plain black background. I use super-glue as finishing varnish on the head of the flies and sprinkle the pixels into the still vet super-glue while I rotate the fly in the fly tying vice

iridescent material in fly fishing

Make a PIXEL HEAD - See how to add iridescent pixels to the head of your fly

The Thompson River Caddis on tube

What’s the point of such a small tube fly?

In the description above, we feature a tiny hitch tube fly with a length of 1 centimetre or 0.39 inches tied on a thin 1.1-millimetre tubing. It is a tiny salmon fly, and anglers not acquainted with tube flies for their surface fishing would wonder if a similar small fly tied on a single hook would not be a better solution. Why do these intricate ways of the tube fly, you may ask? – There are many answers to this question, and one answer is that such a tiny tube fly works in ways differently than a similar fly tied on a single or double hook, and in that way, it is interesting. The skittering and unpredictable behaviours of such a light tube fly are significant, both under and on the surface, and such small tube flies can make a dull and uninteresting warm summer’s day into a great sporting event…

Read much more about how to prepare for catching big fish on small tube flies here

micro frances tube fly

Absolutely smallish tube Frances hitch tube flies

Teal & Blue Micro tube fly

Teal & Blue micro sub-surface tube flies (can be fitted with single or treble hooks)

See details about the fly here

Rescue & Reuse
we will breath new life into your old tube flies...


We have decided to add a whole new service concept to our range of flies here on Fishmadman – a service that falls nicely in line with the updated worldwide thoughts on reusing things…
Anglers using our flies…. rarely, if ever, lose their tube-surface flies…for obvious reasons: you would change the hook inserted into the tubing and not the entire fly when you hit a rock or bend a hook on a strong fish – The flies will live on until they fall apart and are discarded… Over the years, both my  business associate Per and I have rescued and reused our favourite flies …and we think it is time to have this service on all our flies…so if you have one particular fly that outperforms other flies you have from us..then keep it safe and when the time comes …we will breath new life into the small vessel the plastic tubing is
To return flies to us, please mail them to Fishmadman I/S, Stakhaven 8, 2500 Valby, Denmark… Add notes, and we will be in contact… The service is completely free and part of our – no-nonsense product guarantee

The Pötkylä foam caddis fly ??

From Porvoo in Finland, we received images of this fantastic fly by angler Janne Kuosmanen

The body length is 35-40mm, and the body is made from a foam cylinder.

See how Janne create his foam dry flies here.

We have new giant Metz saddles back in the shop

Make fly fishing great again
Take a young person fly fishing in 2020

Winter sale in the Fishmadman shop

To all new and old costumes at Fishmadman… thank you for your support and great letters throughout the last season. We have stocked most of our shelves with fresh flies and material and would like to give all of you who read our newsletter the opportunity to stock your fly boxes before season 2019 begins…

Tight lines from Per & Jesper

GET the 13 % discount – Join our newsletter. The FISHMADMAN SALE will be on until the 31.01.2019


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How to fish Micro Frances Coneheads – Newsletter June 2018 Fri, 11 May 2018 18:06:43 +0000
Salmon on frances fly
Dear Flyfisher! Welcome to another newsletter from us at Fishmadman.
Summers salmon season is on the go, and a long cold spring still lingers on in the very north of Scandinavia … but soon, the river will be ready for the hitch and dry flies.
This time we have the pleasure of making an early season/high water collection available to you – It’s a limited edition of high-end flies tied, especially how we want them.
We also have a practical introduction to using our small Frances conehead flies.
Meet Daniel Wells, a Striped Bass angler from Massachusetts
Last but not least, an excellent overall discount in our shop
Very tight lines from Jesper & Per

We bought a pony

Well not really – but we bought the pelt from one – Among many hides we found one that was more than perfect for our salmon flies – and we managed to have a selection of flies ready for the upcoming season – exclusively sold in a collection of 10 flies that will suit your early season fishing or for days with high water –

Exclusive offer 

salmon tube flies

Ten of the best early salmon fishing patterns are tied on a tube.

Early summer fishing is exciting, and fish are often more than willing to hit the fly. Bright colours and bigger flies can be very efficient – and we have made the perfect collection for you – Some tied on copper or tungsten tube, others on aluminium and plastic tube. The selection will enable you to fish perfectly through the water column.Go to shop 

Flies in the box

dee monkey salmon tube fly

The big heavy boy in the box with a wing of 6 inches and a body tied on a 1 – inch tungsten tube this fly is made for big fast water.

Garry dog tube fly

The Garry Dog is a classical highwater fly that everyone fishing clear to peat-coloured water needs in the box. Here tied on a 1 ¾ inch aluminium tube

Ally´s shrimp tube fly

A slightly smaller version of the Ally`s Shrimp tied on a 1 inch tube

Black and blue salmon fly on tube

My own simple summer pattern I 3 different sizes – tied on our riffling hitch tube with hair from a bear and the previously mentioned pony (:

Ally´s shrimp cascade tube fly

The Ally´s series are great all-round flies and this dens 1 inch Ally´s Cascade fly tied on a copper tube has all the right ingredients for hard and fast water in June – July

Ally´s shrimp tube fly

A big tube version of the Great Ally´s Shrimp tied on a 1 ¾ aluminium tube – A must have early season pattern

Garry dog tube fly on aluminium tube

The Garry Dog tied differently – One of my favourite summer flies – That I use 2 -3 days after a rain has flushed through the river. Tied on a 1 Inch aluminium tube

Frances Snaelda tube fly

A very popular clone of the famous Icelandic Snaelda and the Frances fly. Here tied on a ½ inch metal tube

salmon tube fly



The 10 flies come in a handy plastic box …but without hooks

Hooks we recommend for this selection

Partridge Barbless Stinger # 2

Partridge Barbless Stinger # 2

Partridge Barbless Stinger # 4

Partridge Barbless Stinger # 4

How to work the Micro Frances Conehead flies

Frances conehead salmon fly

Our small Frances Conehead flies (8 and 10 millimetres big) are tied on an aluminium tube with a tiny brass cone-head giving them just the proper density. Small horns from Chinese boar and a skirt made out of hair from the Tanuki fox make this fly very attractive – The Frances fly family is probably one of the most versatile flies available. Tiny miniature crustation-like creatures like our Micro Frances series into heavy versions tied on a long copper tube – all designed to be fished uniquely.
I have enjoyed fishing for many years with the tiny conehead versions we do at Fishmadman. As for other Frances flies, I like to fish them drifting towards the fish, a technique you can use on many different flies but a technique that is incredibly productive with these weighted micro conehead flies.
To show you how I do, I have made some crude sketches to give you a rough idea.
fishing salmon on Frances fly

Position the Frances fly a meter (3 foot) or more in front of the position where you expect the salmon (or trout) to be – Keep your rod high at the end of the cast.

frances conehead fly - how to fish it

Lower your rod and let the fly sink while it drifts towards the lie of the fish. Don’t worry…with time; you will become an expert at this.

salmon on Frances conehead fly

When you believe your fly is near the spot where the fish lies – Keep the line tight, and the fly should rise to the surface – and the fish will most likely cease it

Striped Bass on a surface fly

Daniel Wells is an experienced steelhead angler that has moved to Massachusetts where he has found sport in the striped bass fishing in estuaries, the surf, and a unique fishery, The Cape Cod Canal. Daniel soon realized that the Cape Cod Canal is one of the toughest environments to fly fish, but he found out that it could be done with very heavy Skagit gear. Daniel has been trying to design flies that are specific for the Canal with the focus on waking flies as the canal is moving around 4-5 knots and can have excellent surface feeds when the timing of fast current and sunrise coincide.
Still, in the infancy of Daniels development of these flies, we were proud to deliver some of our riffling hitch tube that Daniel has designed some of his initial striped bass surface flies on. Flies that are light and relatively easy to cast on double hand salmon gear.
We can only say we are looking forward to your season and hope that your fly design has spawned more striped bass anglers to pick up the double hand rod and try out your surface flies… To contact Daniel in regards to his wake fly design – You may contact him through his Instagram profile here    
A tube wake fly from the hands of Daniel Wells

A tube wake fly from the hands of Daniel Wells

striped bass fly fishing The Cape Cod Canal

See a video on Instagram showing you how Daniels wake fly work

The post How to fish Micro Frances Coneheads – Newsletter June 2018 first appeared on]]>
Info Popup Sun, 28 May 2017 21:17:43 +0000

Much much more information about riffling hitch, salmon dry fly and steelhead wake fly is a pretty big site and we keep on adding information that we find interesting – We do our best to link the information together so you get the ideal experience when you visit our site – Here we have gathered a list of some of the pages salmon and steelhead anglers visit on a regular basis when they come to
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Newsletter February 2016 – BIG FISH Thu, 11 Feb 2016 15:58:08 +0000
Fishmadman salmon and steelhead newsletter

Soon summer will return and we can visit clear rivers with our friends

Hello Fly Fisherman and welcome to the first newsletter of 2016
In this issue of the newsletter

  • Some big fish from 2015
  • Fly tying kit´s from Fishmadman
  • Smurf Bomber – Finally we got them
  • A special fly tying video from Fishmadman
  • A few new things for 2016 (more to come)

Dry fly regards from Per & Jesper

Newsletter February 2016 – BIG FISH

Forty-three-inch giant…

Big salmon on dry fly caddisfly

Mr. Ian Martin from Canada with his best ever dry fly salmon: Forty-three inches (109 cm) – about 36 pounds (16-kilo)

Mr. Ian Martin regularly contributes with words and photos to our pages here on Fishmadman – This time, he has emailed us this super photo of a giant Atlantic salmon caught on a Monster Tube Caddis # small.
Ian is a well-known angler in the Gaspesie region where he also runs the fishing lodge LES 4 SAISONS situated at the banks of the river Petit Cascapédia.
Read the whole story about the catch of the giant dry fly salmon and see if your next fishing holiday could be in the Gaspesie region at Ian´s lodge

Caught on Monster Tube Caddis

Caddisfly for salmonThe Monster Tube Caddis – A super fly for big salmon on both side of the Atlantic – Our small and big version seems to have the great attraction on Scandinavian salmon – The XX-Large version seems to work especially good in Canada and Newfoundland.
Horns on the fly are whiskers from rabbit – a vibrant and very attractive fly tying material that we have great faith in
See our page on the Monster Tube Caddis

Monster Tube Caddis: A odd caddis imitation designed to be fished at dead-drift.

Six 20 lb`s salmon on dry fly…

Big salmon caught on dry fly the monster tube caddis

Don’t let size fool you – both Mr. Ian Martin and Mr. Kim Nyborg (photo above) is big guys in the + 100-kilo range

Our own pro fly tier Mr. Kim Nyborg was in Newfoundland for the second time and got everything right in the summer of 2015 – with six salmon in the 20 lb´s range, with this giant estimated at + 30 lb´s as the biggest – Many of these fish were caught on the Monster Tube Caddis on the Humber River together with friend and renowned dry fly guide Mr. Bill Bryden.

See how to tie the Monster Tube Caddis or get the full Monty and buy our Monster Tube Caddis fly tying kit – See the offer below.

If you would like to fish the fantastic rivers of Newfoundland follow the link here

Fly tying kit`s from Fishmadman

The FlashBack Bug kit…

FlashBack Bug Fly tying kit

The perfect fly tying kit if you want to try your skills on steelhead wake flies – Enough to make 6 – 7 flies in various sizes –
Buy FlashBack Bug Kit

FlashBack Bug steelhead skater

White Tube Bomber kit…

Tube Bomber Fly Tying Kit

After endless trials getting the proper hackles to use in this kit – we finally got a break with these first class Metz hackles. Everything needed to tie Tube Bombers is included in this kit
Buy Tube Bomber Kit

Tube Bomber BIG WHITE - version 2

The Monster Tube Caddis kit…

Monster Tube Caddis fly tying kit

Getting proper hackles for this big caddisfly imitation has always been an issue for us – Now we proudly present our Monster Tube Caddis fly tying kit with super quality Metz hackles and everything else included to tie a selection of big dry flies
Buy Monster Tube Caddis Fly Tying kit

Monster Tube Caddis Medium

The Smurf Bomber

Smurf Bomber dry fly

The Smurf Bomber: A fine Bomber pattern from Newfoundland with the right blue tone of deer-hair combined with tail, wing and hackle in brown.

smurfGetting the right colour on the white-tail deer we use for the body on our Bombers proved to be more difficult than we first thought – but we finally got all the details right and we are proud to include yet another Bomber in our family of 14 variations – Look them up here

The Smurf is a Belgian comic character  created by cartoonist Peyo These blue skinned creatures was first seen in comics in the early 60´s C & R Peyo

A new Youtube video from us

Quite in line with our FlashBack Bug fly tying kit – We have made a Youtube video showing how to tie this efficient wake fly – We hope you enjoy it and would welcome your comments on Youtube

Do also look at our other videos on our humble Fishmadman Youtube channel

New things with Fishmadman

Pine squirrel for salmon flies

A rare opportunity – to get a Barred Brown Mini squirrel tail for your small wet flies or tube riffling hitch flies… We bought some for production and additional tails for our newsletter readers… absolutely small and soft tails…
buy them while you can

We have a new batch of this slim style riffling hitch version of the mandatory Blue Charm – Made with extra room in front of the head to enable you to make your Portland Hitch The flies is also styled just like we want our wet-fly Blue Charm

Buy them here

The post Newsletter February 2016 – BIG FISH first appeared on]]>
The FlashBack Bug Steelhead Wake Fly Fri, 16 Oct 2015 09:33:38 +0000

Juvenile Steelhead and Atlantic salmon parr are skilled surface hunters that have their attention fixed to the surface as soon as insects start swarming at the river bank.

Millions of years of training have made them what they are, and it is when conditions are perfect they take full advantage of the food on the surface…The temperature in the river and the air is a critical element of their surface activity – something we, as anglers, will experience when we target the adult fish entering the river.

Traditionally anglers target steelhead on the river’s surface during summer and into late autumn. Many different wake fly patterns have been designed for this highly specialized sport that draws anglers deep into the wilderness of Oregon and British Columbia. Many fly patterns are designed to wake subtly. Others are made to be fished more actively.

Rivers are turbulent, and the light is low – Spotting the fly on the river surface can be challenging, so we decided to make some visible wake flies.

Anglers have been fishing this new steelhead wake fly pattern on different rivers in British Columbia and Oregon season 2014 – 15 –  and the results have been great. We call this tube fly The FlashBack Bug.

We have tied the fly in 3 sizes similar to flies tied on # 1 – 4 – 8 hooks
It features our Riffling Hitch tube system, and the fly wakes perfectly in the rough and calm water.

Photo: Mr Loren Irving

iridescent foam makes the fly shows up out on the river

We have combined some of the favoured steelhead wake fly patterns in the design of the FlashBack Bug and used some of the best fly tying material available to create a wake fly that would perform perfectly.

The iridescent foam used as back on the fly reflects the light and makes the fly glow upon the river even in poor light conditions.

iridescent foam from Fishmadman

What is iridescent?

[cq_vc_gallery images=”16890,16892,16893,16904″ imagesload=”on”]

Photo © of iridescent snake Mr Marc A. Spataro

Iridescent: Opalescent, shimmering, luminous, glittering, sparkling, dazzling, shining, gleaming, kaleidoscopic, rainbow-coloured –

We have many words for this highly attractive-looking material that we find with animals on land and in water –

Iridescence (also known as goniochromism) is the property of certain surfaces that appear to change colour as the angle of view or illumination changes. It is often created by structural colouration.

We have combined the iridescent colors with soft 2-millimeter sheets of black EVA foam to create this great looking fly tying material

Learn how to tie the FlashBack Bug

Wake fly - how to do it

You will find most of the material needed to tie the FlashBack Bug in our shop a.o the special Iridescent foam we produce, John Rohmer’s Simi-Seal Dubbing in color Mörrum, Canadian Orange   and our fantastic 3.2 Riffling Hitch tube used on all our steelhead wake flies

The FlashBack Bug on Youtube

Visit our significant page on steelhead wake flies Grease Liner Medium Canadian Orange

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tube fly tubes Fri, 24 Jul 2015 23:23:38 +0000

Tube flies is the big thing in Europa and salmon, trout and Northern pike anglers will readily use tubes for many different fly patterns. Not only do the tubes allow anglers to make big light pattern that is easy to cast on light fly fishing equipment, but the tube fly also gives the angler new ways of presenting the fly as something unique.

salmon on tube fly

Tube fly for difficult situations

As I write this post, I have just returned from an evening fishing at the mouth of the river where I fish – Salmon had just entered on the 6 o’clock tide and as the water was pulling back to the sea. Small and big salmon were settling near the big rocks on the river bed.

As the water is only a few feet deep, I use tube dry flies; tiny Frances shrimp flies and single hook wet fly patterns like Blue Charm and Undertaker in # 12… Today the fish was unwilling and a cold northerly wind blew in from the sea… In such difficult situations, most anglers will pack up and leave. Still, I brought out tiny clear-bodied tube flies with wings made of a few hairs from silver tippet squirrel – I call it the V-FLY, and I fish this micro tube fly as a riffling hitch pattern – Riffling hitch pattern can work wonders in such unfriendly conditions. I soon had the first fish turning for the fly, and almost every fish settling in the shallow pool tried to grab the fly.  Two fish to the tiny V-FLY an hour later had turned this bitterly cold evening into a fantastic day of salmon fishing.

tube fly designWe produce some of the best tubes for tube flies.

As tube fly fishermen, we appreciate perfect tubes for our fishing and fly tying, and we have used countless hours with plastic manufacturers to get the tubes perfect for tube fly production. Most tubes bought in fly fishing shops are made for different purposes than flies and fly fishing. Still, the tubes designed with Fishmadman fit the bill – One such tube is our tube designed for riffling hitch flies such as the simple V-FLY – This is a flexible tube made from a PVC free Polyethylene formula that will hold many different size hooks – withstand harsh weather conditions and a lot of mechanical wear and tear.

See the selection of tubes we have had designed for different fly patterns

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