Kinnaber beat | Dry fly fishing for salmon and steelhead with Bomber dry flies - Riffling Hitch and wake fly techniques Sun, 11 Feb 2024 11:14:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 34674374 Nyhedsbrev November 2022 Sat, 05 Nov 2022 13:54:17 +0000

Read the letter in Scandinavian (This time Danish)

Fishmadman nyhedsbrev
Fishmadman Jesper

Kære overfladefiskere …Lakse- og ørredsæsonen er ved at være slut, og atter vil livets cyklus begynde i de elve og åer, vi elsker at besøge.

Jeg får altid den klump i halsen den allersidste dag, hvor jeg skal rejse hjem, så plejer jeg at minde mig selv om Pippi Langstrømpes ord:

Du skal tage afsted for at kunne vende tilbage

Med disse berømte ord byder vi dig velkommen til et nyhedsbrev om, hvad du kan se frem til i 2023

Fiske hilsen fra os på Fishmadman Las, Per & Jesper

Nyhedsbrev denne gang

  • En micro flue bag en riffling hitch flue
  • Fluorocarbon versus nylon tippet
  • Fantastiske hanenakker..værd at nævne  – Og en tidlig jule gave
  • Nogle fotos fra sæson 2022

Micro stinger og hitch

i Skotland

The North Esk kinnaber beat
Ron Gray Micro salmon flies

Skotsk know-how

Når jeg tager til Skotland og fisker Kinnaber-beat ved elven North Esk i Aberdeenshire, er jeg heldig at kunne tilbringe tid med min fiskeven Ron Gray, som er ghillie på Kinnaber-beatet. Ron er riffling hitch specialist, og som ghillie er han ved elven 24/7 hele fiske sæsonen.

Lokal indsigt

Når du er ved elven hver dag i løbet af sæsonen, oplever du de forskellige små forandringer ved de stedlige laks og ørred bedre, end de fleste lystfiskere nogensinde ville kunne gøre, og råd fra den slags lokale lystfisker eller ghillier kan være uvurderlig information for den besøgende dagskort fisker.

Micro fluer …En essentiel nødvendighed.

Hvis elven er lav og varm, eller de fisk, du er kommet for at fiske, er blevet vanskelige, så vil du nok opleve, at de fluer, der skal til for at narre sådanne fisk til at bide, vil være nogle af de mindste fluer, du kan finde i din boks.

Langsomt vand kan diktere en sparsomt dresset flue, der kan lave den helt rigtige præsentation i den bagerste del af den langsomme pool, eller måske har de sidste dages klækning af insekter, såsom slørvinger (stenfluer), caddisfluer eller døgnfluer (majfluer), hjernevasket de stedlige fisk til kun at reagere på fluemønstre der efterligner noget, de ser fra dag til dag.

Ron Gray

Et smugkig ind i Ron´s æske med mikrofluer – De små micro trekrogsfluer # 16 – 20 ses i den øverste del af æsken.

Se små outpoint trekroge til at binde mikrofluer på her

Hitch fluen som et fartøj

At fiske med riffling hitch teknik kan være et godt valg, når man fisker Kinnaber beat ved North Esk, hvor kanter af strømmen og hurtige lavvande stryg, i flere pools fungerer til fordel for en flue præsenteret på eller i overfladen, men en riffling hitch flue kan også virke som et fartøj for en anden flue såsom en mikroflue i # 16 – 20, og dette er en teknik, Ron Gray råder lystfiskere til at bruge, når de besøger Kinnaber beat i sommermånederne, hvor laks kan være meget meget kræsen.

micro flies for salmon

How To

Når du binder krogen på rørfluen, skal du lade overskydende tippet fra knuden, blive tilbage i den mængde du ønsker til den efterhængende flue (typisk 70 – 100cm.)

Riffling hitch and micro fly

Fluer bundet på micro outoint trekroge

Ron´s hitch rør flue og en lille flue bundet på en outpoint trekrog – Ron bruger også microfluer bundet på enkeltkrog til efterhængende flue.

Micro flies for salmon


Hold det simpelt

At bruge en efterhængende flue kan være en fantastisk teknik, men det er også en form for fluefiskeri, der kan ende i en hel masse linerod.

Ron bruger en lille hitch rørflue som hovedflue og fartøj til mikrofluen (# 16 – 20), der hænger omkring 70 – 100 cm bag den forreste flue.

For at holde den efterhængende flue under overfladen foretrækker Ron at bruge 0.25 mm. fluorcarbon som tippet materiale. * Fluorocarbon synker en smule hurtigere end nylon, og det er også en smule stivere end normalt nylon tippet materiale, noget der sansynligvis kan forhindre en del af det uundgåelige linefilter (på fotoet ovenfor  har vi brugt et stykke almindelig Maxima Chameleon nylon – for bedre at kunne illustrere opsætningen)

Den efterhængende flue… hvorfor er den så effektiv?

Vi ved ikke, hvad det præcist er med den efterhængende flue, der gør den så speciel, endnu engang er det en af ​​de ting i fluefiskeri efter ørred og laks, som ikke er særligt godt beskrevet i den store manual for laksefiskeri (:

Cocktailen: hitch flue + efterhængende mikroflue er blot endnu et værdifuldt værktøj i flueboksen for fluefiskeren, der prøver at fange de besværlige laks og ørreder, der gemmer sig i  poolen sommeren igennem.

Personligt tror jeg, at laksen eller ørreden ser udstyret med flere fluer som en række af klækkende insekter… og den bliver så måske, animeret til at fange den sidste flue …den, der endnu ikke er klækket… bare et gæt.


Besværlige laks - se mere

Er du nysgerrig efter at lære mere om de forskellige cyklus for den atlantisk laks … se vores Fishmadman-side om dette emne her

Fluorocarbon versus nylon

fluorocarbon versus nylon
fluorocarbon as tippet material

Hvad er fluorcarbon?

Fluorcarboner er kemiske forbindelser med kulstof-fluorbindinger Fluorcarboner og deres derivater er kommercielle polymerer, kølemidler, lægemidler og anæstetika. (kilde Wikipedia)


Seaguar tippet material

Den første fluorcarbon-line blev produceret i 1972

Det er den japanske produktionsvirksomhed Kureha i byen Iwaki, der udviklede og lancerede Seaguar, verdens første fiskeline lavet af fluorcarbon (PVDF), i 1971.

Materialet blev hurtigt uhyre populært blandt biggame og kommercielle fiskere, hovedsageligt på grund af lysbrydningsindekset for fluorcarbon, der ligger tæt på vandets brydningsindeks, hvilket gør det mindre synligt under vand, noget ganske væsentligt, f.eks. ved fiskeri efter blåfinnet tun med 200 lb mono.

Fluorcarbon-linen har også andre bemærkelsesværdige egenskaber, bl.a. manglende vandabsorbering, slidstyrke og knudestyrke, sidst men ikke mindst,  synkehastighed for fluorocarbon. Fluorocarbon synker gennem vandet  hurtigere end nylon) * noget Ron Gray har gavn af i sit fiskeri med efterhængende mikrofluer.

Fluorcarbon bliver mere og mere populær blandt fluefiskere

Fluorocarbon er blevet tydeligt populært i løbet af de sidste par årtier, og mange lystfiskere, jeg kender, tænker ikke to gange, når de køber en spole af fluorocarbon tippet materiale 6 – 7 gange dyrere end en spole af kvalitets nylon tippet materiale.

Er fluorcarbon forfangsmateriale nødvendigt?

Hvis du spørger mig som havfisker, der fisker efter tun, makrel og grå multe, vil jeg sige ja! … fluorcarbon vil give dig flere fisk på krogen. Tunarterne og multerne er fisk, der ser og undgår ting som nylon og på denne måde kan de også afskrække fra at tage din agn, når du bruger nylon.

Fluorcarbon til ørred og atlantisk laks

Som en ivrig ørred og laksefisker vil jeg sige nej… spar dine penge og køb nylon til dit flueforfang – når jeg skriver dette, vil jeg nok få andre fluefiskere til at løfte på øjenbrynene – men min erfaring med fluorcarbon har vist mig, at materialet har få egenskaber det ville hjælpe mig med at få flere fisk på krogen, jeg anerkender, at fluorocarbon har så mange evner, som potientielt kan hjælpe lystfiskere på specifikke og specielle måder, som jeg ikke kender, hvilket gør mit råd en smule skævt.

do salmon see the fishing line

Laks og ørred lader til at være ligeglade med lysets brydningsindeks!

Siden 1980’erne har jeg jævnligt brugt fluorcarbon i mit fiskeri efter havørred og laks. I begyndelsen var jeg sikker på, at det lave lysreflektionsindeks for fluorcarbon ville gøre mig i stand til at narre nogle af de forsigtige ørreder og laks, jeg så ofte mødte på kysten og i elven – jeg lærte efterhånden, at disse fisk var nøjagtig lige så uinteresserede og forsigtige, som de plejede at være med mine fluer fisket på nylon – og generelt tror jeg ikke, jeg har fanget en ørreder eller laks mere, på grund af brugen af ​​fluorcarbonforfang eller ditto tippet-materiale.

Fluorcarbon er stivere end konventionel nylon

Generelt set er fluorcarbon tippet stivere end konventionelt tippet materiale og det er også et mindre elastisk materiale end nylon, hvilket ikke er egenskaber jeg ville have stor gavn af i mit fiskeri efter ørred og laks, tværtimod forsøger jeg at undgå stift tippet materiale da jeg mener, at stive forfang fjerner noget af det liv, som små og mellemstore fluemønstre har brug for.

Jeg foretrækker også en blød og elastisk nylon tippet frem for et stift og mindre elastisk tippet materiale – da jeg ofte fisker efter større fisk med små kroge og let grej i en sport, hvor elastisk tippet materiale er praktisk ….Læs mere om dette emne på vores Fishmadman blog (Du skal tabe laks og steelhead på små fluer) (dog på engelsk)

Per Fischer

Bruger du skydehoved på kysten? Fluorcarbon kan være noget for dig

Per Fischer bruger længder af fluorcarbon (Berkley Trilene 100% Fluorocarbon) til at binde sine forfang, når han fisker med skyde-hoved efter havørreder og gedder fra den åbne kyst. Per binder, sit forfang op fra 0,60 millimeter fluorcarbon til 0,45 derefter 0,40 osv., der ender med 0,25 millimeter)

Ved brug af to fluer på forfanget bruger Per også fluorcarbonmateriale, da dette filtrer sig mindre ved kast.

Lad os diskutere emnet fluorcarbon

Jeg tror, ​​at nogle af jer har haft gode erfaringer med fluorcarbon, og hvis det nu er tilfældet, vil jeg gerne modtage alle relevante input og tanker om emnet fluorcarbon til ørred og laks, jeg vil tilføje din tekst til denne side, som også vil blive vist på Fishmadman. com for lystfiskere at se.

Hvis du har lyst til at bidrage, så tag dig tid til at skrive til mig om dine tanker på jesper(A)


Nogle fra 2022

The North Esk kinnaber beat
Fishmadman Snaelda Willy Gunn

Snaelda Willie Gunn Conehead Copper Tube ¾

Vores nye Snaelda Willie Gunn Conehead Copper Tube ¾ var på vores tippet fra begyndelsen til slutningen af ​​sæsonen – Her fiskede vi dybt efter oktober havørred.

Salmon on snaelda Fishmadman

Den store version af Snaelda Willie Gunn Conehead Copper Tube 1 1/4

Den store version af Snaelda Willie Gunn var fantastisk at bruge i begyndelsen af ​​sæsonen … fiske på toppen af ​​hurtigt hvidt vand – en spektakulær måde at fange laks på.

Salmon on riffling hitch

HITCHMAN – Black and Gold # 10 – 14

August bragte nogle spektakulære bid på HITCHMAN – Black and Gold # 10 – 14 Jeg så ikke engang denne fisk, selvom den kun var en stanglængde væk, da den hægtede sig fast til fluen.

Jesper Fohrmann salmon

HITCHMAN – Black and Gold # 10 – 14

Endnu en august laks på HITCHMAN – Black and Gold – denne fiskede med brækket hånd (bogstaveligt talt)… En ny oplevelse for mig og nok ikke hvad min læge ville anbefale.

Alan Vang Fishmadman


Riffling Hitch aficionado hr. Alan Vang fangede denne smukke 88 centimeter juli-laks på en Silver HITCHMAN

Alæan Vang Fishmadman

Alans video kanal på Youtube

Du finder Alans spændende videokanal på Youtube her

Fluebindings vinter

Fly tying Fishmadman

Tag plads ved stikket…

Du ser måske frem til julegåsen, venners skønsang og gløgg – jeg glæder mig til at binde fluer … Jeg har et par nye ideer og nogle fluer, jeg skal binde til min kystflueboks, her til vinterstid. Jeg har købt krogene, og jeg har også den perfekte hanenakke til jobbet.

Længe undervejs

En af de mest ventede sæsonbestemte ordrer i vores butik er vores ordre på Metz hanenakker og sadler … De ankom lige i tide, da vores dygtige Frances fluebinder snart skal i gang med et nyt parti fluer. Nakkerne tog sig tid til at dukke op her i Danmark… og jeg ved, at nogle af jer, der læser dette, vil sikre udvalgte nakker, mens vi har materialet på lager… desværre fik vi ikke så mange – så det er først til mølle princip – igen i år.

Hvorfor sælger i nakker i 2 og 3 kvalitetsklasse?

Vi tror, ​​at disse # 2 og # 3 kapper flyver lige under radaren, ude i den store fluefiske verden. De er billige, og de er af super kvalitet og sidst men ikke mindst, så har de et større udvalg af fjer, der hælder mere til lidt større fluemønstre, så som laksefluer.

 Super overkommelig amerikansk kvalitet ★★★★★

Metz capes salmon flies

Metz #2 brun hane nakke

Metz #2 brun hane nakke

Perfekt til små og store krops-hackler på Frances fluer – Perfekt til at lave lange levende følehorn af. Super fine små taperede fjer til kyst-tanglopper – Fantastisk materiale.

Metz # 3 Grizzly Neck

Metz #3 Grizzly Hane nakke

Metz #3 Grizzly Hane nakke  

Overlegne naturlige farver – Fantastisk kvalitet til en fantastisk pris. Perfekt til et utal af kystflue mønstre – Følehorn til de mest fantastiske rejefluer.

Metz # 2 Natural Brown Saddle

Metz #2 naturlig brun sadel

Metz #2 naturlig brun sadel 

Materialet til store tørfluer – Bugs og orme, kystfluer samt store og små laksefluer (en del CochyBonddu fjer)

Metz # 2 Natural Brown Saddle

Metz #2 Ginger Sadel

Metz #2 Ginger Sadel 

Lige materialet til store tørfluer – Bugs og orme samt store og små laksefluer  i en smuk ginger farve.

Lidt inspiration (:

Få et nyt perspektiv på livet - hjælp nogen til at komme på fisketur

Tag nogen med på fisketur

Til alle nye og gamle kunder hos Fishmadman… tak for jeres støtte, spændende-mails og telefonopkald denne sommer – Vi forsøger at holde priserne på vores ting i butikken så lave som muligt og forhåbentlig vil vi være i stand til at opretholde vores fluebindingsforretning gennem en besværlig tid.

I håbet om, at nogen venligst ville tage hr. Putin med på fisketur, så han kan få et positivt syn på fremtiden og ideer til, hvordan han kunne tilbringe resten af ​​sit liv i fred… og fiske… et sted dybt inde i Rusland.

Fiskehilsen fra Las, Per & Jesper

Fishmadman Newsletter
The post Nyhedsbrev November 2022 first appeared on]]>
Newsletter November 2022 Thu, 16 Dec 2021 11:58:38 +0000

Read the letter in Scandinavian (This time Danish)

Fishmadman Newsletter November 2022
Fishmadman Jesper

Dear topwater anglers…Salmon & trout season is ending, and yet again, the cycle of life will begin in the rivers we love to fish.

I always get that lump in my throat on that very last day when I have to travel home, so I tend to remind myself of the words of Pippi Longstocking:

You have to leave to be able to return

With those famous words, we welcome you to a short newsletter on what to look forward to in 2023

Tight lines from us at Fishmadman Las,  Per & jesper

Newsletter this time

    • A micro fly behind the hitch fly
    • Fluorocarbon versus nylon
    • Some great capes worth mentioning – and an early Christmas discount
    • A few images from this year

Micro stinger and hitch

In Scotland

The North Esk kinnaber beat
Ron Gray Micro salmon flies

Scottish know-how

When I go to Scotland and fish the Kinnaber beat on the river North Esk in Aberdeenshire I am fortunate to spend time with my fishing friend Ron Gray who is the head ghillie on the Kinnaber beat. Ron is a riffling hitch specialist, and as a ghillie, he is lucky to be at the river every day during the season.

Ron with a big local critter caught on a micro # 16

Local insight

When being at a river every day during the season, you learn the different moods and small changes of Atlantic salmon and trout better than most anglers ever will do. Advice from the local angler or ghillie may be invaluable information to the visiting day ticket angler.

Micro flies … the  essential requirement

If the river is low and warm or the fish you have come to fish have gone stale, you will ever so often find that the flies needed to trick such fish into bitting will be some of the smallest flies you may find in your box. Slow water could dictate a sparsely dressed fly to enable you to make the right presentation at the back part of a pool, or the daily rise of local insects such as stoneflies, caddisflies or mayflies may have brainwashed the stale inhabitants only to react to fly patterns that mimic something they see from day to day.

Ron Gray

A sneak peek into Ron´s box of micro flies – The tiny Micro treble hook flies # 16 – 20 are seen in the top part of the box.

See small outpoint silver trebles # 16 for your micro fly tying here 

The Hitch flies as a vessel

Fishing riffling hitch flies can be a great choice when fishing the Kinnaber beat on the North Esk where pockets and runs in several pools work in favour of a fly presented on or in the surface, but a riffling hitch fly can also be a vessel for other flies such as micro flies in # 16 – 20 and this is a technique Ron Gray advise anglers to use when they visit the Kinnaber beat during summer months where salmon can be very very picky.

micro flies for salmon

How To

When you tie on the tube-hitch fly hook, leave the amount of tippet from the knot that you want for the trailing fly

Riffling hitch and micro fly

Micro outpoint treble hook flies

Ron´s hitch tube fly and on a small fly tied on a outpoint treble – Ron also use micro flies tied on single hooks.

Micro flies for salmon

The set-up

Keep it simple

Using a trailing fly can be a great technique, but it is also a form of fly fishing that could end up in a lot of line tangle.

Ron uses a small tube hitch fly as the main fly and carrier for the micro fly (# 16 – 20), trailing some 70 – 100 cm behind the front-end fly.

To keep the trailing fly below the surface, Ron prefers to use 8 Lb. fluorocarbon as a tippet material. * Fluorocarbon sinks a bit better than nylon, and it is also a bit stiffer than standard nylon tippet material, something that may prevent some of the tangles (for illustration, we have used a piece of regular Maxima Chameleon nylon in the photo above )

Trailing flies – what is it all about?

We don’t know what it exactly is with the trailing fly that makes it so unique, yet again it is one of those things in fly fishing for trout and salmon that isn’t well described in the grand manual of salmon fishing (:

The cocktail: of hitch fly + trailing micro fly is another valuable tool in the fly box for the angler seeking to catch those elusive Atlantic salmon and trouts hiding out in river pools during summertime.

I think that the salmon or trout sees the setup as a line of hitching insects… and it is then animated to seise the last one ..the one that hasn’t hatched yet…just a guess.


Stale salmon - learn more

Curious to learn more about the cycles of Atlantic salmon …see our Fishmadman page on this subject here

Fluorocarbon versus nylon

fluorocarbon versus nylon
fluorocarbon as tippet material

Fluorocarbon versus nylon

What is Fluorocarbon? Fluorocarbons are chemical compounds with carbon-fluorine bonds Fluorocarbons, and their derivatives are commercial polymers, refrigerants, drugs, and anaesthetics. (source Wikipedia)

Seaguar tippet material

The first fluorocarbon line was produced in 1972

It is the Japanese manufacturing company Kureha in Iwaki city that developed and launched Seaguar, the world’s first fishing line made from fluorocarbon (PVDF), in 1971.

The material quickly became immensely popular among big-game and commercial fishermen largely because of the light refractive index of fluorocarbon line so close to that of water, making it less visible underwater, something quite significant, e.g. fishing for giant bluefin tuna with 200 lb mono – Fluorocarbon line also has other noteworthy features a.o lack of water absorbency, abrasion resistance and knot strength last but not least the speed fluorocarbon sinks through the water (it sinks faster than nylon) * something Ron Gray benefits from in his fishing with trailing micro flies.

Fluorocarbon is becoming more and more popular among fly fishermen.

Fluorocarbon has become distinctly popular over the last couple of decades, and many anglers I know do not think twice when buying a spool of fluorocarbon tippet material  6 – 7 times more expensive than a spool of quality nylon tippet material.

Is fluorocarbon line material necessary?

If you ask me as a sea angler fishing for tuna, mackerel and grey mullet I would say yes! … fluorocarbon will get you more fish on the bank.

The tuna species and mullets are fish that see and avoid things like nylon, and in this way, they may also deter from taking your bait when you use nylon.

Fluorocarbon for trout and Atlantic salmon

As an avid trout and salmon angler, I would say no… save your money and buy nylon for your fly attachment – doing so, I will probably have fellow anglers raising their eyebrows – but my experience with fluorocarbon has shown me that the material has few properties that would help me get more bites, saying so I acknowledge that fluorocarbon has so many abilities that could aid anglers in specific and unique ways not known to me, making my advise a bit bias.

do salmon see the fishing line

Salmon and trout don't seem to care about the light refractive index!

Since the 1980´s I have regularly used fluorocarbon in my fishing for sea trout (sea run brown trout) and Atlantic salmon. In the early days, I was sure that the low light reflective index of fluorocarbon would enable me to trick some of the wary trout and salmon I so often would encounter at the coast and in rivers – I gradually learned that these fish was just as uninterested and cautious as they used to be with my flies fished on nylon – and overall I don’t think I have caught any more trout and salmon because of the use of fluorocarbon leaders or tippet material.

Illustration Jesper Fohrmann

Fluorocarbon is stiffer than conventional nylon.

Generally speaking, fluorocarbon is stiffer than conventional tippet material, and it is also a lesser elastic material than nylon, which is not something I would benefit greatly from in my fishing for trout and salmon; on the contrary, I try to avoid stiff tippet material as I find that inflexible leaders take away some of the life that small and medium fly patterns need to perform well.

I do also prefer a cushy and elastic nylon tippet to a stiff and less so flexible tippet material. Since I often fish for bigger fish with small hooks and light tackle in a sport where elastic tippet material comes in handy ….Read more on this hard fighting topic on our blog at Fishmadman (You have to lose salmon and steelhead on small flies)

Per Fischer

Using Shooting head on the coast? Fluorocarbon might be something for you

Per Fischer uses measures of fluorocarbon (Berkley Trilene 100% Fluorocarbon) to tie up his leaders when fishing with shooting head fly lines for sea trout and pike from the open coast. Per ties, his leader from 0.60-millimetre Fluorocarbon to 0.45, then 0.40 etc. ending in 6 or 8 lb (0.25 millimetre)

When using two flies on the leader Per also uses fluorocarbon material as this tangles less when casting.

Let's debate the subject of fluorocarbon

I believe that some of you may have had great experiences with fluorocarbon and if so I would welcome any relevant input and thoughts on the subject of fluorocarbon for trout and salmon, I will add your text to this page – write me about your thoughts at jesper(the A)

Some from 2022

The North Esk kinnaber beat
Fishmadman Snaelda Willy Gunn

Snaelda Willie Gunn Conehead Copper Tube ¾

Our new Snaelda Willie Gunn Conehead Copper Tube ¾ was on our tippet from beginning to the end of the season – Here fished deep for October sea trout.

Salmon on snaelda Fishmadman

Big Snaelda Willie Gunn Conehead Copper Tube 1 1/4

The big version was great to use in the beginning of the season…right on the top of fast white water – a spectacular way to catch salmon.

Salmon on riffling hitch

HITCHMAN – Black and Gold # 10 – 14

August brought some spectacular takes to the HITCHMAN – Black and Gold # 10 – 14 I didn’t even see this fish even though it was only a rod length away when it sipped up the fly.

Jesper Fohrmann salmon

HITCHMAN – Black and Gold # 10 – 14

Another August salmon to the HITCHMAN – Black and Gold – this one fished on a broken hand… A new experience for me and probably not what my doctor would recommend.

Alan Vang Fishmadman


Riffling Hitch aficionado Mr Alan Vang caught this beautiful 88 centimeters 35 inch July salmon on a Silver HITCHMAN

Alæan Vang Fishmadman

Alans video channel on Youtube

You will find Alans video channel on Youtube here

Fly tying winther

Fly tying Fishmadman

Get in there…

You might look forward to Christmas turkey, friends, and eggnog – I am looking forward to fly-tying … I got a few new ideas and some flies I need to tie up for my coastal fly box. I have bought the hooks, and I also have the perfect cock cape for the job.

A long time coming

One of the most awaited seasonal orders in our shop is our order for Metz cock and saddle capes… They arrived just in time, as our skilled Frances fly tier is about to start the new batch of flies. The capes took their time to turn up here in Denmark… and I know that a few of you reading this now will be securing necks while we have the material in stock… unfortunately, we weren’t granted that many.

Why do you sell # 2 and # 3 capes?

These # 2 and # 3 capes fly right under the radar. They are inexpensive, and they are super quality; last but not least, they have a wider variety of feathers leaning more toward the bigger fly patterns.

Super affordable US quality      ★★★★★

Metz capes salmon flies

Metz # 2 Brown Neck

Metz # 2 Brown Neck 

Perfect for small and big body hackles on Frances flies – Perfect to make long, vibrant feels from – Great.

Metz # 3 Grizzly Neck

Metz # 3 Grizzly Neck

Metz # 3 Grizzly Neck

Superior natural colures – Awesome quality at a great price.

Metz # 2 Natural Brown Saddle

Metz # 2 Natural Brown Saddle

Metz # 2 Natural Brown Saddle

Just the material for big dry flies – Bugs and worms.

Metz # 2 Natural Brown Saddle

Metz # 2 Ginger Saddle

Metz # 2 Ginger Saddle

Just the material for big dry flies – Bugs and worms in a beautiful ginger colure.

A bit of inspiration (:

Give someone a new perspective on life - take them fishing

Please...Take someone fishing

To all new and old costumes at Fishmadman… thank you for your support and great letters and phone calls this summer – We try to keep prices on our things as low as possible and hopefully we will be able to maintain our fly-tying business through a troublesome time.

In the hope that someone would please take Mr Putin fishing so that he may gain a positive outlook on the future and idea’s on how he could spend the rest of his life in peace… fishing… somewhere back in Russia.

Tight lines from Per & Jesper

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Micro stinger and hitch In Scotland Sat, 06 Jun 2020 14:28:00 +0000 Micro flies … the  essential requirement

If the river is low and warm or the fish you have come to fish have gone stale, you will ever so often find that the flies needed to trick such fish into bitting will be some of the smallest flies you may find in your box.

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Ron Gray Micro salmon flies

Scottish know-how

Whenever I have the privilege of fishing the Kinnaber beat on the River North Esk in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, I am fortunate to be in the company of my dear friend Ron Gray, who serves as the head ghillie there. Ron, a true aficionado of the riffling hitch technique, is blessed with the opportunity to be by the river’s side every single day throughout the fishing season.

Attached is a photo of Ron proudly displaying a notable local catch, captured on a micro #16 fly.

Local insight

Spending each day by the river throughout the fishing season grants a depth of understanding regarding the varied moods and subtle shifts in behavior of Atlantic salmon and trout that few anglers ever attain. Advice from a seasoned local angler or ghillie can often provide invaluable insights to visiting day ticket anglers.

Micro flies … the  essential requirement

During periods of low water and warm temperatures, or when the fish seem unresponsive, you’ll frequently discover that the flies required to entice such wary fish are among the smallest in your fly box. In slow-moving water, a sparsely dressed fly might be necessary to ensure precise presentation at the rear of a pool. Alternatively, the daily emergence of local insects like stoneflies, caddisflies, or mayflies may have conditioned the fish to respond only to patterns that closely resemble these familiar sights.

Ron Gray

A sneak peek into Ron´s box of micro flies – The tiny Micro treble hook flies # 16 – 20 are seen in the top part of the box.

See small outpoint silver trebles # 16 for your micro fly tying here 

micro flies for salmon

How to

When you tie on the tube-hitch fly hook, leave the amount of tippet from the knot that you want for the trailing fly

Riffling hitch and micro fly

Micro outpoint treble hook flies

Ron´s hitch tube fly and on a small fly tied on a outpoint treble hook – Ron also use micro flies tied on single hooks.

Micro flies for salmon

The set-up

Keep it simple

Using a trailing fly can be effective, but it can also lead to tangles. Ron’s technique involves using a small tube hitch fly as the main fly, with a micro fly (#16-20) trailing about 70-100 cm behind it.

To keep the trailing fly submerged, Ron opts for 8 lb. fluorocarbon tippet material. Fluorocarbon sinks better than nylon and is stiffer, which helps reduce tangles. (for illustration, we have used a piece of regular Maxima Chameleon nylon in the photo above )

Trailing flies – what is it all about?

The concept of trailing flies isn’t fully understood, it is one of those things in fly fishing for trout and salmon that isn’t well described, but it’s a valuable tactic for catching elusive Atlantic salmon and trout in river pools during summer. The combination of a hitch fly and a trailing micro fly resembles a line of insects, possibly enticing fish to strike at the last one, mimicking an unhatched insect.…just a guess.


More on the subject.

Curious to learn more about the cycles of Atlantic salmon …see our Fishmadman page on this subject here
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Tying the Kinnaber Killer micro conehead fly Sun, 12 Feb 2012 14:16:33 +0000
October fish from Kinnaber beat - fly Kinnaber killer
Conehead flies Late season Atlantic Salmon hooked on a Kinnaber Killer micro conehead fly. Note how the fly is sitting in the kype of the fish – This is quite normal and one of the reasons why the small treble hooks are so prevalent in the UK where micro tube flies are part of every salmon anglers fly box- The multidimensional aspect of the small treble is a strong argument when fishing small tube flies for fish like late runners with hard bony jaws. The general idea is that the tiny hook will find rest in the skin of the jaw and not penetrate the jaw bone.

Micro conehead tube flies

Zonker style, prawn flies, conventional patterns. You will find them all done as a micro tube flies with a conehead. This special style of tying flies is well-integrated in the world of fly tying here in Europa – and is starting to gain territory in North America on salmon and steelhead rivers. The main asset of this type of conehead fly is that it sinks – and will be fishing almost immediately when it hits the water – something precious when fishing smaller rivers or rivers where the fish will be lying close to the bank – The way that flies done with conehead sinks is also of special interest. Anglers will use the fly’s abilities to jig… a bit like a Dog Nobler fly.

fast water tube flyThe conehead tube fly sits well in fast waters.

The micro conehead tubes allow the fly tier to design tiny flies that will sit well in fast water and keep their depth… Something important is when the fish is reluctant to go to the top. This could be in late August –  October when floating lines still is popular, but the fly needs to be fished 10 – 12 inches below the surface. In these transition periods, when summer is flirting with autumn and a relatively warm autumn day turns into the start of the oncoming winter,  it is worth remembering that if the fish seems picky, adjusting the fly depth a few inches up or down could be valuable.

Tying the Kinnaber Killer a micro conehead fly

The Kinnaber Killer:  I named this fly after the Kinnaber Beat at the North Esk river on the East Coast of Scotland – A place owned by angler par excellence Mr Martin Stansfield –

The fly works perfectly on the North Esk and many other places in Angus – Read about the Kinnaber Beat – Book fishing

Kinnaber Killer

A super micro tube fly I have used for years with tremendous success. The wing and throat hackle is squeezed between; the conehead and the hook-guard. The last doubling as a see-through body on the fly. Fancy and easy to make. Here with an Owner St 36 BC # 18 treble hook.
Tying the Kinnaber Killer 2
Tie in a tiny bunch of soft hot orange hairs from fox
Tying the Kinnaber Killer 4
Add hackle and cheeks of Jungle Cock
Tying the Kinnaber Killer 7
 Add a tiny drop of super-glue to the tube, and the tying thread in front of the hackle pushes a golden conehead onto the tube. Buy the right hook guard from Fishmadman Buy salmon & steelhead flies
Tying the Kinnaber Killer 1
I use a 1,4 mm tube. Tie up a body of holographic tinsel – The colour you choose is up to you – For the North Esk and other rivers with peaty water, I use golden and orange colours. Buy tubing from Fishmadman Buy salmon & steelhead flies
Tying the Kinnaber Killer 3
Add yet another small wing from black fox hair – ad strands of various shimmering material
Tying the Kinnaber Killer 6
Turn hackel. Keep the hackle close to the wing to make room for the cone
Tying the Kinnaber Killer 8
 Add a tiny amount of super glue to the inside of the hook guard – Smear the glue out on the inside of the tube with a toothpick or needle.
Tying the Kinaber Killer 9
 Ready spawned Kinnaber Killer micro conehead fly
Push the hook guard tube onto the fly’s body – so far forward that you get the angle you want on both the wing and hackle… Make no mistakes. The super glue doesn´t take prisoners.

See through body !

The see-through body – shaped by the hook-guard covering the body gives the fly a very lifelike appearance… maybe a important part of this fly’s success

Other versions of the Kinnaber Killer conehead fly

Micro tube fly

Garry Dog Kinnaber Killer conehead fly

Micro conehead tube fly
Green Highlander Kinnaber Killer conehead fly
Micro cone head fly
Black & Gold Kinnaber Killer conehead fly
Micro tube fly
Teal & Blue Kinnaber Killer conehead fly
Micro tube fly
 Brown & Orange Kinnaber Killer conehead fly.

Blue Kinnaber Killer - Jesper Fohrmann

 Blue Kinnaber Killer – Extremely effective micro conehead fly – here with a # 16 Owner ST 36-BC hook. Buy hook  Buy salmon & steelhead flies
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