Glitter bug | Dry fly fishing for salmon and steelhead with Bomber dry flies - Riffling Hitch and wake fly techniques Sat, 17 Feb 2024 18:22:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 34674374 Newsletter November 2023 – salmon bugs Thu, 16 Dec 2021 11:58:38 +0000
Salmon bugs
Jesper Fohrmann
Salmon bug fly
Discovering the fascinating world of salmon bugs
Atlantic salmon bug fly

In 2020, we did a Fishmadman blog page on Salmon bugs Called The Missing Link Salmon Bugs, covering a few fine points on the bugs used for salmon fishing. In this newsletter, we wish to further the details on salmon bugs and give you some first-hand usage tips based on my experiences with

What are Salmon bugs?

Bugs are small miniature salmon flies, mostly made with a deer hair body, tied on # 8 – 12 single hooks. Either low-water salmon hooks with an up-eye or stronger down-eye trout fly hooks. It is a fly designed to be fished as a so-called dead-drifting fly on the surface. Just below the surface or across the river as a form of hitch/commotion fly, bugs may be fished below the surface as a traditional wet fly.

The Glitter Bug with a brown-orange hackle is the author’s favourite for green-tinted forest rivers. 

The Glitter Bug green

Body like a segment of an insect

The deer-hair body on bug flies is often shaped like an insect thorax. (in entomology, the thorax is the middle section of an insect’s body, between the head and the abdomen, bearing the legs and wings.)

Design of salmon bug

Going somewhere soon?

Bring hooks on aeroplane

Bringing hooks on a flight could be a problem.

Most airlines do not allow you to bring your flies with hooks on board. Do instead as we do: use tube flies and get them on board in your hand luggage (alongside your favourite fly reels); this way, you won’t be without flies when you arrive at your fishing destination.

TDF flies

Southern sea trout

The sea trout’s elusive nature and the thrill of the catch of a monster-size trout make Argentina and the Rio Grande River in Tierra del Fuego a dream destination for sea trout enthusiasts.

Anglers often use a variety of streamer patterns and nymphs to mimic the prey that sea trout feed on in both freshwater and marine environments. Still, anglers visiting Argentina have also learned that sea trout are eager surface feeders who will go to great lengths to intercept wake, riffling hitch, and dry flies.

For many years, we have made such surface flies for people fishing for sea trout in Argentina, but for this season, we also sell some of the most favoured nymph and streamer patterns.

Yuk-Bug Original # 4 - 4
Wooly Bugger-TDF Yellow w. Yellow Rubberlegs # 4 - 1
Wooly Bugger-Purple # 4 - c
Tequeely # 6 - 1
Smoke and Flies Robert Holt TDF FLIES

In the photo: TDF sea run brown trout (sea trout ) caught by experienced sea trout angler Mr Robert Holt from the US …Smoke and Flies Robert Holt.

TDF flies
Take me to the shop page with the TDF flies
Did you miss the previous climate change and salmon fishing newsletter?

The climate is changing 

The climate is changing, and so is fishing for salmon. The last decade has been unusual with radical weather changes, and dry and hot summer weather has been dominant in large parts of the north – 2022 was no exception and rivers in the north saw weeks without rain – and again, the season brought new challenges – or opportunities.

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Nyhedsbrev November 2023 – lakse bug fluer Thu, 16 Dec 2021 11:58:38 +0000
Nyhedsbrev 2023 Fishmadman
Jesper Fohrmann
Salmon bug fly
Opdag den fascinerende verden af lakse bugs
Atlantic salmon bug fly

I 2020 lavede vi en Fishmadman blogside om Salmon bugs som hed “The missing link salmon bugs” Her beskrev vi nogle måder, hvor på man kunne benytte bugs i sit laksefiskeri. I dette nyhedsbrev ønsker vi at uddybe detaljerne om laksebugs og give dig nogle førstehånds brugertips baseret på mine erfaringer med disse fluer.

Hvad er laksebugs

Bugs er små miniature laksefluer, for det meste lavet med en hjortehårskrop. Bundet på #8 – 12 enkeltkroge. Enten low-water laksekroge med up eye eller stærkere down-eye ørredfluekroge. Det er en flue designet til at blive fisket som en såkaldt deaddrift flue på overfladen (uden bevægelse). Lige under overfladen eller på tværs af elven som en form for hitch/commotion-flue, bugs kan også fiskes under overfladen som en traditionel vådflue.

The Glitter Bug green

Kroppen som et segment af et insekt

Hjortehårkroppen på bugs er ofte formet som en insekt-thorax. I entomologi er thorax den midterste del af et insekts krop, mellem hovedet og maven. Den del af insekters krop bærer ben og vinger.

Design of salmon bug
Skal du snart på tur?
Bring hooks on aeroplane

Det kan være et problem at medbringe kroge på en flyvning. 

De fleste flyselskaber tillader ikke, at du medbringer dine fluer med kroge om bord. Gør i stedet som vi gør: brug rørfluer og tag dem med ombord i din håndbagage (sammen med dine yndlingsfluehjul). På denne måde vil du ikke være uden fluer, når du ankommer til din fiskedestination.

TDF flies

Sydlige havørreder

Havørredens spændende adfærd og tanken om at fange en monste ørred gør Argentina og Rio Grande-elven i Tierra del Fuego til en drømmedestination for havørredentusiaster.

Fluefiskere i Argentina bruger ofte en række streamermønstre og nymfer til at efterligne byttet, som havørreden lever af både i ferskvand og havet. Fluefiskere, der besøger Argentina, har også erfaret, at havørreder er ivrige overfladejægere, som vil svømme langt for at, fange wake, hitch og tørfluer.

I mange år har vi lavet sådanne overfladefluer til folk, der fisker efter havørreder i Argentina, men fra sæson 2023 sælger vi også nogle af de mest foretrukne nymfe- og streamermønstre.

Se om der er nogle, der passer til dit hjemmelige vandsystem.

Yuk-Bug Original # 4 - 4
CH-TDF Rubber Bugger leg
Wooly Bugger-Purple # 4 - c
Tequeely # 6 - 1
Smoke and Flies Robert Holt TDF FLIES

På billedet: TDF-havørred fanget af den erfarne havørredfisker, Mr. Robert Holt, fra USA… Røg og fluer Robert Holt.

TDF flies

Her er en samling af fluerne valgt til vores butik af  fluefiskere fra Tierra del Fuego som vi kender

Hvor er Tierra del Fuego-regionen?

Tag mig til butikssiden med TDF-fluerne
Gik du glip af det tidligere nyhedsbrev om klimaændringer og laksefiskeri?

Klimaet ændre sig

Klimaet ændrer sig, og det samme gør fiskeriet efter laks. Det sidste årti har været usædvanligt med radikale vejrændringer, og tørt og varmt sommervejr har været dominerende i nogle dele af Norden – 2022 var ingen undtagelse, og elve i nord oplevede uger uden regn – og igen bragte sæsonen nye udfordringer – eller muligheder.

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The missing link salmon Bugs made for dry and wet Sat, 06 Jun 2020 14:28:00 +0000 There is a fishable layer… just below the surface, where a well-presented deer hair bug can do wonders just before the riffling hitch season picks up -

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When the salmon river gets hot – think trout…

The missing link – Bugs made for dry and wet

No, advice on riffling hitch technique goes without mentioning the salmon Bugs so popular with North American anglers. Salmon Bug patterns have their practices and special details worth spending time and effort into learning and putting the bug´s family of flies into a short frame on riffling hitch fishing know-how is, in fact, a bit sketchy… but bugs are, to some extent, the fly patterns that I find to be very well connected with the riffling hitch technique.

My observations over the years have led me to conclude that there is a fishable layer… just below the surface, where a well-presented deer hair bug can do wonders just before the riffling hitch season picks up.

there is a fishable layer… just below the surface, where a well-presented deer hair bug can do wonders just before the riffling hitch season picks up

I fish the bugs wet and close to the surface as possible. I like to add a tiny amount of flotant to the flies. As you can see from the images, these salmon were hooked close to the snout, a familiar spot to hook Atlantic salmon on small bugs – Why is it so?  I don’t know…but make sure to tie your bugs on solid hooks, as hooking salmon in this spot often leads to hard-fighting fish.

The Glitter Bug salmon flyAt Fishmadman, you will find the perfect collection of small bugs to catch finicky salmon and trout in warm water, some designed by us – Others classic bug´s from around the world – Don´t leave without them… the angler that thinks trout…when he goes salmon fishing… is often the most successful.

We have chosen a small selection of heavy-duty bugs tied on heavier hooks than we do our normal bugs.

Glitter Bug Green and Orange # 10 A Bug explicitly made to be fished both wet and dry. A slightly stronger salmon hook enables this fly to be fished just below the surface in fast glides – A missing link pattern in our fabulous collection of small dry flies for steelhead and Atlantic salmon, generally termed bugs.


Learn to fight them

Fighting big fish on small hooks doesn’t have to be so dramatic – it can be – but if you are careful and take it easy, the fish will often be compliant and finally come to you. You will need to prepare a bit for this kind of fishing, and here are some things you can do to make things work.

Use a fly reel that has a light ratchet or an adjustable brake that will allow you to control a decisive run where you have to admit line out quickly.

Use (as we do) a soft tippet material on your leader…We prefer soft nylon-like: Maxima Chameleon or Original Streen. These nylon brands will stretch when under strain…something quite valuable when the fish jumps or shakes its head.

To read much more about bugs…go to this blog page.

Salmon bug fly
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