FlashBack Bug | Fishmadman.com http://www.fishmadman.com Dry fly fishing for salmon and steelhead with Bomber dry flies - Riffling Hitch and wake fly techniques Mon, 15 May 2023 13:18:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 34674374 The FlashBack Bug Steelhead Wake Fly http://www.fishmadman.com/archives/16875 http://www.fishmadman.com/archives/16875#_comments Fri, 16 Oct 2015 09:33:38 +0000 http://www.fishmadman.com/?p=16875

Juvenile Steelhead and Atlantic salmon parr are skilled surface hunters that have their attention fixed to the surface as soon as insects start swarming at the river bank.

Millions of years of training have made them what they are, and it is when conditions are perfect they take full advantage of the food on the surface…The temperature in the river and the air is a critical element of their surface activity – something we, as anglers, will experience when we target the adult fish entering the river.

Traditionally anglers target steelhead on the river’s surface during summer and into late autumn. Many different wake fly patterns have been designed for this highly specialized sport that draws anglers deep into the wilderness of Oregon and British Columbia. Many fly patterns are designed to wake subtly. Others are made to be fished more actively.

Rivers are turbulent, and the light is low – Spotting the fly on the river surface can be challenging, so we decided to make some visible wake flies.

Anglers have been fishing this new steelhead wake fly pattern on different rivers in British Columbia and Oregon season 2014 – 15 –  and the results have been great. We call this tube fly The FlashBack Bug.

We have tied the fly in 3 sizes similar to flies tied on # 1 – 4 – 8 hooks
It features our Riffling Hitch tube system, and the fly wakes perfectly in the rough and calm water.

Photo: Mr Loren Irving

iridescent foam makes the fly shows up out on the river

We have combined some of the favoured steelhead wake fly patterns in the design of the FlashBack Bug and used some of the best fly tying material available to create a wake fly that would perform perfectly.

The iridescent foam used as back on the fly reflects the light and makes the fly glow upon the river even in poor light conditions.

iridescent foam from Fishmadman

What is iridescent?

[cq_vc_gallery images=”16890,16892,16893,16904″ imagesload=”on”]

Photo © of iridescent snake Mr Marc A. Spataro

Iridescent: Opalescent, shimmering, luminous, glittering, sparkling, dazzling, shining, gleaming, kaleidoscopic, rainbow-coloured –

We have many words for this highly attractive-looking material that we find with animals on land and in water –

Iridescence (also known as goniochromism) is the property of certain surfaces that appear to change colour as the angle of view or illumination changes. It is often created by structural colouration.

We have combined the iridescent colors with soft 2-millimeter sheets of black EVA foam to create this great looking fly tying material

Learn how to tie the FlashBack Bug

Wake fly - how to do it

You will find most of the material needed to tie the FlashBack Bug in our shop a.o the special Iridescent foam we produce, John Rohmer’s Simi-Seal Dubbing in color Mörrum, Canadian Orange   and our fantastic 3.2 Riffling Hitch tube used on all our steelhead wake flies

The FlashBack Bug on Youtube

Visit our significant page on steelhead wake flies Grease Liner Medium Canadian Orange

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http://www.fishmadman.com/archives/16875/feed 0 16875
Nyhedsbrev Januar 2015 – Muse Fluer http://www.fishmadman.com/newsletter/newsletter-januar-2015-mice-fly/nyhedsbrev-december-2014-muse-fluer Tue, 02 Dec 2014 19:48:53 +0000 http://www.fishmadman.com/?page_id=13048
Fishmadman - Jesper Fohrmann

Kære fluefisker: Velkommen til endnu et nyhedsbrev fra Fishmadman – Vi er nu ved begyndelsen af en ny sæson for atlanterhavslaks – og steelhead.

2014 var ikke et godt år for atlanterhavslaks – og der er blevet skrevet mange ord om de problemer denne fantastiske fisk har haft igennem moderne tid.

Vi håber på et bedre år i 2015 og anbefaler, at du følger det arbejde, som interesseorganisationer såsom;  NASF (North Atlantic Salmon Fund) og Native Fish Society, udføre for at hjælpe atlanterhavslaks og steelhead.

Vi håber også at du i 2015 vil benytte lejligheden til at gøre en ny person interesseret i fiskeri – Vi har brug for flere passioneret mennesker omkring vores sport og fiskene vi fisker efter – vi tror at; passionerede mennesker vil være med til at, bevare vores fantastiske elve og fiskene der svømmer i dem.

Nyhedsbrevet denne gang omhandler ;  En dansk vinder i 2014 Fishmadman konkurrence – Historier om en god flue – og et kort af træ, der kan holde onde kryb væk.

Tørflue hilsener fra Per og Jesper


Trout on mice flies - mouse fly

En af flereTaimen (Hucho taimen) som Rasmus Ovesen fangede på; muse-fluer fisket på overfladen

Taimen on a Mouse fly

 2014 konkurrence vinder

Fluefisker og skribent Rasmus Ovesen tog vores Tube Rat fluer dybt ind i Mongoliet for at fiske efter store Taimen (Hucho Taimen) – Rasmus og venner fangede flere fisk på vores rørflue-rotter, med den største på; 90 cm. og 15 lb. Rasmus fangede også en monster fisk på 125 cm  på en Craft Fur Streamer , men det er en anden historie… Rasmus er dette års vinder af Fishmadman konkurrence.


Stort tørt tillykke fra Fishmadman

Et par af de andre fluefiskere fra 2014

Ian Martin - salmon on monster tube caddis

Top fluefisker og fotograf; Ian Martin skrev til os fra Gaspe elven – Her med en dejlig fisk fanget på Monster Tube Caddis  Se mere fra Ian Martin

Jens Peder Jeppesen with 85 centimeter salmon from the Morrum RiverDedikeret fluefisker og direktør for det fantastiske Øresundsakvarium; Jens Peder Jeppesen med en september laks fra den svenske Mörrum`s Å.

Jerry Rothman salmon on micr frances fly

Lavt-vands specialist Jerry Rothman fra England, med en af mange oktober fisk fra Skotland – fanget på en lille rød Frances fluer

En god Steelhead bille

Steelhead on wake fly - caddisfly

Foto venligst udlånt af Tom Derry Director of Wild Steelhead Funding Native Fish Society – Steelhead fanget på  Flashback Bug

steelhead flue Flashback bug

The Flashback Bug

Denne sommer har steelhead fiskere testet dette nye fluemønster, ved forskellige elve i Britisk Columbia og Oregon, og resultaterne har været fantastiske. Fluen blev døbt; FlashBack Bug af  steelhead veteran Loren Irving fra Bend i Oregon.

Vi har bundet dem i 3 størrelser svarende til fluer bundet på  # 1 – 4 og 8 kroge
Fluerne er bundet på vores Riffling Hitch rør, og skater perfekt, både på stille og turbulent vand.

Benyt lejligheden nu, og få 2 af hver størrelse FlashBack Bug + 6 modhagerløse Ichiban kroge, samlet i en praktisk plastboks.

Wake fly for steelhead

NB. Tilbud gælder til.o.m 5 Februar 2015

møl i fluebinding og tøj

Hold møl væk fra tøj og fjerJuniperus Virginiana eller Rødt cedertræ, har i århundreder været brugt som et middel til at, holde møl væk fra tøj – Det er faktisk den stærke lugt fra cedertræet, der camouflere duften af de ting, som møl ønsker at lægge deres æg på, så som: pels og fjer.

En rapport fra University of California i Davis, forklare faktisk, at Rødt cedertræ, med tiden også vil dræbe larver af de møl, der har fundet vej til dit tøj eller fluebinding materiale.

Gør hvad du kan for at holde møl væk fra dinne fjer og hår… og gør dette ved at lægge vores Red Cedar Bug-Cards, i dit fluebindingsudstyr – Opbevar dine ting i plasticposer og skift dine Red Cedar Bug-Cards hvert 3 – 4 år

Vi på Fishmadman har gjort dette i årtier, og har (bank under bordet) ikke haft nogen problemer med møl.

Hold møl væk fra dit fluebindings udstyr

The post Nyhedsbrev Januar 2015 – Muse Fluer first appeared on Fishmadman.com.]]>
Newsletter Januar 2015 – Mice Fly http://www.fishmadman.com/newsletter/newsletter-januar-2015-mice-fly Mon, 01 Dec 2014 18:28:51 +0000 http://www.fishmadman.com/?page_id=12963
Fiskeri med musefluer

Dear Flyfisher: Welcome to yet another newsletter from Fishmadman – We have come to the beginning of a new season for Atlantic Salmon – and steelhead

Season 2014 was not a very god year for the Atlantic salmon – and many concerning words has been written about the problems this fantastic fish is facing.

We hope for a better year in 2015 and recommend that you follow the great achievements of NASF (North Atlantic Salmon Fund) and Native Fish Society that work to help Atlantic Salmon and steelhead.

We do also hope that you in 2015 might take the opportunity to make someone  interested in fishing  – We need more people to be passionate about our sport and the fish we fish for – we believe that passionate people will help to preserve our fantastic rivers and the fish that run them.
This time we have a winner for the annual Fishmadman competition – Stories about a good-bug that made the day – and a wooden card that will keep bad-bugs away.

Tight lines from Per and Jesper


Trout on mice flies - mouse fly

One of several Taimen (Hucho taimen) that Rasmus Ovesen caught on Mice flies – was waked on the surface.


Taimen on a Mouse fly

 The 2014 winner

Danish sports journalist Mr Rasmus Ovesen took our Tube Rat deep into Mongolia to catch big Taimen (Hucho taimen) – Mr Ovesen and friends caught some fine fish on our Tube-rodents with the biggest topwater fish at 90 centimetres (35.4 inches) and 15 lb – Rasmus also caught a monster fish of 125 centimetres (50 inches) on a Craft Fur Streamer… Rasmus is this year’s winner of the Fishmadman competition.

Congratulation from Fishmadman



A few of the other anglers from 2014

Ian Martin - salmon on monster tube caddis
Top angler and photographer, The late Mr Ian Martin, wrote us: from the Gaspé rivers with a nice fish caught on the Monster Tube Caddis See more from Mr Ian Martin

Jens Peder Jeppesen with 85 centimeter salmon from the Morrum River

Dedicated salmon angler and director of the famous Oresund Aquarium: Mr Jens Peder Jeppesen with an 85 centimetres September salmon from the Swedish Morrum River

Jerry Rothman salmon on micr frances fly

Low-water specialist Mr Jerry Rothman with one of many October fish from Scotland – caught on a small Red Frances flies.

Steelhead on wake fly - caddisfly

Photo with a curtsy of Tom Derry, Director of Wild Steelhead Funding Native Fish Society – Steelhead caught on the Flashback Bug

Wake fly for steelhead

The Flashback Bug

Steelhead anglers have been fishing this new steelhead bug on different rivers in BC and Oregon this summer, and the results have been great. It was named The FlashBack Bug by steelheader Loren Irving from Oregon. We have tied it in 3 sizes like flies on 1 – 4 – 8 hooks. It features our Riffling Hitch tube system and wakes perfectly in rough and calm water.

Please take the opportunity now and get 2 of each size FlashBack Bugs + 6 hooks in our tube fly box.

Wake fly for steelhead


NB. Offer last until the 5 of February 2015


Keep moth from fly tying material



Red cedar Bug card - keep the moth out of fly tying materialJuniperus Virginiana, or Red Cedar, has been used for centuries as a product to keep moths away from your clothing – It is the strong smell of the Red Cedar that helps to cover up the smell of the things that the moth wants to lay their eggs on like fur and feathers –

A report from the University of California at Davis suggests that, over time, Red Cedar will kill the moth larvae that may have found their way to your cloth or fly-tying material.

Do what you can to keep the moth´s away… and keep our Red Cedar Bug-Cards alongside your fly-tying equipment – Keep things in plastic bags and change the Red Cedar Bug-Cards every  3 – 4 years.

We at Fishmadman have done so for decades and have (knock on wood) not had any problems with the moths.

The post Newsletter Januar 2015 – Mice Fly first appeared on Fishmadman.com.]]>