Blue Charm | Dry fly fishing for salmon and steelhead with Bomber dry flies - Riffling Hitch and wake fly techniques Wed, 15 Nov 2023 07:04:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 34674374 Newsletter July 2017 – What´s in the fly box Sun, 02 Jul 2017 12:35:17 +0000
Salmon fishing
Dear Flyfisher! Welcome to yet another newsletter from us at Fishmadman.
Summers salmon season is on the go and luckily reports are better now than they were same time last year – it has been a cold spring in the very North and when I spoke to friends in Nothern Norway only a few days ago, the rivers was a mere 3 degrees Celsius or 37 degrees Fahrenheit – so my start of the season will surely be more than 10 inches below the surface… but soon the river will be ready for the hitch and dry flies 
This time I thought I would give you a look inside my fly boxès just at the start of summer salmon fishing – before everything gets tangled up and wet.
You might find inspiration and ideas for your next fishing trip
I also manage to get hold of some deep sea prawns with their long horns still intact. Over the winter I wrote forth and back with some of you about the significance of long strands of hair in salmon and steelhead flies. Sometimes a few single hairs can do magic on those fish that is reluctant to take a fly
Last but not least a couple of good deals from our shop
Very tight lines from Jesper & Per

What`s in my fly box?

I bring flies for every possible kind of fishing situation that I may participate in during my stay in Norway – Salmon, sea-run Arctic char, sea trout – I obviously also bring a larger amount of fly tying material so I can try and test new material, fly patterns and variations of the flies we all use.

salmon fly

The high clear water

Blue is a great color for fresh salmon in cold clear water, and the color combination in the Jock Scott fly pattern is favored by salmon in the north. I also use the Gary fly in the same conditions but it really comes into play those days the water gets slightly tinted from heavy rain

Salmon flies

Dens flies in fast water

1 ½ – 2 inch copper tubes are valuable in fast and high water

Salmon tube fly

Fast fish - imitations

Big long-winged flies like the Sunray Shadow is also an early season fly – but it serves well all through the season – Add speed and fish it straight across when water heats up See our lon g winged flies here 

Salmon heavy tube fly

Dens and small

When the river heats up tiny heavy tubes may be the perfect fly – Clear blue hair combined with strands of yellow and red is great for those fresh salmon – Flies with soft black wings catch fish in every river

Blue Charm salmon fly

The dull looking Blue Charm`s

Dull looking Blue Charm`s from # 2 – 12 is a must have box

Seat trout flies for the sea

Picky trout in the sea

Tiny insect imitations (tied with my 3X glasses on) for those picky sea trout and arctic char out in the sea

Small salmon dry flies

The small dry flies

Tiny versions of the Bomber pattern – Small bug`s – is a must have box when the water heats up. Salmon may come to the surface to inspect your big or medium Bomber – but it could be a tiny fly that actually catches the salmon See the tiny bugs here

salmon bomber fly

Medium and bigger dry flies

My trusted box of Bombers and Monster Tube Caddis flies – all prepared with Musceline See our dry flies here

Small salmon tube flies

Lightweight tube flies

Small lightweight tube flies in dull colors for fishing just below the surface,

riffling hitch tube fly

The Hitch box

A box for most of the season – Not every salmon is ready to take a hitched fly – but sometimes the hitched salmon fly will outfish all other flies even in icy cold water – The hitch fly is also one of the few flies that will catch salmon in those difficult days with cold Northerly wind.  See our hitch flies 

General Practitioner salmon fly

Late season shrimp´s

General Practitioner and various shrimp patterns can be perfect every day through the year – but in the late end of the season they become increasingly popular. Read more

Frances tube fly salmon

Small Frances tube flies

Small tube Frances flies – heavy and lightweight. Some of the great success of this fly pattern lies in presentation – I prefer them drifting (falling) towards the salmon See some in the shop

Small Frances flies on treble hook

Miniature Frances flies

Dwarf size Frances flies is must have flies for finicky salmon – Big and small salmon will rice to this fly during most of the season See them in the shop

rødding fluer

Finick arctic char

Artic Char and sea trout – Small and some quite heavy nymphs…Bits of UV reflecting material – golden bead heads makes thes fish bite.

Long hornes on flies

Salmon shrimp fly
Many crustaceans that salmon and steelhead feed on at high seas have long antennas or horns – They serve a purpose but we may also assume that they are part of the overall images of prey that salmon and steelhead search for in the sea – Long thin hair on our wet flies sometimes makes very difficult fish interested – It may be micro movements in the thin hair that triggers a bite – or it could be the see-through effect combined with the way that the light is reflected in the single strands of hair – But it could also be that small details sometimes is very important stuff – I for one have often placed my reliance on the slim built Ally`s shrimp seen in the photo – these are tied with long hair from bear.
We aim to have such long horn flies ready for you later this year.

N E W S L E T T E R summer sale

A selection of our riffling hitch tube flies + a pack of Owner Isema single hooks – at a good price –

See them in the shop

riffling hitch tube flies

A selection of our iridescent and gold Sunray tube flies – at a good price

See them in the shop

Sunray shadow iridescent fly

What are we currently working on?

Wer doing videos on various details from shooting head systems 

Morrish Mouse tube flyA series of the Morrish Mouse fly tied on the tube – The Morrish Mouse is a famous Canadian surface fly on rainbow trout rivers. The Morrish Mouse pattern was originally devised by master fly tier and manager with Fly Water Travel. Mr Ken Morrish

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tube fly tubes Fri, 24 Jul 2015 23:23:38 +0000

Tube flies is the big thing in Europa and salmon, trout and Northern pike anglers will readily use tubes for many different fly patterns. Not only do the tubes allow anglers to make big light pattern that is easy to cast on light fly fishing equipment, but the tube fly also gives the angler new ways of presenting the fly as something unique.

salmon on tube fly

Tube fly for difficult situations

As I write this post, I have just returned from an evening fishing at the mouth of the river where I fish – Salmon had just entered on the 6 o’clock tide and as the water was pulling back to the sea. Small and big salmon were settling near the big rocks on the river bed.

As the water is only a few feet deep, I use tube dry flies; tiny Frances shrimp flies and single hook wet fly patterns like Blue Charm and Undertaker in # 12… Today the fish was unwilling and a cold northerly wind blew in from the sea… In such difficult situations, most anglers will pack up and leave. Still, I brought out tiny clear-bodied tube flies with wings made of a few hairs from silver tippet squirrel – I call it the V-FLY, and I fish this micro tube fly as a riffling hitch pattern – Riffling hitch pattern can work wonders in such unfriendly conditions. I soon had the first fish turning for the fly, and almost every fish settling in the shallow pool tried to grab the fly.  Two fish to the tiny V-FLY an hour later had turned this bitterly cold evening into a fantastic day of salmon fishing.

tube fly designWe produce some of the best tubes for tube flies.

As tube fly fishermen, we appreciate perfect tubes for our fishing and fly tying, and we have used countless hours with plastic manufacturers to get the tubes perfect for tube fly production. Most tubes bought in fly fishing shops are made for different purposes than flies and fly fishing. Still, the tubes designed with Fishmadman fit the bill – One such tube is our tube designed for riffling hitch flies such as the simple V-FLY – This is a flexible tube made from a PVC free Polyethylene formula that will hold many different size hooks – withstand harsh weather conditions and a lot of mechanical wear and tear.

See the selection of tubes we have had designed for different fly patterns

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Opstrøm med lakseflue 2011 Fri, 09 Mar 2012 11:51:33 +0000
  • Lakseflue – opstrøms

  • Fishmadman 2011 Konkurrence

  • Newfoundland

  • En lille YouTube film om en lakse-smolt, jeg mødte denne sommer

  • Årets sidste laks 2012

Der vil være tekst og billeder i dette nyhedsbrev der kan findes andre steder på dette site

Opstrøms lakseflue

Blue Charm isbjørn - Micro våd flue til at fiske opstrøms og ned
Blue Charm : Sandsynligvis den bedste og mest alsidige, lakseflue der findes. Her bundet med blå isbjørn på en micro lille # 12 Kamasan B180 krog – skabt som opstrøms lakseflue.

lakseflue på en anderledes måde

6 ugers fiskeri i Nord Norge var en “tør-oplevelse” for denne skribent – Ikke så meget i anknytning til tørflue – men vejret fulgte den generelle trenden for den sidste 10 år`s periode – og i nogle områder af Nord Norge var der helt usædvanligt tørt. Elve tørrede ind, og laksene blev passive i pool´s der blev gradvist mindre. Fiskeriet var mildest talt svært i slutningen af sæsonen – Og som det ofte er med forsigtige fisk i lavt vand, så måtte konventionelle teknikker udskiftes med anderledes fiskeformer. I de sidste uger af sæsonen havde jeg fundet frem til en fiskemetode hvorved jeg kunne få fisken til at, reagere på mine fluer… Tricket var at, bruge absolut små laksefluer, bundet med isbjørne hår. Fisket opstrøms – og hurtigt nedover i overfladen, parallelt med strømmen –  Direkte på hoved af fisken…


Repparfjord elven med lakseflue

2011: Tør sommer i Norge

Absolut lavt vand ved Repparfjord Rød zone August 2011 Normalt er lavt og varmt vand ikke nogen dårlig ting ved Repparfjord, men når forhold som, disse vare ved, bliver der få pladser der fisker godt  – og mange fluefiskere der skal kaster deres lakseflue på disse pladser. Dette er bestemt ikke nogen fordel – når laksen bliver forsigtig i det lave vand

Lakseflue fisket opstrøms og Snell`s Vindue

Lakseflue fisket opstrøms

Sensommer grillse fanget på opstrøms lakseflue: Blue Charm str # 8 .

Lakseflue fisket opstrøms er ikke nogen ny opfindelse – og du har sikkert også prøvet at fange en laks på en flue der gik den “forkerte vej” – Det som var interessant ved mit fiskeri var at; det ikke var, lige meget hvordan fluen blev fisket over fiskene – der stod på 90 centimeter vand.

Det forhold at fiskene havde været i disse pools i længere tid, medvirkede helt sikkert til at deres interesse for laksefluer i al´ almindelighed, var mindskes betydeligt – men det relativt lave vand og deres ventetid i elven gjorde sikkert også fiskene var langt mindre tilbøjelige til at jage fluen, i yderkanten af Sneel`s Vindue – Laksefluen skulle helst komme ind over fisken frontalt. Kom fluen ind over fisken i en 45 grader vinkle var der ingen eller ganske lille interesse.

Om Sneel`s Vindue

Den tekniske betegnelse for den måde hvorved livet under vandet  ser tingen oven vande kaldes Snell`s Vindue. I følge denne viden ser fisk ting på overfladen, igennem en kegle med en brede på 96 grader. Det er  i kanten af denne kegle at vi ønsker at placere vores lakseflue – Kanten af keglen er således også et sted hvor fisken kan se og blive skræmt af vores forfang. Da vinklen på keglen er ca. 45 grader vil man nogenlunde kunne beregne hvor kanten af Snell`s Vindue er. En lille beregning vil f.eks vise at; en fisk der står på bunden på 6 fod`s dybde (1.8 meter) vil man have kanten af Snell`s Vindue 6 fod foran sig…

Læs om Sneel´s Vindue og hvordan du skal placere din lakseflue

Bur laks fanget i Norsk Elv

Fiskeri med tørflue var ikke ikke godt hele sæsonen igennem…Men nogle uger bød Norge på perfekte forhold. Her har forfatteren haft den tvivlsomme ære at; fange denne 6.5 kg. super stærke laks på en hvid Tube Bomber™ lakseflue  …Problemet med denne fisk er at; det er en undsluppen bur-laks… Derfor den deforme rygfinne, de mange pletter og den lille hale. I sandhed en fisk non grata

FISHMADMAN konkurrence 2011

Terry Byrne Vinder af Fishmadman 2011 konkurence

Vinder; Hr. Terry Byrne Med en af mange store Newfoundland laks


En særlig tak fra os på Fishmadman, til alle fluefiskere der deltog i vores lille sports-event. – Vi håber i vil check ind og se nogle af de historier og fotos sportsfiskere har sendt os denne sommer/efterår – I år  fik vi desuden breve om: fantastisk tørfluefiskeri efter land-locked laks…der efter sigende, var fuldstændigt vilde for at, bide på Monster Tube Caddis ™. Måske en ide til efterfølgelse, hvis du fisker i f.eks. Klarälven – Vi håber at kunne bringe dig historier om dette interessante fiskeri efter laks..

Læs her hvad vinder Terry Byrne skriver 

Newfoundland rejse !

Nedenfor Big Falls på Upper Humber

Som et middelalder maleri af Pieter Bruegel: Fuld af små detaljer og figure – sceneriet fra den majestætiske dal nedenfor  Big Falls vandfaldet ved Humber elven

Denne sommer var Fishmadman holdet i Newfoundland, for at opleve hvorledes man fisker ved “lakse-tørfluefiskeriets krybbe” Dette gjorde vi med guide: Bill Bryden fra  Eurekaoutdoors – Og havde fantastiske dages laksefiskeri ved flere elve… Timingen var ikke perfekt, da vi ankom midt imellem forskellige træk af fisk: For tidligt til de store laks – For sent til de enorme træk af grills. Men fiskeriet var alligevel utroligt – og elvene var uden sidestykke… Vi håber at kunne bringe dig den fulde historie om Newfoundland, når vinteren er på sit værste, og din længsel efter sommer og elvbreden er på det største.

Grills fanget på CDC Bomber en Micro lakseflue
En grills fra Big Falls, fanget på en Micro CDC Bomber lakseflue… Vi søsætter en serie af disse micro Bombers til sæson 2012. Fluer til at fange de svære fisk i varmt vand.

Se vores serie af Micro CDC Bombers samt andre Micro Lakse tørfluer

Den fantastiske Exploits elv

Den fænomenale Exploite elv… Stor som Namsen – lavvandet som Repparfjord elven…Fuld af laks… Et paradis for tørfluefiskere

Et besøg ved den 240 km. lange Exploit elv var en fantastisk oplevelse: 50 000 + Atlanterhavs laks går op i denne sublime flue-fiske elv, hvilket gør den til en absolut top destination for tørflue fiskere… denne elv er spået til at have en opgang på 100 000 laks om ganske få år. Vil du planlægge en tur til dette vidunder af en elv ? – Kontakt Bill Bryden via:  Eureka outdoors

En lille film om en laksesmolt jeg mødte denne sommer

Laksen er den af salmonidae familien der er mest overflade orienteret , og måden laksesmolten lever og spiser i elven, er følgelig af stor interesse for laksefiskere – og en hjørnesten i fluefiskeriets verden . Denne sommer havde jeg fornøjelsen af at, have en lakse smolt ret foran mig, fuldt i gang med jagt på overfladen Jeg lavede en lille film med mit lommekamera – og håber i vil nyde dette lille YouTube dokument. NB. Hvis du ser nærmere efter vil du se 3 voksne fisk i baggrunden – noget jeg først så da jeg var kommet hjem fra ferie

Big Pearl Blue Sunray Shadow

Årets sidste laks !

Årets sidste laks var 7 kg fanget på det nederste fiskestræk af North Esk i Skotland denne uge af oktober. Strækket hedder Kinnaber og er ejet af  laksefisker: Martin Stansfeldt. Vil du vide mere om fiskeriet på Kinnaber se: FishEsk Laksen blev fanget  på vores nye Pearl Blue Sunray Shadow.  Du finder denne lakseflue på vores menu  kort for sæson 2012  Se Sunray Shadows i butikken


☛ Støt Orri Vigùffson og NASF i at redde  Atlanterhavslaksen -Besøg NASF side ! ☚ Besøg NASF side

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Up-stream wet fly November 2011 Newsletter Tue, 06 Mar 2012 13:14:29 +0000

Newsletter content this time:

  • Upstream sub-fly
  • The 2011 Fishmadman competition
  • Newfoundland trip
  • A small film on a salmon parr I met this summer
  • Last fish of the season

→ Some of the featuring Newsletter material on this page is also printed elsewhere on this site

Upstream sub-fly

Blue Charm Polar bear

Blue Charm: Probably the most versatile of all salmon patterns. Here dressed with blue polar bear on a tiny # 12 Kamasan B180 hook 

6 weeks of fishing in Northern Norway was a dry experience to this writer! Not so much in terms of dry fly fishing but in terms of weather, as the summer of 2011 followed the trend of the last decade and was particularly dry in some regions in the north. Rivers was showing bone and salmon quickly got wary being locked in the gradually fewer pools available.

Fishing was difficult to say the least – and as it often is with cautious fish in low-water the usual techniques and methods has to be revised, redesigned and reworked.

In the last weeks of the season I had finally unraveled the puzzle to such an extend that I could catch fish on a regular basis… The trick was; tiny sub-flies tied with polar bear. Fished upstream and retrieved fast over the fish – in a head-on collision course.

I only connected with the fish if the fly was fished upstream and retrieved fast over the fish – in a head-on collision course. Fished on a angle was less successful

Salmon in river

Pack of salmon lying motionless in a quiet pool – No action on dry fly …and very difficult to fish on traditional downstream method. Fished with up-stream wet fly retrieved back swiftly might prove to be the answer to a solid take.


Atlantic Salmon caught on Tube Bomber

Dry fly fishing was not available all summer…But for some weeks, conditions were excellent. Here Jesper had the dubious honour of catching a 6.5 kg. (14 lb.) super strong salmon on a white Tube Bomber ™…The problem with this fish was that it was an escape from a salmon farm…Hens the multiple spots and deformity of the back fin, small tail… A fish non grata


FISHMADMAN competition 2011

Terry Byrne Winner of the 2011 competition 
Winner Mr Terry Byrne with one of his many big Newfoundland salmon 

Thanks to all anglers taking part in our small 2011 sporting event… We hope you will check in to see the stories of some people who wrote to us – This summer, we also got reports on some super landlocked salmon fishing from Newfoundland…We hope to bring you more on this intriguing form of salmon fishing soon. .



Newfoundland trip!

Below Big Falls on the Lower Humber

Like a medieval painting by Pieter Bruegel: Full of small details and characters – The scenery of the majestic valley below Big Falls on the Upper Humber River

This summer, The Fishmadman team made a short trip to Newfoundland to see how the fishing was done in the cradle of dry fly fishing – We did so with guide Mr Bill Bryden from Eureka Outdoors – and had some fantastic fishing days… Timing was not perfect, and we came in between the different run of fish: Too early for the big salmon – and too late for the big grills run. But fishing and rivers were staggering. We hope to bring you a full story on Newfoundland when winter is at its worst – and your longing for the riverbanks is at its greatest.

Salmon caught on CDC micro Bomber

A Big Falls grills caught on a Micro CDC Bomber… We will launch a set of these micro Bombers for the 2012 season. Flies to subdue difficult fish in warm water

 New!  We will be making a set of Micro CDC Bombers. See them in the shop


The fantastic Exploits River

The fabulous Exploits River: Big as Scandi River Namsen – shallow as the mighty Repparfjord River. Full of fish: The perfect fly fishing destination.

A visit to the Exploit River was a tremendous experience… 50 000 + salmon enter this great fly-fishing river making this a prime destination for dry fly anglers… The river is foreseen to become a river of 100 000 salmon in just a few years. For fishing inquiries for the Exploit River, contact Mr. Bill Bryden through Eureka Outdoors.



☛ Support NASF in rescuing the Atlantic salmon – Go to NASF page! ☚

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